Anaesthetic Flashcards
Fasting and drinking requirements before surgery
fasting: 6hrs food, 2hr clear fluids
What drugs have a risk of malignant hyperthermia and the management
Malignant hyperthermia a risk with suxamethonium or volatile liquid ones (isoflurance, desflurance, sevoflurance) - need dantrolene
Triad of anaesthesia
Hypnosis - IV propfol/ inhalation
Muscle relaxation - reconium
Analgesia - opiates (antiemetics)
Which anaesthetic agent is good for high risk of post op vomiting
lidocaine MOA + drug for toxicity/overdose
Bloclage sodium channels
20% lipid emulsion
Which anaesthetic agent is hepatotoxic
Reverse agent midazolam
Propofol moa + s.e
Potentiates GABA
S/E - Pain on injection route, hypotension
Some anti emetic effects
Ketamine moa + s/e
Potentiates GABA
S/E primary adrenal suppression, myoclonus
Useful in haemodynamic instability as less hypotension caused
Which anaesthetic is good in trauma as less hypotension causes
With inhaled anaesthetic should be used in caution with pneumothorax
Nitrous oxide
A/E isflurance, desflurane, sevoflurane
A/E include myocardiald depression, malignant hyperthermia, halothane hepatotoxic. Induction and maintenance
Difficult airway steps
Laryngoscopy + tracheal intubation
Supraglottic device
Face mask ventilation and wake them up
What is used to detect accidental oesophageal intubation
Metformin changes prior to surgery
SUlphonylureas on day surgery
if mono surgery then if aft surgery
S/E Opioids
Constipation, skin itching, nausea, AMS, resp depression
Rescue dose opioids
⅙ background dose over 24hrs