Parts Of The Brain Flashcards
Inferior and Superior colliculi
This is part of the midbrain. Deals with sensorimotor reflexes., involuntary. Using Superior (Visual) and Inferior (auditory) triggers.
Cerebellum. What part of the brain is it apart of? Damage to the cerebellum causes…
Part of the hindbrain. Maintains posture balance and coordinates body movements.
Damage to the cerebellum causes:
- Clumsiness
- Slurred speech
- Loss of balance
Medulla Oblongata. What part of the brain does it fall under?
It is part of the hindbrain. It controls and regulates vital functions such as: -Breathing -Heart rate -Blood pressure
Pons. Where is located? What part of the brain does it fall under?
It is part of the hindbrain. It located under the cerebellum and over the medulla oblongata. Contains sensory and motor pathways between the cerebral cortex and the medulla.
Thalamus. What part of the brain does it fall under?
It’s part of the forebrain. It’s serves as a relay station for incoming sensory information, for all senses except smell. It takes info and sends it to the appropriate area of the cerebral cortex.
Hypothalamus. What part of the brain does it fall under? Describe each section of the hypothalamus.
It is part of the forebrain. Serves homeostatic functions, and is a key player in emotional experiences during high arousal states: aggressive behavior and sexual behavior.
The four F’s: The sections:
- Feeding - Lateral Hypothalamus (LH): when
- Fighting Destroyed it leads to Lack of Hunger
- Flighting
- Functioning sexually -VentroMedial Hypothalamus(VMH):when
broken someone is Very Much Hungry
-Anterior hypothalamus (A): when broken Someone is asexual.
Basal ganglia. What part of the brain is it under. What is a disease that is caused by the destruction of the basal ganglia?
Part of the forebrain. It coordinates muscle movement. When destroyed it could lead to Parkinson’s disease.
Limbic system. What part of the brain does it fall under? What does it include?
It’s part of the forebrain.
The limbic system includes:
- Septal nuclei
- Amygdala
- Hippocampus
What is the functions for septal nuclei. Where part of the brain is Iocated?
It’s part of the limbic system.
The septal nuclei deals with:
- Feelings of pressure
- Pleasure-Seeking behavior
- Addiction
What is the functions of the Amygdala? What part of the brain is it located?
It’s part of the limbic system.
The Amygdala deals with fear and aggression
What are the functions of the hippocampus? What part of the brain is it under? Damage to the hippocampus may lead to…
It’s part of the limbic system.
The hippocampus deals with the consolidating of memories and learning. It communicates with other parts of the limbic system using the fornix.
A problem in the hippocampus may lead to anterograde amnesia or retrograde amnesia.
Cerebral cortex. What part of the brain is it under?
It’s part of the forebrain. It’s the outer layer of the brain and it contains the four lobes: Frontal, Parietal, Occipital, and temporal.
Deals with complex perceptual, cognitive, and behavioral processes.
What is the frontal lobe? Describe some of its functions and what parts of the brain it includes.
The frontal lobe controls executive function, impulse control, long-term planning (Prefrontal cortex), intimates voluntary motor function (primary motor cortex), and speech production (Broca’s area)
What are some basic function Parietal lobe and what sections of the brain does it include?
The Parietal lobe deals with Sensation of touch, pressure, temperature, and pain ( Somatosensory Cortex); spatial processing, orientation, and manipulation.
Describe the function of the Occipital lobe.
The main function is visual processing.
Describe some basic functions of the Temporal lobe. Also, mention the parts of the brain that are associated with this lobe.
Sound processing (Auditory cortex), speech perception (Wernicke’s area), memory and emotion ( Limic system)
What is included in the cerebrum?
- Cerebral cortex
- Limbic System
- Basal ganglia
- Olfactory Bulb