Drum Distension/ Ascites Flashcards
What is Drum Distension?
Morbid condition where the abdomen looks like a drum, enlarged abdomen, fullness sensation, sallow skin colour w/ blue-ish blood vessels
What is drum distension called in Western Med?
Liver cirrhosis caused by hepatitis, schistosomiasis (parasitic disease caused by blood flukes (trematode worms) bile and malnutrition
What are the etiologies + pathogenesis of Drum Distension?
Impaired of Liver-
Emotional depression–> LR Qi stagnation –> pain –> Blood stasis
Spleen is damaged
Improper diet –> damages SP function–> cold, heat, dampness, indigestion, phlegm –> Yin or Yang Jaundice
Epidemic Toxic
Schistosomiasis–> improper diet, virus, parasite –> impairment of SP–> Damp-heat —> LR + SP Disharmony
Chronic cases involve KI
Yin Xu of LR + KI (emaciation)
Yang Xu of SP + KI (edema)
Key factors of Drum Distension
Poor diet + drinking
Emotional disturbance
LR failing to promote free flow of Qi
SP failing to T +T
KI failing to control urination
Qi Stagnation
Blood Stasis
Water Retention
The following are patterns of ________?
Stagnation of Qi + Dampness Obstruction
Cold-Damp in SP
Blood Stasis
SP + KI Yang Xu
LR + KI Yin Xu
Drum Distension
The following are S/sx of Drum Distension due to ____________?
Early Stage, distension + enlargement of abdomen, not hard when pressed, sensation of fullness + pain of hypochondria area, poor appetite, increased distension after meals, belching, scanty urine
T: Thin, greasy coating
P: Wiry
Stagnation of Qi + Dampness Obstruction
The following are S/sx of Drum Distension due to ____________?
Distension, enlargement + fullness in the abdomen, epigastric pain + fullness + oppression, some relief w/ heat, edema in lower limbs, fatigue, heaviness in limbs, scanty urine + loose stools
T: White, greasy coating
P: Slow + Slippery
Cold-Damp in SP
(Cold-Damp Evil block SP Qi)
The following are S/sx of Drum Distension due to ____________?
Enlargement, fullness, hardness + pain of abdomen, irritability, fever, bitter taste, thirst w/out desire to drink, dark urine w/ difficulty to urinate, constipation or loose, sticky stools, maybe jaundice
T: Red tip/edges w/ yellow, greasy coating
P: Rapid + Wiry
The following are S/sx of Drum Distension due to ____________?
Enargement, hardness, distension, fullness of abdomen, protrusion of distended blood vessels on skin, stabbing pain in epigastric + hypochondria regions, dull-blackish complexion, spider-webbing on face, neck, chest, red spots on palms, purple lips, thirst w/out desire to drink, black stools
T: Purple w/ ecchymosis
P: Thready + Choppy
Blood Stasis
The following are S/sx of Drum Distension due to ____________?
Enlargement, fullness, and distention
of the abdomen, symptoms milder in
the morning and more severe (Yang Qi lowers) at night, greenish-yellow complexion, epigastric fullness, poor food
intake, tiredness, physical cold, cold
extremities, edema of the lower
limbs and in some cases, difficult
T: Pale + puffy
P: Weak + Thready + Wiry
SP + KI Yang Xu
The following are S/sx of Drum Distension due to ____________?
Enlargement, distension, fullness of abdomen, protrusion of superficial blood vessels on abdominal skin, dull complexion, purple lips, dry mouth, irritability, bleeding of nose/gums, darky, scanty urine
T: Red w/ scanty coating
P: Thready + Rapid
LR + KI Yin Xu
Main points to treat Drum Distension due to Stagnation of Qi + Dampness Obstruction
REN-6: Tonifys Qi + Regulates Post-Heaven Qi
REN-12: Front- mu of ST + Hui-meeting of Fu
ST-37: Lower He-sea of LI + local pt
ST-39: Lower He-sea of SI + local pt
4 Gates: Move Qi
GB-34: Relieves hypochondria pain
LR-14: Soothes the whole body’s Qi
SP-6: Drains dampness
SP-9: Resolves Dampness
Main points to treat Drum Distension due to Cold-Damp in SP
REN-4: Tonifies + Nourishes KI +
Warms + Fortifies SP
REN-6: Regulates Post-Heaven Qi
REN-9: Regulates the water passages + treats edema
SP-9: Resolves Dampness
Tonifys Middle Jiao + Regulates SI + LI
Tonify SP-
Moxa to warm-
Edema on Lower limbs-
Main points to treat Drum Distension due to Damp-Heat
Clear LR + GB Damp-heat-
Water metabolism-
Clear Heat
Soothes LR Heat + LR Qi
DU-9 + SI-4
Main points to treat Drum Distension due to Blood Stasis
Tonify + Move Qi-
Invigorate Blood-
Move Qi + Help to remove Blood Stasis
4 Gates
Main points to treat Drum Distension due to SP + KI Yang Xu
REN-4: Boost Pre-Heaven Qi
REN-6: Tonifys Post-Heaven Qi + Strengths Yang
BL-23: Back-shu of KI
BL-20: Back-shu of SP
GB-25: Front-mu of KI
KI-12: REgulates KI
LR-13- Front-mu of SP
REN-8 + DU-4
Difficulty urination-
REN-3 + SP-6
SP-9 + REN-9 + ST-28
Main points to treat Drum Distension due to LR + KI Yin Xu
Clears Deficient Heat-
What 3 points can be used for all patterns of Drum Distension?
Water metabolism
SP-9 + REN-9 + ST-28