Pathology of Integument Pt 5 Flashcards
What is nodular / diffuse dermatitis? What are the subcategories it can fall under (causes)?
What is seen in this image? What is being indicated by the black arrows?
Nodular / diffuse dermatitis
What can be seen in this image? What are the typical lesions that are associated with this condition?
Nodular / diffuse dermatitis
Lesions: Nodular or plaque like lesions that may be alopecic, ulcerated, draining.
What diagnostics can be used for nodular/ diffuse dermatitis? What should your sample consist of? What are the different techniques?
What is canine leproid granuloma? What breeds are affected typically? What do the lesions typically look like? What kind of stain can it be detected with?
Canine leproid granuloma
• Cause: novel mycobacterial species.
• Most commonly affects short coated large breeds such as Boxers
• Pinnae
• Single to multiple well circumscribed, firm, nonpainful dermal nodules
• Pyogranulomatous dermatitis with intralesional acid-fast positive bacteria
What can be seen in this image?
- canine leproid granuloma
What is seen in this stain? What is the stain on the right?
This is a stain of canine leproid granuloma. The stain on the right is acid fast stain
What can be seen with deep or systemic fungal infection? What are the typical lesions? What are they caused by?
Deep and/or systemic fungal infection
• Usually cutaneous lesions are secondary to systemic infection (lungs, eyes, bones)
• Ingestion or inhalation from contaminated soil
• Examples:
• Cryptococcus neoformans
• Histoplasma capsulatum
• Blastomyces dermatitidis
• Coccidioides immitis
What is causing the lesion in this cat?
What is causing the lesion in this cat?
What is the cause of this lesion in this dog?
What is the cause of this lesion in this dog?
What can be seen in this histological slide that is indicated by the black arrow?
What can be seen in this histological slide that is indicated by the black arrow?
What can be seen in this histological slide that is indicated by the black arrow?
What can be seen in this histological slide that is indicated by the black arrow?
What is pythiosis? Where can the causative agent be found? What do the lesions look like? What kind of inflammation is present?
What condition is seen in these images?
What is leishmaniasis? How can it be transmitted? What are the classic lesions for this issue? What changes can be seen on bloodwork?
* Leishmania sp. (L. infantum) ; obligate intracellular protozoa
* Transmission: Bite of a sandfly * Zoonotic disease
* Cutaneous and systemic disease
* Alopecia, ulcers, nodules, exfoliative dermatitis; muzzle, periorbital and aural regions, onychogryphosis
* Blood work: hyperproteinemia with hypergammaglobulinemia and
What can be seen in this image? What is the arrow pointing to?
What is habronemiasis? What is the causative agent? How is it transmitted? When do you see these lesions? What do the lesions look like?
What are examples of non-infectious diffuse/nodular dermatitis?
- Sterile granulomatous dermatitis and lymphadenitis
- Eosinophilic granuloma
What is sterile granulomatous dermatitis and lymphadenititis? What breeds is it seen in? What age? What lesions are seen? What are the clinical signs? What causes it?
What is sterile granulomatous dermatitis and lymphadenititis?
Responsive to
immunosuppressive drugs
Where is pythiosis seen commonly in dogs? What about in horses?
Dogs (GI > skin)
horses (skin > GI)
What is eosinophilic granuloma complex ? What can be seen in cats with this condition?
What is seen in this image?
indolent ulcer from eosinophilic granuloma complex
What is the cell being indicted by the black arrow?
What is seen in this image? What is being indicated by the black arrow?
What is panniculitis? What are some causes?
What is occuring in this image?
What can be seen in this image? What is the cause?
Panniculitis ( Nodules seen here)
What can be seen in this image? What is the cause?
What is the diagnostic used to determine panniculitis? How is it done?
What is sterile nodular panniculitis? What breeds are typically affected? Where do the lesions occur? What signs can be seen? What diagnostics can be used? What kind of lesions seen? What is the cause?
What is occurring in this image? What is indicated by the black arrow?
What is atrophic dermatoses (non inflammatory alopecia)? What are the features? what are the causes?
What is occurring in this image? What is indicated by the black arrows?
What are endocrine dermatoses? What are the lesions seen? What is diagnosis based on?
What is the likely causes of this patients dermatoses?
Endocrine Dermatoses
What are conditions causing endocrine dermatoses?
What is hypothyroidism? What age dogs can you see this in? What do the lesions look like?
What endocrine dermatoses is this dog likely experiencing?
What is hyperadrenocorticism? What is the likely causes? What lesions can be seen/ clinical signs?
What is the condition this dog is likely suffering from?
What is alopecia X? What are the typical lesions/ locations?What breeds are typically affected?
What is the condition this dog is likely suffering from?
Alopecia X
What is hyperestrogenism? What is the cause? What are the lesions seen/ location? What are other clinical signs seen?
What condition are these dogs likely suffering from?
What is cutaneous vasculitis? What are he typical causes?
What are the typical clinical signs/ lesions seen for cutaneous vasculitis?
What is the likely cause for the signs seen in these images?
Cutaneous Vasculitis
What is the likely cause for the signs seen in these images?
Cutaneous Vasculitis
What is swine erysipelas? What is the causative agent? Is it an acute or chronic condition? What signs are seen? Who does it affect?
What are the integumentary tumor like proliferations?
- Viral plaque
- Cysts
- Hamartoma
- Cutaneous horn
What are the integumentary categories of tumors?
- epithelial
- mesenchymal
- Round cell
What is the endings for benign epithelial tumors? Malignant?
Benign: adenoma
Malignant: Carcinoma
What is the endings for benign mesenchymal tumors? Malignant?
Benign: oma
Malignant: Sarcoma
What diagnostics can you run for masses?
Cytology of mass from FNA (fine needle aspirates)
What category of cells can be seen in this image?
What category of cells can be seen in this image?
What category of cells can be seen in this image?
Round Cells
What is this tumor like lesion?
Cutaneous tag
What is this tumor like lesion?
Follicular cyst
What is this tumor like lesion?
Cutaneous Horn
What kind of papillomaviral disease is seen in this image?
Oral Papillomatosis
What kind of papillomaviral disease is seen in this image?
Cutaneous papillomas
What kind of papillomaviral disease is seen in this image?
Pigmented Viral plaque
What kind of papillomaviral disease is seen in this image?
Squamous cell carcinomas
What is seen in this image? What are the black arrows pointing at?
What is the cause of papillomavirus in cattle? How is it transmitted? What cattle is this common in? What do lesions look like/ what are their locations?
What is squamous cell carcinoma? What is the cause? Where on the skin does it normally affect? What animal is it common in?
What condition is this cat suffering from?
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
What is this cow suffering from?
What is an equine sarcoid? Is it common? What is the cause? What do the lesions look like/ where are they located? How can this tumor be characterized? Once removed will it reoccur?
What is this horse suffering with?
Equine sarcoid
What is this cat suffering with?
Injection site-associated sarcoma
What are injection site sarcomas? What kind can their be? What is the usual cause? What is the activity of the tumor/ prognosis?
What is this dark red nodule seen in this image?
Hemangioma or hemangiosarcoma
What is this darkly pigmented nodules?
Melanocytoma or melanoma
What are the different kinds of round cell neoplasias?
What should you always do for round cell tumors?
- Perform FNA and do cytologic exam
What is a histiocytoma? What animal is it most common in? What is a special factor about it?
What is the round cell tumor seen in these images?
What is the round cell tumor seen in these images?
Mast Cell Tumor
What is the most common tumors in dogs?
Mast Cell Tumor
What is a mast cell tumor? What is the typical lesions look like/ where are they found? What is prognosis dependent on? What should you always do for mast cell tumors?
What is canine cutaneous epitheliotrophic lymphoma? Who is it normally seen in? What are the typical lesions? Where does this tumor typically spread?
What condition is seen in these images?
canine cutaneous epitheliotrophic lymphoma
What is seen in this image? What is the stain used in the 2nd image on the right?