Paeds Flashcards
Organism likely responsible - pain out of proportion on clinical presentation, contact lens and recent freshwater swimming is classical of
acathoembic keratitis
Typically what organism is seen in contact lens wearers who have keratitis
Pseudomonas aeruginosia
Features of Retinoblastoma - is it familial, symptomatic, management
- Autosomal dominant, around 10% cases are hereditary
- Absence red reflex, replaced by white pupil, strabismus, visual problems
- Mx - enucleation
GORD Mx in children and if they don’t respond to first line
1.Alginates (gaviscon) + thickened feeds
2. Don’t respond - trial PPI
What age would the av child be able to sit without support, crawl and walk unsupported
Sit with support = 6m
Sit without support = 6-8m
Crawls = 9m
12m = crusises, walks with one hand held
14-15m = walks unsupported
What are the rules regarding when to vaccine premature babies?
Premature = routine Vacc according to chronological age
Babies born prior to 28 weeks = first set of immune at hospital as risk apnoea
Ix for diagnosis of DMD
Genetic testing
What type of inheritance is Haemophilia A
X linked recessive - only in males
At what age:
- Respond to their own name
- Vocal 2-6 words
- Talk in short sentences (3-5 words)
- Respond to their own name = 9-12m
- Vocal 2-6 words = 12-18m
- Talk in short sentences (3-5 words) = 2.5-3 years
Describe Meconeum ileus
Usually delayed passage meconium and abdominal distention
Most have CF
XR will not show fluid level as meconium is viscid
Infants who down respond to PR contrast and NG N-Actyl cysteine will need surgery to remove plugs
Shaken baby syndrome triad
Retinal haemorrhage, subdural haematoma, encephalopathy
What are the contraindications to Lumbar puncture
- Focal neuro signs
- papilloeema
- Significant bulging fontanelle
- Signs cerebral herniation
Meningococcal septicaemia - do blood cultures + per instead
Mx of episodic vs multiple trigger viral wheeze
Symptomatic tx only
1. SABA or anticholinergic by space
2. Intermittent LRTA or inhaled corticosteroids or both
If multiple trigger wheeze - trial of either ICS or LRTA 4-8 weeks
Mitochondrial diseases - what mode inheritance
So all children from affected mums ill inherit it.
Ix of choice fro stable children with suspected Meckels diverticulum
Technetium scan
Tx meningitis in children <3m VS >3M
<3m = IV amoxicillin and IV Cefotaxime to cover Listeria
> 3m = IV Cefotaxime (or ceftriaxone)
Features Films tumour
Abdo mass (most common), painless haematuria, flank pain, anorexia, fever etc.
It is a childhood malignancy in <5 usually
Which murmur/ defect:
Mid-sys C-D murmur, loudest at upper left sternal border
Which murmur/defect: Pan-sys, loudest at left lower sternal border
Continuous C-D machinery murmur.
What problems and Mx
PDA - Indomethicin/ibuprofen to close
Which CHD is associated with Turners syndrome and the Mx
Coarctation of aorta
Prostaglandins till surgery - alprostadil
what murmur = Ejection systolic, slow rising pulse and narrow pulse pressure
Aortic valve stenosis
What are the 3 cyanotic heart disease problems, the tx and age of presentation
Tet Fallot, Transpoistion great arteryes, Tricuspid atresia
In Cyanotic need Prostaglandin E1 - Alprostadil to maintain PDA till surgery
Cyanotic presenting first days of life = TGA
Presenting 1-2m age = TOF
Mx of the CHD that causes boot shaped heart on CXR
Tet dallot - PGs till surgery