Paediatrics Flashcards
Inguinal hernia mx in infant
Surgery over next few days
Neonate with decreased air entry on the left side of his chest and a displaced apex beat. Abdominal examination demonstrates a scaphoid abdomen
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Neonate with episodes of choking, cyanosis, hx of polyhyradminos
Oesophageal atresia
Mx of oesophageal atresia
Replogle tube which can be used to remove the oesophageal secretions, pending surgery.
Movement limited in SUFE
Internal rotation
Cherry red lesion, rectal bleeding
Juvenile polyp
Hyhpospadius symtoms
Urethra opens on ventral side of penis
Def of foreskin there
Skin tethering to hypoplastic urethra
Splayed columns of spongiosum tissue distal to the meatus
10% crytporchidism
Mx of hypospadias
Penile reconstruction
May not be needed in very distal disease
Usual diagnosis with meconium ileus and mx
Majority have cystic fibrosis
Infants who do not respond to PR contrast and NG N-acetyl cysteine will require surgery to remove the plugs
Mx of biliary atresia
Kasai at 8w
Roux-en Y portojejunostomy
45% who have kasai will require a transplantation
Overall survival 80%
Which is an ectopic teste
Canalicular or superficial inguinal pouch
Superficial inguinal pouch
Canalicular- between internal and external ring
Associated conditions and features with oesophageal atresia
Imperforate anus
Absent gastric fluid on US
Sporadic risk
Distal fistula most common
Mx of NEC
Treatment is with total gut rest and TPN, babies with perforations will require laparotomy
Factors favouring septic arthritis
WCC > 12
ESR >40
Inability to weight bear
Fever >38.5
Swollen, erythematous umbilicus with septic neonate
Risk of portal pyaemia, and portal vein thrombosis
Mass above hyoid, multiloculated, heterogeneous
Dermoid cyst
Recurrent infections, slow loss of vision, Multiple x-rays show brittle bones with no differentiation between the cortex and the medulla
No vas deferens, with recurrent chest infections
Cystic fibrosis
Sperm harvesting
Baby with undescended testicles mx
Review at 6-8w
Then 3m
Then will need referral to surgeon before 6m
Orchidopexy at 6- 18 months of age.
he operation usually consists of inguinal exploration, mobilisation of the testis and implantation into a dartos pouch.
Intra-abdominal testis should be evaluated laparoscopically and mobilised. Whether this is a single stage or two stage procedure depends upon the exact location.
After the age of 2 years in untreated individuals the Sertoli cells will degrade and those presenting late in teenage years may be better served by orchidectomy than to try and salvage a non functioning testis with an increased risk of malignancy.
Maintenance fluids in children
First 10kg- 100ml
Next 10- 50ml
After- 20ml/kg
E.g 21kg
1000+500+20= 1520ml/day
Maintenance fluid in neonates
From birth to day 1: 50-60 ml/kg/day.
Day 2: 70-80 ml/kg/day.
Day 3: 80-100 ml/kg/day.
Day 4: 100-120 ml/kg/day.
Days 5-8: 120-150 ml/kg/day.
Buckle vs greenstick fracture
Greenstick- unilateral cortisol breach only
Buckle - incomplete cortical disruption- resulting in periosteal haematoma only
Choanal atresia
Congenital disorder in which the nasal choanae, (i.e., paired openings that connect the nasal cavity with the nasopharynx), are occluded by soft tissue
episodes of cyanosis are usually worst during feeding. Improvement may be seen when the baby cries as the oropharyngeal airway is used.
Ix after bilious vomitting
Upper GI contrast study
Contrast should be seen to exit the stomach and the location of the DJ flexure is noted (it lies to the left of the midline). If this is not the case, or the study is inconclusive, a laparotomy is performed.
Mx of uncomplicated umbilical hernia
After 3 years of age
Ix if perches disease does not show on X ray
Painful bright red defecation
Anal fissure
Breech presentation with Barlow and ortolani normal, what next
Cause of unilateral cleft lip
Incomplete fusion of nasolabial muscle ring
Ix for DDH
Initially no obvious change on plain films and USS gives best resolution until 3 months of age. On plain films Shentons line should form a smooth arc
Painful area at umbilicus, with clear yellow fluid draining
Patent urachus
Billious vomiting, DJ flexure is displaced to the right - what mx
Ladds procedure- Laparotomy and division of adhesional bands
Umbilicus providing diffuse foul smelling brown fluid with granulation tissue
Peristent vitello intestinal ducts
Small bowel content to umbilicus
meant to obliterate at 5w when yolk sac no longer required for nutrition
Features of Rickets
Failure to thrive
Large head
Deformity of chest walll- thickening of costochondral junction (rickettary rosary)
Transverse sulcus in the chest caused by the pull of the diaphragm (Harrison’s sulcus).
X- Rays show widening and cupping of the epiphysis of the long bones, most readily apparent in the wrist.
A 3 day old baby develops dyspneoa. A chest x-ray is performed and shows a radio-opaque shadow with an air-fluid level in the chest
Bronchogenic cyst
Foregut-derived cystic malformations of the respiratory tract
Ix and tx of bronchogenic cyst
Many cases are diagnosed on antenatal ultrasound. Others may be detected on conventional chest radiography as a midline spherical mass or cystic structure. Once the diagnosis is suspected a CT scan should be performed.
Mx- thorascopic resection after 6w
Mx of FB in external auditory meatus not easily removed
Removal under GA in next operative list
Smooth mass anterior triangle, near mandible
Brachial cyst
Derived from second brachial cleft
Delayed meconium ix
Full thickness rectal biopsy
Mx of Hirschsprungs
Definitive surgery
Projective non billions vomiting
Pyloric stenosis
Ix and mx of pyloric stenosis
Hypochloraemic, hypokalaemic alkalosis due to persistent vomiting
Diagnosis is most commonly made by ultrasound or test feed
Management is with Ramstedt pyloromyotomy
Single palmar crease and prominent epicanthic folds of the eyes, with projectile vomiting
Duodenal atresia
Fluids for replacement of high output ileostomy
0.9% NaCL with K added
Do not give glucose/Na outside neonates
Testes that come out in bath but otherwise aren’t there and mx
Retractile testes
If the examining clinician notes the testis to return rapidly into the inguinal canal when released then surgery is probably indicated.
Impalpable testes in scrotum or inguinal region 13m
US not very useful
Jaundice ix
Present <24hrs- haemolytic anaemia, sepsis
Measure direct(conjugated) serum BR + blood film
2d-2w can be normal- physiological, breastfeeding, breastmilk jaundice
Transcutaneous BR + blood film
> 2w- can be normal or biliary atresia
Direct and indirect serum BR
prolonged physiological jaundice or breast milk jaundice will cause a rise in unconjugated bilirubin, whereas those with obstructive liver disease will have a rise in conjugated bilirubin)
Vertebral, Ano-rectal, Cardiac, Tracheo-oesophageal, Renal and Radial limb anomalies
Intolerant of feeds, pan systolic murmur, forearms not developed properly
Pellet lodged in liver, patient is well mx?
Do not operate and review several weeks later
Airgun pellets (and glass) lodged in the soft tissues are usually notoriously difficult to localise and extract
Gastroschisis vs omphalocele
Gastroschisis: Isolated abnormality, bowel lies outside abdominal wall through defect located to right of umbilicus.
Other anomalies rare- intestinal atresia in 10%
Central umbilical
Peritoneal sac
Other anomalies present- heart