Infectious disease Flashcards
Malaria Tx
Chloroquine sensitive areas - ACT or chloroquine
If chloroquine res - ACT (Artemisinin based combo therapy)
In ovale/vivax then primaquine after acute tx to destroy hypnozoites + prevent rlapse
Typically farmer, fever, transaminitis, atypical pneumonia, endocarditis.
Dx, Mx
Q Fever
Coxella burnetii (a rickettsia)
Typically farmer, fever, transaminitis, atypical pneumonia, endocarditis.
Flu like illness.
Sudden onset high fever, rigors, N&V, bradycardia.
Brief remission then jaundice, haematemesis, oliguria
yellow fever
Retro Orbital headache, fever, facial flushing, rash, thrombocytopenia in returning traveller
dengue fever
Initially headache, fever, arthralgia ->
Relative bradycardia, abdo pain, constipation, rose spots on trunk
Typhoid (Enteric fever)
Most asymp or resemble infectious mononucleosis. Can get headache/drowsy in imunocompromised
Ring enhancing lesions on CT
Most asymp or resemble infectious mononucleosis. Can get headache/drowsy in imunocompromised
Ring enhancing lesions on CT
Only Tx in immunosuppressed - pyrimethamine + sulphdiazine at least 6 weeks
Lymes disease features and mx
<30d - erythema migrans bulls eye rash, systemic features.
>30d = CV (heart block, peri/myocarditis), neuro
Dx is clinical but Start Abx (ELISA is test)
Jarish-Herxheimer reaction can occur
Commonly sewqage workers, farmers, vets or in tropics (returning traveller). FLu like symptoms then more severe with AKI, Hepatitis aseptic meningitis
dx, mx
Commonly sewqage workers, farmers, vets or in tropics (returning traveller). FLu like symptoms then more severe with AKI, Hepatitis aseptic meningitis
High dose benzylpenicillin or doxycycline
Parasitic fresh water worm - lake Malawi
Dx, mx
Parasitic fresh water worm
Need praziquantel
Syphilis Mx and reaction with meds
Benzathine penicillin (fine in preg)
Treponema pallidum
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction after Tx - fever, rash, tachy. Give antipyretics like paracetamol
Gonorrhea mx
Im ceftriaxone
Vulvovaginal swab
Disseminated gonococcal infection
Tenosynovitis, migratory polyarthritis, dermatitis
BV features and mx
Fishy like discharge, clue cells, ph>4.5, thin white discharge
Pubic lice mx
Chlamydia test, mx
Vulvovaginal swab
Doxycycline - treatment given on basis exposure rather than proven infection
In pregnancy - azithromycin, erythromycin, amoxicillin
Oral ulcers, genital ulcers, uveitis
Oral ulcer,s genital ulcers, uveitis
Genital wart tx
Multiple non keratoinised need topical podophyllum
SOlitary keratinised - cryotherapy
Trichomonas vaginalis
symptoms, mx
urethral discharge + dysuria.
Oral metronidazole
Human and animal bites meds
Human/ animal bites need Co-amoxiclav
Consider tetanus in animals
Clean, don’t suture puncture wounds unless cosmesis at risk
In human bites consider HIV/Hep c risk
Tetanus symptoms and mx
tetanus: Fever, facial spasms, dysphagia. Iv IVDUNo booster if had vaccines in last 10 yearsIf last dose >10d ago then in a prone wound will need vaccine reinforcing and if high risk then vaccine + immunoglobulin If hx unknown then reinforce vaccine regardless severity and if prone then Vacc + IgG
Abx for otitis media
Sinusitis mx
<10d = no abx
10d + nasal steroids
10+ bacterial = Abx (pen V)
Sinusitis mx
<10d = no abx
10d + nasal steroids
10+ bacterial = Abx (pen V)
Cellulitis Abx - and if allergic to penicillins
Flucloxicillin or if allergy them erythromycin