Paediatric Surgery Flashcards
What factors come with oesophageal atresia?
Polyhydramnios and trace-oesophageal fistula and VACTERL
Vertebral, anorectal, cardiac, trachea-oeosophageal, renal, radial limb abnormalities
What’s commonest organism septic arthritis?
Staph Aureus
Risks of cryptorchidism?
reduced fertility, undescended increased malignancy risk
How to treat muconeum plug in CF
enema n-acetyl-cysteine, dilute gastrograffin
Cherry red anal lesion in child?
Juvenile polyps
obese male - pain referring to knee - reduced internal rotation?
Slipped upper femoral epiphysis
5-12yrs, pain referred to knee - short - hyperactive
Perthes disease
Midline swelling, heterogenous on imaging
Dermoid cyst
Anterior to the SCM, near mandible, anechoic on USS
Branchial cyst
Thyroglossal cyst
Anterior triangle, usually midline, below hyoid, anechoic on USS
Transilluminates, posterior triangle
cystic hygroma
How do you assess for hirshspurngs disease
full thickness rectal biopsy
What is urachus
urinary discharge from umbilicus
Management of Inguinal hernia in children?
Management of Inguinal hernia in infants?
Emergency operation
conjugated or unconjugated bilirubin for biliary atresia?
Conjugated bilirubin will rise in biliary atresia
What operation is used for biliary atresia?
KASAI procedure
Which cyst is above the hyoid?
dermoid cyst
which cyst is below the hyoid?
thyroglossal cyst
Testes not palpable or locatable with USS how do you proceed?
At what age should orchidopexy if needed take place?
6-18 months
Joint pain, mildly elevated inflammatory markers and a recent viral illness?
Transient synovitis
What operative management for malrotation of intestines?
Ladds procedure
What is Alagille syndrome?
Autosomal dominant condition, paucity of bile ducts and cardiac defects
At what age should an umbilical hernia be repaired in children?
3 years old
What is choanal atresia?
congenital narrowing of the back of the nasal cavity - causes difficulty breathing
No differentiation between cortex and medulla, symptoms of anaemia, thrombocytopenia?
At what ages should orchidopexy take place?
If appropriate 6-18 months
What causes a unilateral cleft lip?
incomplete fusion of nasolabial muscle rings
If XR not showing a suspected perches what is the imaging modality of choice?
Hip pain and recent viral illness ?
Transiet synovitis
What operation do you use to treat malrotation intestines ?
Ladds procedure
What do you see elevated in physiological jaundice?
unconjugated bilirubin will be raised
At what ages should umbilical hernia be repaired?
3 years
What is choanal atreasia?
congenital narrowing of the back of the nasal cavity