Pathology lab # 1 (Muscle and Bone) Flashcards
What is seen in this image? What is your morphologic diagnosis? What is your etiology? What is your etiologic diagnosis? What is the name of the disease?

Morphologic diagnosis (Mdx): Multifocal to locally extensive Necro-hemorrhagic and emphysematous myositis (or rhabdomyositis).
Etiology (cause): Clostridium chauvoei
Etiologic diagnosis (Edx): Clostridial myositis
Name of the disease: Black leg

What is seen in this image? What is your morphologic diagnosis? What is your etiology? What is your etiologic diagnosis? What is the name of the disease?

Morphologic diagnosis (Mdx): Necro-hemorrhagic and emphysematous myositis (or rhabdomyositis).
Etiology (cause): Clostridium chauvoei
Etiologic diagnosis (Edx): Clostridial myositis
Name of disease: Black leg

What is seen in this image? What is your morphologic diagnosis? What is your etiology? What is your etiologic diagnosis? What is the name of the disease?

Mdx: Fibrinous, necrotizing and hemorrhagic emphysematous myocarditis/ pericarditis
Etiology (cause): Clostridium chauvoei
Etiologic diagnosis (Edx): Clostridial myocarditis
Name of the disease: Black leg

What is seen in this image? What is your morphologic diagnosis? What is your etiology? What is your etiologic diagnosis? What is the name of the disease?

Name of the disease: Sarcocystosis (sarcosporiosis)
Edx: Parasitic myositis (also protozoal myositis, Sarcoscystis sp.-induced myositis).
The parasitic cysts, containing bradyzoites have a “rice grain” appearance.

What is seen in this image? What is your morphologic diagnosis? What is your etiology? What is your etiologic diagnosis? What is the name of the disease?

Etiologic Dx: Parasitic myositis
Etiology: taenia cystocercoids
Name of disease: Name of the disease: Cysticercosis (in this case also “Moose Measles”).

What is seen in this image? What is your morphologic diagnosis? What is your etiology? What is your etiologic diagnosis? What is the name of the disease?

Mdx: Muscle atrophy, masseter muscle (also atrophic myositis).
Name of the disease: Masticatory myositis.
Edx: Immune-mediated myositis.
Etiology: immune mediated

What is seen in this image? What is your description? What is your etiology? What is your etiologic diagnosis? What is the name of the disease?

Description: Locally extensive areas of pale degeneration/ necrosis. Slightly raised and granular pale-tan to white streaks (arrow) represent areas of dystrophic calcification.
Etiology: Vitamin E/ Se deficiency
Etiologic diagnosis : Nutritional Myopathy
Name of the disease: Nutritional myopathy, White muscle disease

What is seen in this image? What is your morphologic diagnosis? What is your etiology? What is your etiologic diagnosis? What is the name of the disease? ***

MDx: Locally extensive areas of Ischemic necrosis.
Etiologic Diagnosis: Traumatic myopathy
Note the reddish rim of inflammation surrounding the necrotic area (arrow).
Name of the condition: Downer Syndrome (or downer cow syndrome).

What is seen in this image? What is your morphologic diagnosis? What is your etiology? What is your etiologic diagnosis? What is the name of the disease?

Mdx: Locally extensive myocardial degeneration/ necrosis –left ventricle
Name of the disease: Nutritional myopathy (or white muscle disease).
EDx: Nutritional Myopathy
Etiology: Se/ Vit E deficiency

What is seen in this image? What is your morphologic diagnosis? What is your etiology? What is your etiologic diagnosis? What is the name of the disease?

Mdx: Locally extensive myocardial degeneration/ necrosis –left ventricle
Name of the disease: Nutritional myopathy (or white muscle disease).
EDx: Nutritional Myopathy
Etiology: Se/ Vit E deficiency
- When sectioning these areas may have a gritty consistency since dystrophic calcification is a common feature of WMD.
- Calf since this is on left side. right side would be lamb

What is seen in this image? What is your morphologic diagnosis? What is your etiology? What is your etiologic diagnosis? What is the name of the disease?

Name of the disease: Cervico-vertebral stenotic myelopathy (Wobbler syndrome). Note focal stenosis of the vertebral canal and the presence of a “ski slope”.
Etiology: Congenital / Injury ect
Etiologic diagnosis: congenital myelopathy

What is seen in this image? What is your morphologic diagnosis? What is your etiology? What is your etiologic diagnosis? What is the name of the disease?

Wobbler syndrome. Note severe stenosis of the vertebral canal leading to focal compression (ischemic injury) of the spinal cord (focal compressive myelopathy).

What is seen in this image? What is your morphologic diagnosis? What is your etiology? What is your etiologic diagnosis? What is the name of the disease?

The epaxial muscles are diffusely pale (degeneration/ necrosis) and wet (cut surfaces ooze clear fluid).
Name of the disease: Porcine Stress Syndrome (PSS).

What is seen in this image?

White muscle disease

What is seen in this image?

Name of the disease: osteopetrosis

What is seen in this image? What are characteristics of this disease?

Name of the disease: Bovine chondrodysplasia (or chondrodystrophy) also known as disproportionate dwarfism. Note shorter limbs and slightly shorter maxilla/ mandible: “snorter calf ”. They are called snorters because they often present deformed maxillary sinuses that lead to breathing difficulties.

What is seen in this image? What characteristics can be seen?

Lethal bulldog syndrome, the most severe form of bovine chondrodysplasia.
Shortened muzzle which makes tongue look abnormally large, mishapen head, short limbs, small body, born stillborn. Hernias?