Palpitation, Chest Impediment + Insomnia Flashcards
Etiology, Pathogensis, Patterns, S/sx, Treatment Principles + Principle Points
2 main functions of the Heart
Heart governs the Blood
Houses the Shen
What are the clinical symptoms of the Palpitations?
The subjective feeling of uncertain heartbeat and nervousness that is even uncontrollable
Symptoms are always paroxysmal and can be induced by emotional fluctuation or overexertion.
What additional symptoms accompany Palpitations?
Insomnia, chest stuffiness, dizziness, and dyspnea.
What diseases can the symptoms be seen in according to Western medicine?
Coronary heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, anemia, and cardiac neurosis.
2 main etioligies of Palpitations
Disturbance of Mind + Spirit
Insufficiency of Qi + Blood
The following are patterns of __________?
Blood stasis of Heart
Water Qi Intimidating Heart
HT + GB Xu
HT + SP Xu
Hyperactivity of the Fire due to Yin Xu
What are the causes of the excessive patterns of Palpitation due to disturbance of the Mind + Spirit?
Internal accumulation of Phlegm + Heat
Mental Depression + anger
The following is the pathogenesis of _____________ causing Defiecent patterns of Palpitations.
Persistent disease, weak constitution, loss of blood, and overthinking damaging the HT + SP’s ability to produce Blood to nourish the HT + Shen
Insufficiency of Qi + Blood
The following is the pathogenesis of _________ causing Palpitations.
Disharmony between HT + KI
HT Fire + KI Water is out of balance
Ki Water is unable to check HT Fire resulting in Fire flaring up disturbing the mind causing Palpitations
Hyperactivity of Fire due to Yin Xu
The following is the pathogenesis of ______ causing Palpitations.
Retention of harmful fluid due to depression of the HT Yang or due to
SP + KI Yang Xu disturbing the heart
Water-Qi intimidating HT
The following is the pathogenesis of _________ causing Palpitations.
The vessels of the HT are blocked
Blood Stasis of the Heart
The following S/sx are manifestations of Palpitations due to ________?
Palpitations, restlessness, terror/fright, oppression in chest, sudden pain in HT, SOB, lassitude
T: Dark purple w/ ecchymosis
P: Choppy
Blood Stasis of HT vessels
The following S/sx are manifestations of Palpitations due to ________?
Palpitations, restlessness, terror/fright, oppression in chest, inability to turn, expectoration of profuse, frothy sputum, cold body/lumbs
T: Pale w/ white slippery coating
P: Slippery + Rapid
Water-Qi Intimidating HT
The following S/sx are manifestations of Palpitations due to ________?
Palpitation provoked by fear, lassitude, insomnia, dreaminess, timid personality
SOB, low voice
T: Pale w/ thin coating
P: Wiry + Thready (Blood Xu)
HT + GB Xu
Why is the Gallbladder involved in Palpitation?
Gallbladder governs decision-making
The following S/sx are manifestations of Palpitations due to ________?
Palpitation, insomnia w/ dreaming
Dizziness, blurred vision (Blood can’t nourish), sallow complexion, loose stools,
lassitude & weakness, poor appetite
T: Pale
P: Thready + Weak
HT + SP Xu
The following S/sx are manifestations of Palpitations due to ________?
Palpitations, restlessness, insomnia, dizziness, blurred vision, tinnitus, soreness in lumbar + knees, dry mouth, dry throat
T: Red w/ scanty coating
P: Rapid + Thready
Hyperactivity of Fire Due to Yin Xu
Principal points for all patterns of Palpitations
PC-6: Luo-connecting + Unbinds chest + Regulates HT Qi + Calms Shen + Confluent of Yin LV
PC-4: Xi-cleft + Calms Shen
HT-7: Yuan source + Calms Shen + Regulates & tonifys HT Qi
BL-15: Back-shu of HT
REN-14: Front-fu of HT + soothes HT
Supplementary points for Palpitations due to HT + GB Xu
PC-6 + PC-4 + HT-7 + BL-15 + REN-14
BL-19: Back-shu of GB
HT-5: Luo-connecting + Calms Shen + Regulates HT rhythm + ‘sudden’ disorders ir loss of voice
Supplementary points for Palpitations due to HT + SP Xu
PC-6 + PC-4 + HT-7 + BL-15 + REN-14
BL-20: Back-shu of SP
ST-36: Tonifys Qi + Blood
Supplementary points for Palpitations due to Hyperactivity of Fire due to Yin Xu
PC-6 + PC-4 + HT-7 + BL-15 + REN-14
BL-23: Back-shu of KI
KI-3: strengthen Ki Yin
Supplementary points for Palpitations due to Blood Stasis
PC-6 + PC-4 + HT-7 + BL-15 + REN-14
REN-17: Sea of Qi + unbinds chest
BL-17: Back-shu of Blood + Activate Blood
Supplementary points for Palpitations due to Water Qi Intimidating HT
PC-6 + PC-4 + HT-7 + BL-15 + REN-14
REN-6: Tonifys KI + fortifies Yang
REN-8: Warms Yang (moxa)
Supplementary points for Palpitations due to accompany S/sx
Susceptibility to fright PC-7: Yuan + clears heat disturbing HT + treat nightmares
Hydrosis (excessive sweating)
BL-43: Nourish Yin + Clears heat
Calms Shen
Reslessness + fever PC-8: Ying-spring + Clears Heat
Tinnitus SJ-3: Clears heat + benefits ears
Edema SP-9: Resolves dampness
Water metabolism points
REN-9 + ST-28 + SP-9
Empirical points for any Ear Diseases
What is considered Insomnia?
Inability to have normal sleep including difficulty in falling asleep, inadequate sleep, difficulty staying asleep, or being awake all night in severe cases.
What is Chest Impediment referred to in TCM?
Xiong Bi
What is Chest Impediment considered in Western Med?
Coronary Atherosclerotic Cardiopathy, Myocardial Infarction and Pericarditis
2 main etiologies of Chest Impediment
Stagnation of Qi + Blood Stasis and
Malnourishment (empty vessels)
What do the following cause in regards to Chest Impediment?
External Evils staying in chest
Emotions stress obstructing Qi in chest
Improper diet impairing the SP + SP resulting in an accumulation of phlegm
All obstruct blood
Causing stagnation of Qi + Blood Stasis in the chest
What do the following cause in regards to Chest Impediment?
Exertion or blood loss injuring the HT + SP resulting in Qi + Blood Xu
Multiply pregnancy or aged people resulting in KI Essence Xu which can’t nourish the HT Yin
All cause insufficient blood in the vessels causing malnourishment or empty vessels
The following are patterns of ________?
HT Yang Xu (Deficient Cold)
Blood Stasis
Chest Impediment
The following S/sx are manifestations of Palpitations due to ________?
Chest pain radiating to back, palpitations, oppression in chest, SOB, aversion to cold, cold limbs/body, aggravated by cold
T: Pale + puffy
P: Deep + Slow
HT Yang Xu
The following S/sx are manifestations of Palpitations due to ________?
Pain + oppression in chest, pain radiating to back, dyspnea, SOB, cough w/ profuse stick sputum
T: w/ white greasy coating
P: Slippery + Slow
The following S/sx are manifestations of Palpitations due to ________?
Stabbing pain in chest, sudden severe pain radiating to back, oppression in chest, SOB, palpitations, cyanic lips
T: Dark purple
P: Choppy
Blood Stasis
Principal points for all patterns of Chest Impediment?
PC-6: Open chest + soothe chest Qi
PC-4: Luo-connecting pt + Xi-cleft point + Dispels stasis
BL-15: Back-shu of HT
REN-14: Front-mu of HT
REN-17: Hui-meeting of Qi + Unbinds chest
Supplementary points for Chest Impediment due to HT Yang Xu
PC-6 + PC-4 + BL-15 + + REN-14 + REN-17
BL-13: Back-shu of LU
BL-12: Wind Gate + Releases exterior
REN-6: Boosts Yang Qi (moxa)
REN-4: Fortifies Orginal Qi (moxa)
Supplementary points for Chest Impediment due to Turbid-Phlegm
PC-6 + PC-4 + BL-15 + + REN-14 + REN-17
LU-9: Yuan + Tonifys LU + transforms phlegm
ST-40: Resolves phlegm
Supplementary points for Chest Impediment due to Blood Stasis
PC-6 + PC-4 + BL-15 + + REN-14 + REN-17
BL-17: Hui-meeting of Blood
SP-6: Promotes flow of Qi + Invigorates Blood
Supplementary points for accompanying S/sx for Chest Impediment
Pain radiating to back, cupping on BL-13 + BL-15
BL-23: Back-shu of KI (moxa)
BL-24: Back-shu of Qi
Blue lips- Bloodlet Jing-well
LU-11 + HT-9 + PC-9
Which Zang organs are related to any disturbance of the Heart?
Heart governs Blood
Spleen produces Blood
Kidney provides Essence
and Liver stores Blood
The following patterns are differentiation of __________?
HT + SP Xu
Disharmony of HT Yang + KI Yin
Liver Fire Disturbing Heart
Disharmony of SP + ST generating Phlegm or Fire
The following S/sx are manifestations of Insomnia due to ________?
Sleep w/ dreams, easily awaken, palpitations, amnesia, blurred vision, dizziness, pale complexion, lassitude, poor appetite
T: Pale w/ white coating
P: Thready + Weak
HT + SP Xu
What is the pathogenesis of Insomnia due to HT + SP Xu?
Anxiety or overthinking damages the HT + SP resulting in inadequate QI + Blood nourishing the Shen
The following S/sx are manifestations of Insomnia due to ________?
Sleep w/ dreams, easily awaken, palpitations, susceptibility to terror fright
T: Pale w/ white coating
P: Wiry + Thready
HT + GB Xu
What is the pathogenesis of Insomnia due to HT + GB Xu?
Weak constitution, susceptibility to fright, difficulty making decisions
The following S/sx are manifestations of Insomnia due to ________?
Insomnia, restlessness, alternating between awake + alseep, dizziness, tinnitus, seminal emission, night sweats, dry mouth + throat
T: Red w/ scanty coating
P: Rapid + Thready
Disharmony of HT Yang + KI Yin
What is the pathogenesis of Insomnia due to Disharmony of HT Yang + KI Yin
Anger, fear, terror or sexual over-indulgence impair the LR + KI Yin leading to Deficient Fire disturbing the HT
The following S/sx are manifestations of Insomnia due to ________?
Restlessness, anxiety, irritability, dizziness, headache, fullness in chest + hypochondriac region
T: Red w/ yellow coating
P: Rapid + Wiry
Liver Fire Disturbing Heart
What is the pathogenesis of Insomnia due to Liver Fire Disturbing Heart
Anger or negative emotions causing LR stagnation resulting in fire flaming up to disturb Heart/Shen
The following S/sx are manifestations of Insomnia due to ________?
Epigastric distension, belching w/ foul odor, acid reflux, restlessness
T: Red w/ thick, greasy coating
P: Rapid + Slippery
Disharmony of SP + ST generating Phlegm or Fire
What is the pathogenesis of Insomnia due to Disharmony of SP + ST generating Phlegm or Fire?
SP can’t T&T resulting in ST being blocked or can’t descend properly resulting in harmful products ie: phlegm, dampness and transforming into fire
Stomach qi is blocked and can turn into fire as well
Main principal points for the treatment of insomnia?
HT-7: Yuan source + Calms Shen + Regulates & tonifys HT Qi
PC-6: Luo connecting + Regulates HT +
Calms Shen
Sishencong: Smart point + Improves intelligence + Calms Shen
KI-6: Confluent pt of Yin MV+ Closes the eyes + Nourish KI + clears Deficient Heat
BL-62: Confluent pt of Yang MV + Ppens the eyes,
Anmian: Invigorate brain marrow + Calm Shen
What is the Luo-Yuan combo to treat Insomina?
KI-6 + BL-62
What is the Empiric point for Insomnia?
Supplementary points for Insomnia due to HT + SP Xu
HT-7 + PC-6 + Sishenchong + KI-6 + BL-62 + Anmian
BL-15: Back-shu of HT
BL-20: Back shu of SP
Supplementary points for Insomnia due to HT+ GB Xu
HT-7 + PC-6 + Sishenchong + KI-6 + BL-62 + Anmian
BL-15: Back-shu of HT
BL-19: Back-shu of GB
Supplementary points for Insomnia due to Disharmony of HT Yang + KI Yin
HT-7 + PC-6 + Sishenchong + KI-6 + BL-62 + Anmian
KI-3: Nourishes KI Yin + clears deficiency heat + tonifies KI Yang
BL-15: Back-shu of HT
Supplementary points for Insomnia due to Liver Fire Disturbing Heart
HT-7 + PC-6 + Sishenchong + KI-6 + BL-62 + Anmian
LR-2: Ying-spring + Clear LR Fire
GB-43: Ying-spring + Clears GB Heat
Supplementary points for Insomnia due to Disharmony of SP + ST generating Phlegm or Fire
HT-7 + PC-6 + Sishenchong + KI-6 + BL-62 + Anmian
SP-4: Fortifies Sp + harmonises MJ
ST-36: Tonifys Qi + Blood
ST-40: Resolves phlegm
ST-44: Ying-spring + Clears ST Heat
Points for accompanying S/sx with Insomnia
ST-36 + REN-4
Seminal Emission-
REN-4 + BL-52
Dream-disturbed sleep-
BL-42 + ST-45
Dizziness + amnesia-
Yintang + GB-20