Paper2: Developmental-Lee et al Flashcards
Describe the aims of lee et al
To see if Chinese and Canadian children would differ in how they rated truth-telling and lie-telling in pro-social and anti-social settings
What were the independent variables?
- Nationality of the child: Chinese or Canadian
- Age of the child: 7, 9 or 11 years old
- How the character behaved: pro-social or anti-social
- What was affected by the behaviour of the child in the story: social or physical
Describe the Chinese sample?
60 males and 60 females
40 age 7, 40 age 9 and 40 age 11
Overall 120
City of Hangzhou
Describe the Canadian sample?
58 males and 50 females
36 age 7, 40 age 9 and 32 age 11
Overall 108
City of Fredericton
Mainly middle class
Describe the procedure
Children allocated to either social or physical story condition on a random basisFirst the rating scale was explained to them
- Each child listened to all four social stories or all four physical stories
- Asked questions on whether what they did was good or naughty
What was pro-social truth telling?
Doing a good deed and admitting to doing it
What was pro-social lie telling?
Doing a good deed but saying that they didn’t do it
What was anti-social truth telling?
Doing a bad deed but admitting to doing it
What was anti-social lie telling?
Doing a bad deed and lying about doing it
What were the pro social truth telling results?
The two cultures showed no significant difference in their ratings.
interaction between age and culture,
Canadian children gave similar ratings to truth telling at each age, whereas Chinese children rated truth telling less positively as age increased.
What were the pro-social lie telling results?
Canadian children rated lie telling negatively although this became less negative as aged increased.
Chinese children changed from rating lie telling negatively at age 7 to rating it positively at age 11
What were the anti-social truth telling results?
No significant difference between cultures, with the children from Canada and China rating truth telling very positvely
What were the anti-social lie telling results?
Significance was shown between age groups, with the negative ratings increasing with age irrispective of culture
How did they obtain quantitative data?
7 point scale from very very good to very very naughty.
Describe the findings?
children from each culture showed the same level of morality
except chinese as they got older
as both sets of children got older, they all rated the antisocial lie telling more negatively.
Describe the conclusions
Moral development is different in different cultures as a result of socio-cultural norms and practices, and not only as result of cognitive development.
Describe the ethical considerations
informed consent assumed to be given by parents
-right to withdraw - unequal numbers of children in cultures could reflect some canadian parents exercising their right to withdraw
-protection from harm