Depression (Melancholia) Flashcards
What is depression in TCM>
General term for disorders resulting from emotional depression and stagnation of Qi.
What are the etiologies of are associated with depression?
Emotional frustration + Qi Stagnation leads to
Blood Stasis
Accumulation of phlegm
Retention of food
Disharmony of the Zang-Fu organs.
Depression will initially cause LR Qi Stagnation. Prolonged cases can injure __________
Yin + Blood
What are the etiologies + pathogenesis of Depression?
Emotional Factors –> leading to function disturbance + pathological changes in Zang-Fu
LR isn’t able to maintain the free flow of Qi
Dysfunction of SP in T+T function
Disturbance of HT-Shen connection
What are the six types of stagnation related to depression?
The six types of stagnation are Qi, Blood, Phlegm, Dampness, Heat, and Food.
What are general clinical manifestations of depression?
Clinical manifestations include despondence, moodiness, a trancelike mental state, melancholy, and bouts of crying.
What biomedical disorders are associated with depression?
Neurosis, depression, manic-depression (depressive phase), and menopausal issues.
The following are patterns of __________?
LR Qi Stagnation
Qi Stagnation transforming into Fire
Qi + Phlegm Stagnation
Blood Xu
The following S/sx are manifestations of Depression due to __________?
Feeling hopeless, hypochondria pain + distension, chest fullness + pain, epigastric fullness, belching, frequent sighing, abdominal distension, loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, abnormal BM, amenorrhea
T: thin white coating
P: Wiry
LR Qi Stagnation
The following S/sx are manifestations of Depression due to __________?
Irritability, agitation, chest oppression, hopeless feeling, hypochondria region distension, acid reflex, dry mouth, bitter taste, headache, red eyes, tinnitus, constipation, scanty urine
T: Red w/ yellow coating
P: Rapid + Wiry
Qi Stagnation transforming into Fire
The following S/sx are manifestations of Depression due to __________?
Plum-pit Qi not relieved by coughing or swallowing, a sensation of blockage or congestion in chest, hypochondriac pain
T: w/ white greasy coating
P: Wiry + Slippery
Qi + Phlegm Stagnation
Main treatment points for Depression due to LR Qi Stagnation
BL-18: Back-shu of LR
LR-3: Spreads LR Qi
SP-4: Descends ST Qi + Regulates Qi dynamic
REN-17: Hui-meeting of Qi + Regulates Qi
REN-12: Front-mu of ST + Regulates ST
ST-36: Tonifys Qi + Blood
Supplementary points for LR Qi Stagnation
Chest oppression + vomiting-
PC-6: Calms Shen + Relieves nausea
SP-4: Decends ST Qi
Blood Stasis-
BL-17: Hui-meeting of Blood Regulates Blood
SP-10: Nourishes Blood + Dispels Stasis
Food Retention-
ST-21: Relieves food retention
REN-12: Front-mu of ST + Regulates ST
Supplementary points for severe LR Qi Stagnation causing pain
LR-14 + LR-3
Main treatment points for Depression due to Qi Stagnation transforming into Fire
LR-2: Ying-spring + clears LR Fire
GB-34: Spreads LR Qi + benefits hypochondria region
GB-43: Ying-spring + clears GB/LR heat
REN-13: Decends rebellious Qi
SJ-6: Relieves constipation + clears fire from all 3 jiaos
DU-20: Benefits head + sense organs
Sishencong: Calms Shen + benefits eyes
DU-24: Benefits the head
Main treatment points for Depression due to Qi + Phlegm Stagnation
REN-17: Hui-meeting of Qi + unbinds chest
PC-6: Calms Shen + unbinds chest + Regulates Qi
LR-3: Spreads LR Qi
ST-40: Resolves phlegm
REN-22: Decends rebellious Qi
REN-12: Front-mu of ST + harmonizes middle jiao
The following S/sx are manifestations of Depression due to __________?
Grief without reason, capricious joy or anger, suspicions, liability to get frightened, palpitation, irritability, insomnia, or sudden distress of the chest, hiccup, sudden loss of voice, convulsion, or loss of
consciousness in severe cases
T: white coating
P: Wiry + Thready
Blood Xu
Main treatment points for Depression due to Blood Xu
REN-14: Front-mu of HT
HT-7: Yuan + Calms Shen + Regulates HT
SP-6: Tonifys SP + ST + Invigorates Blood
LR-3: Spread LR Qi
BL-17: Hui-meeting of Blood + nourishes Blood
SP-10: Regulates Blood
Supplementary points for accompanying S/sx of Depression
Distress in chest-
PC-6: Lup-connecting + calms Shen + opens chest
REN-17: Regulates Qi + unbind chest
SP-4: Benefits HT + chest
REN-22: Decends rebellious Qi
Sudden loss of voice
HT-5: Benefits tongue
REN-23: Benefits tongue
LI-4: Moves Qi
GB-34: Relaxes sinews
Loss of consciousness-
DU-26: ER pt
KI-1: Anchors Yang