Pathoma 12.4 Nephritic syndromes Flashcards
What are the two chcs of nephritic syndromes
Glomerular Infl and bleeding = hematuria
proteinuria level in nephritic syndrome
< 3.5g/day
What is seen in urine in Nephritic syndome (2)
RBC casts and dysmorphic RBCS
electrolyte status in nephritic syndrome
salt retention
salt retention leads to what two sequelae in Nephritic synd
periorbital edema and HTN
Is azotemia present in Nephritic Synd
Biopsy of GLom in neph syndrome
hypercellular, inflammed glomeruli
What mediates damage in nephritic Sn (4)
IC deposition activates complement.
C5a attracts neutrophils which do the damage
After a GAS infx what NS arises
Poststretococcal Glomerulonephritis (PSGN)
What defines a nephritogenic strain of GAS?
M-protein antigen
4 things PSGN presents as
hematuria- coke colored urine
periorbital edema
PSGN usually occurs in what pop
What hallmark is seen in EM with PSGN
subepithelial ‘humps’
What is the IF in PSGN
granular deposits
Crescents in Bowman’s space are comprised of what 2 things
fibrin and macrophages