A&P Chapter 8 Flashcards
Classes of Joints
Fibrous joints - Sutures - syndesmoses - gomphosis Cartilaginous joints - Synchondroses - Symphyses Synovial joints
Fibrous Joints
Sutures - Seams between skull bones Syndesmoses - Fibrous joint joined by ligament Gomphoses - Pegs that fit into sockets
Opposing bones interdigitate.
Sutural ligament:
- two periostea plus dense, fibrous, connective tissue between.
- membranous areas in the suture between bones. Allow change in shape of head during birth and rapid growth of the brain after birth.
- Bones farther apart than suture and joined by ligaments
- Some movement may occur
- Examples: radioulnar (interosseus membrane)
Specialized joints
Pegs that fit into sockets
Held in place by regular collagenous tissue
Only found in teeth and mandible/maxilla
Peridontal bundle
- Connective tissue between teeth & sockets
Cartilaginous Joints
United 2 bones by either hyaline or fibrocartilage Synchondroses - Joints containing hyaline cartilage Symphyses - Joints containing fibrocartilage
2 bones joined by hyaline cartilage Little or no movement Examples - Epiphyseal plates of growing bones - 1st rib and the sternum
Fibro-cartilage uniting 2 bones Movable Examples - Manubrium and body of sternum - Symphysis pubis - -Inter-vertebral disks
Synovial Joints
Contain synovial fluid Allow considerable movement Articular cartilage covers articulation sites Articular disk - Lies between articular cartilages Meniscus - Articular disk in knee or wrist
General Structural Features
Joint cavity - Encloses articular surfaces of 2 bones Joint Capsule - Encases joint cavity - Contains synovial membrane Synovial membrane - Produces synovial fluid rich in hyaluronic acid
Synovial membrane extends to form a sac Contains synovial fluid Provides cushioning to prevent rubbing Bursitis - Inflammation of bursa & restricts movement
Types of Synovial Joints
Classified by shape of articular surfaces: Plane (Gliding) Saddle Hinge Pivot Ball-and-socket Ellipsoid
Movement of Synovial Joints
Uniaxial - One axis Biaxial - Two axes Multiaxial - Several axes
Plane Joint
2 flat bones of equal size that can glide
Movement is uniaxial
- Intervertebral
- intercarpal
- Carpometacarpal
- costovertebral, intertarsal, sacroiliac, tarsometatarsal
Saddle Joint
2 saddle shaped articulating surfaces oriented at right angles Biaxial joints Example - Carpometacarpal joint of the thumb