Lung Abscess, Consumption, Distension + Atrophy Flashcards
Etiology, Pathogensis, Patterns, S/sx, Treatment Principles + Principle Points
Define Lung Abscess in Western Med?
Pulmonary abscess + pneumonia caused by a bacteria infection
Lung Heat w/ Phlegm Obstruction
Lung Heat w/ Phlegm Blood Stasis are patterns of _________?
Lung Abscess
The following S/sx are manifestations of ________?
Cough, chest pain, fever, coughing up foul-smelling turbid phlegm or blood-streaked phlegm
Lung Abscess in the Initial Stage
The following S/sx are manifestations of ________?
High fever, chills, chest fullness + pain, increased cough w/ yellow or green coloured phlegm, foul smell in throat
T: Red w/ yellow, greasy coating
P: Rapid + Slippery
Lung Abscess in the Abscess Stage
The following S/sx are manifestations of ________?
Increased sputum, cough w/ profuse bloody pus or glue-like phlegm w/ strong, foul smell, coughing up Blood, chest pain + fullness, fever, red face, thirst w/ desire to drink
T: Red w/ yellow, greasy coating
P: Rapid
Lung Abscess in the Diabrosis/Corrosion Stage
The following are S/sx of what stage of Lung Abscess?
Mild fever, decreased cough, sputum turns clears + thin, SOB + fatigue, emanation
T: Pale w/ thin coating
P: Rapid + Thready or Weak
Recovery Stage with the patterns of Lung Qi or LU Yin Xu
Define Lung Consumption ‘Fei Lao’
Chronic contagious consumptive condition usually occurs in people with weak constitutions
Define Lung Consumption in Western Med?
Pulmonary Tuberculosis
The following are S/sx of __________?
Cough, cough w/ blood, tidal fever, night sweating, emaciation, often seen in weak constitutions
Lung Consumption
Define Lung Distension ‘Fei Zhang’
Chronic constant + progressive dyspnea, wheezing + cough
Define Lung Distension in Western med
COPD, Emphsyma or Chronic Bronchitis
Define Lung Atrophy ‘Fei Wei’
A chronic condition of LU characterized by cough, hemoptysis, coughing of sputum mixed w/ pus & blood,
dyspnea & gradual emaciation
What are the etiologies of Lung Atrophy?
Lung infections, smoking, inhalation of environmental toxins causing Heat
or long-term or severe illness
What are the pathogenesis of Lung Atrophy?
Heat dries moisture of Lungs + Body Fluids leading to damage to Yin
Yang Qi is depleted after prolonged illness, impacting the Lung’s function
What is Lung Atrophy in Western Med?
Pulmonary Fibrosis, Bronchiestasis or cancer
What is the etiology of Lung Abscess?
Toxic Heat + Blood stasis accumulating in the Lungs
What is the etiology of Lung Consumption?
Contraction of Lao Chong + Vital Qi Deficiency
What are the etiologies of Lung Distension?
Chronic Lung Diseases + infections
Chronic smoking or alcohol use, exposure to environmental toxins, old age or weak constitution
All causing damage to LU, SP, Ki + HT
What are the pathogenesis of Lung Distension?
Accumulation of Phlegm, Qi or Blood Stasis failing the Lungs to descend + diffuse resulting in blockage of Lung Qi
Principle points for Lung Abscess in the Initial Stage?
LI-4: Regulates Wei Qi + adjusts sweating
Expels wind + releases the exterior
LU-5: Clears LU Heat
ST-40: Resolves phlegm
GB-20: Resists wind
BL-12: Wind-Gate, resists wind
BL-13: Back-shu of Lungs
LI-11: Clears whole body heat
Principle points for Lung Abscess in the Abscess Stage?
DU-14: Releases exterior + Expels wind + Clears heat from Yang channels
LU-5: He-sea + Clears LU Heat
LU-7: Luo-connecting + Disperses LU Qi
LI-11: Clears whole body’s heat
ST-40: Resolves phlegm
LU-10: Ying-spring + Clears LU Heat + benefits throat
LU-11: Jing-well + Clears LU Excess + Heat
BL-13: Back-shu of Lungs
Principle points for the Diabrosis/Corrosion Stage of Lung Abscess
Same as the Abscess Stage
Principle points for the Recovery Stage of Lung Abscess
LU-9: Yuan + tonifys Lungs function
LU-7: Disperses LU Qi
LU-5: He-sea + clears LU Heat
BL-43: Tonifies Yin + Blood
ST-40: Resolves phlegm
REN-17: ‘Sea of Qi’ + unbinds chest
ST-36: Tonifys Qi + Blood
REN-4: Warms, fortifies Qi, benefits essence
BL-13: Back-shu of LU
SP-6: Tonifys SP + ST
KI-3: Tonifys KI Yang
KI-6: Tonifys Yin
The principle points for Lung Atrophy
The following etiologies are differentiation of _________?
Wind-Heat or Wind-Cold attacking Lungs
Internal Phlegm-heat caused by alcohol, eating spicy or greasy foods
Lung Abscess
The following patterns are differentiation of ___________?
LU Yin Xu
Yin Xu w/ Hyperactive Fire
Qi + Yin Xu
Yin + Yang Xu
Lung Consumption
The following patterns are differentiation of _________?
Phlegm-Dampness Accumulation in LU
Phlegm-Heat accumulation in LU
Qi + Yin Xu
Yang Xu
Lung Distention
The following patterns are differentiation of _________?
LU Yin Xu w/ Deficient Heat
LU Yang Xu
Lung Atrophy
Pathogensis of Lung Abcess
Toxic-Heat accumulating in the Lungs + binding of phlegm + blood stasis
How does one differentiate between a Cough + Lung Abscess?
Toxic Heat
What are the 4 Stages of Lung Abscess?
- Initial Stage
- Abscess Stage
- Diabrosis/Corrosion Stage
- Recovery Stages
Pathogenesis of Lung Consumption
Consumption of Lung Yin developing into Fire due to KI+ LU Xu
LU + SP Qi + Yin Xu
What are the S/sx in the Initial Stage of Lung Abscess?
Fever, slight aversion to cold, cough, chest pain, DOB, sticky sputum, dry mouth
T: Red w/ yellow coating
P: Floating + Rapid + Slippery
*Wei Level in 4 Levels Differentiation
What is the treatment principle for the Initial Stage of Lung Abscess?
Dispel Wind
Clear Heat
Resolve Phlegm
What is the treatment principle for the Abscess Stage of Lung Abscess?
Clear the Lungs
Remove Toxic-Heat
Resolve Stasis + Phlegm
What is the treatment principle for the Diabrosis/Corrosion Stage of Lung Abscess?
Drain pus
Remove Toxin-Heat
Resolve Stasis + Phlegm
Clear the Lungs
The following are S/sx of Lung Atrophy due to ________?
Dry cough, dry throat + mouth, scanty sputum or blood-streaked sputum, dull chest pain, tidal fever, malar flush, night sweating
T: Red w/ scanty coating
P: Rapid + Thready
LU Yin Xu
What are the treatment principles for Lung Atrophy due to LU Yin Xu?
Nourish LU Yin
Moisten LU
Relieve cough
What are the principle points for Lung Atrophy due to LU Yin Xu?
LU-5: He-sea + clears LU Heat
LU-6: Xi-cleft + stops bleeding
LU-7: Luo-connecting + disperses LU Qi
LU-9: Yuan + tonifys LU
SP-6: Tonifys SP + calms Shen
BL-13: Back-shu of Lungs
BL-17: Hui-meeting of Blood
BL-43: Tonifys Yin + Blood
The following are S/sx of Lung Consumption due to ________?
Dry cough, dry throat + mouth, scanty sputum or blood-streaked sputum, dull chest pain, tidal fever, malar flush, night sweating
T: Red w/ scanty coating
P: Rapid + Thready
LU Yin Xu
What is the treatment principle for the Recovery Stage of Lung Abscess?
Tonify Qi
Nourish Yin
Remove remaining Evil Qi
What are the treatment principles for Lung Consumption due to LU Yin Xu?
Nourish LU Yin
Moisten LU
Relieve cough
What are the principle points for Lung Consumption due to LU Yin Xu?
LU-5: He-sea + clears LU Heat
LU-6: Xi-cleft + stops bleeding
LU-7: Luo-connecting + disperses LU Qi
LU-9: Yuan + tonifys LU
SP-6: Tonifys SP + calms Shen
BL-13: Back-shu of Lungs
BL-17: Hui-meeting of Blood
BL-43: Tonifys Yin + Blood
What are the treatment principles for Lung Consumption due to Yin Xu w/ Hyperactive Fire
Nourish Yin
Clear Heat
Relieve Cough
The following are S/sx of Lung Consumption due to the pattern of __________?
Dry cough, SOB, sticky scanty yellow sputum, frequent coughing w/ fresh blood, tidal fever, steaming bone fever, malar flush, profuse night sweating, thirst, restlessness, irritability, insomnia, pain in chest + hypochondrium area
T: Dark red w/ yellow or no coating
P: Rapid + Thready
Yin Xu w/ Hyperactive Fire
Principle points for Lung Consumption due to Yin Xu with Hyperactive Fire
LU-5: He-sea + clears LU Heat
LU-6: Xi-cleft + stops bleeding
LU-7: Luo-connecting + disperses LU Qi
LU-9: Yuan + tonifys LU
SP-6: Tonifys SP + calms Shen
BL-13: Back-shu of Lungs
BL-23: Back-shu of KI
BL-43: Tonifys Yin + Blood
LR-2: Ying-spring + clears LR Heat
KI-2: Ying-spring + clears Deficient Heat
KI-3: Yuan + tonifys KI Yang
PC-8: Ying-spring + clears Heat affecting HT
HT-8: Ying-spring + clears HT fire
The following are S/sx of Lung Consumption due to the pattern of __________?
Weak cough, blood-streaked phlegm, tidal fever, poor appetite, pale complexion, malar flush, cheeks, fatigue, SOB, dry throat, dry mouth
T: Red w/ scanty or no coating, teeth marks
P: Rapid + Weak
Qi + Yin Xu
What are the treatment principles for Lung Consumption due to Qi + Yin Xu?
Tonify Qi
Nourish Yin
Principle points for Lung Consumption due to Qi + Yin Xu?
BL-13: Back-shu of LU
BL-20: Back-shu of SP
BL-23: Back-shu of KI
BL-43: Nourishes Yin + Clears heat + Fosters Original Qi
ST-36: Tonifies Qi + nourishes Blood + Yin
REN-4: Warms, fortifies Qi, benefits essence
KI-3: Nourishes KI Yin + clears Deficiency Heat
SP-6: Tonifies Sp+ST
The following are S/sx of Lung Consumption due to the pattern of __________?
Cough w/ dyspnea, SOB, hemoptysis, tidal fever, night sweat, cold limbs, diarrhea at dawn, emaciation, seminal emission/impotence, scanty period/amenorrhea
T: Red or pale + puffy, teeth marks
P: Thready + Weak
Yin + Yang Xu
What are the treatment principles for Lung Consumption due to Yin + Yang Xu?
Tonify Yang
Nourish Yin
Principle points for Lung Consumption due to Yin + Yang Xu?
BL-13: Back-shu of LU
BL-20: Back-shu of SP
BL-23: Back-shu of KI
BL-43: Nourishes Yin + Clears heat + Fosters Original Qi
ST-36: Tonifies Qi + nourishes Blood + Yin
REN-4: Warms, fortifies Qi, benefits essence
DU-4: Warms + promotes Yang Qi
REN-6: Fosters Original Qi + Tonifies Qi
KI-3: Yuan + tonifys KI Yang
KI-6: Tonifys Ki Yin
KI-7: Regulates sweating
KI-1: Drains excess
REN-8: Warm (moxa)
The following are S/sx of Lung Distension due to the pattern of __________?
Dyspnea worse w/ activity, productive cough (copious, white, frothy sputum),
wheezing, chest tightness, SOB when laying back
T: Pale w/ greasy coating
P: Slippery
Phlegm-Dampness Accumulation in Lungs
What are the treatment principles for Lung Distension due to Phlegm-Dampness Accumulation in Lungs?
Tonify SP & LU
Resolve Phlegm/Dampness
Descend Lu Qi
Principle points for Lung Distension due to Phlegm-Dampness Accumulation in Lungs?
Dingchuan: Calms Dysponea
BL-13: Back-shu of LU
BL-20: Back-shu of SP
REN-17: Hui-meeting point of Qi
ST-36: Tonifys SP + ST
SP-9: Resolves dampness
ST-40: Resolves phlegm
LU-7: Luo-connecting + disperses LU Qi
LU-9: Yuan + tonifys LU
LU-1: Front-mu of LU + reduces excess
The following are S/sx of Lung Distension due to the pattern of __________?
Dyspnea, wheezing, cough, palpitations, rapid breathing, yellow-sticky sputum difficult to cough up, fever, red face, irritability, restlessness, dry mouth + throat, thirst w/ desire for cold drink
T: Red w/ greasy, yellow coating
P: Rapid + Slippery
Phlegm-Heat Accumulation in Lungs
What are the treatment principles for Lung Distension due to Phlegm-Heat Accumulation in Lungs?
Clear Heat
Resolve Phlegm
Diffuse Lung Qi
Principle points for Lung Distension due to Phlegm-Heat Accumulation in Lungs?
Dingchuan: Calms Dysponea
BL-13: Back-shu of LU
LU-5: He-sea + Clears LU Heat
REN-17: Hui-meeting point of Qi
SP-9: Resolves dampness
ST-40: Resolves phlegm
LU-1: Front-mu of LU + reduces excess
LI-11: Clears whole body heat
The following are S/sx of Lung Distension due to the pattern of __________?
Constant dyspnea, shallow breathing, panting, worse w/ exertion + laying down, chronic weak cough w/ scanty sputum, facial edema, dark lips, malar flush, 5 Center Heat, palpitations, sweating, dry throat, dry mouth, dry skin
T: Red w/ scanty coating or pale w/ scanty, dry coating
P: Rapid + Thready or Weak + Thready
Qi + Yin Xu
What are the treatment principles for Lung Distension due Qi + Yin Xu?
Nourish Yin
Tonify Qi
Strengthen the LU & KI to assist the KI in grasping Qi
Principle points for Lung Distension due to Qi + Yin Xu
Dingchuan: Calms dyspnea
LU-9: Yuan + tonifys LU QI
LU-5: He-sea + clears LU Heat
LU-7: Luo-connecting + disperses LU Qi
REN-17: Hui-meeting of Qi
BL-13: Back-shu of LU
BL-23: Back-shu of KI
BL-43: Nourishes Yin + Clears heat + Fosters Original Qi
BL-20: Back-shu of SP
ST-36: Tonifies Qi + nourishes Blood + Yin
KI-3: Nourishes KI Yin + clears Deficiency Heat
SP-6: Tonifies SP+ST
REN-6: Boost Yang Qi
The following are S/sx of Lung Distension due to the pattern of __________?
Constant dyspnea, shallow breathing, panting, worse w/ exertion & cold, inspiration more difficult, orthopnea, chest discomfort w/ watery cough & rattle, edema & scanty urine, palpitation& profuse sweating, cold hands & feet, cold intolerance, cyanosed face & blue lips
T: Pale + puffy or pale-blue w/ wet coating
P: Deep + Weak
Yang Xu
The following are S/sx of Lung Atrophy due to the pattern of __________?
Constant dyspnea, shallow breathing, panting, worse w/ exertion & cold, inspiration more difficult, orthopnea, chest discomfort w/ watery cough & rattle, edema & scanty urine, palpitation& profuse sweating, cold hands & feet, cold intolerance, cyanosed face & blue lips
T: Pale + puffy or pale-blue w/ wet coating
P: Deep + Weak
Yang Xu
What are the treatment principles for Lung Distension due Yang Xu?
Warm Yang
Promote Fluid Transformation (urination)
Tonify KI + SP to assist in grasping Qi
What are the treatment principles for Lung Atrophy due Yang Xu?
Warm Yang
Promote Fluid Transformation (urination)
Tonify KI + SP to assist in grasping Qi
Principle points for Lung Distension due to Yang Xu?
DingChuan: Calms dyspnea
LU-9: Yuan + tonifys LU Qi
LU-7: Luo-connecting + disperses LU Qi
REN-17: Hui-meeting of Qi
BL-13: Back-shu of LU
Bl-23: Back-shu of KI
BL-43: Nourishes Yin + Fosters Original Qi
BL-20: Back-shu of SP
KI-3: Tonifys KI Yang
ST-36: Tonifies Qi
REN-6: Boost Yang Qi
REN-8: Warm (moxa)
DU-4: Boost Yang Qi
KI-1: Descends Yang (moxa)
Principle points for Lung Atrophy due to Yang Xu?
DingChuan: Calms dyspnea
LU-9: Yuan + tonifys LU Qi
LU-7: Luo-connecting + disperses LU Qi
REN-17: Hui-meeting of Qi
BL-13: Back-shu of LU
Bl-23: Back-shu of KI
BL-43: Nourishes Yin + Fosters Original Qi
BL-20: Back-shu of SP
KI-3: Tonifys KI Yang
ST-36: Tonifies Qi
REN-6: Boost Yang Qi
REN-8: Warm (moxa)
DU-4: Boost Yang Qi
KI-1: Descends Yang (moxa)
Most likely, COPD will lead to?
Lung distension
Tuberculosis is tuberculosis (TB) is corresponding to which TCM diagnosis?
Lung consumption
High fever, shivering, chest fullness & pain, increased cough with yellow-green colored phlegm, foul smell in the throat, SOB.
T: red, yellow-greasy coat
P: rapid & slippery.
Which stage of lung Abscess in this case?
Abscess stage