Non-malignant pathology Flashcards
What are the symptoms of hashimotos thyroiditis?
hypothyroidism - weight gain, fatigue, constipation, depression, hair loss
What is seen histologically for hashimotos thyroiditis?
lymphocytic infiltrates and fibrosis
What is seen immediately in the blood post splenectomy?
granulocytosis - WBC - neuts/ eosin/ basophils
What is seen immediately in the blood in the first few days post splenectomy?
target cells, siderocytes, reticulocytes
Other blood cells seen in a splenectomy?
Howell- jolly bodies, pappenheimber bodies, target cells, Heinz bodies
What is seen in peutz jeghers syndrome?
Hamartomous polyps, muccocutaneous hyperpigmentation (lips, face, palms, soles)
what is the genetic pathway for peutz jeghers syndrome?
Autosomal dominant
What gene mutation is seen in familial adenomatous polyposis?
APC gene mutation
What gene mutation is seen in Cowden disease?
PTEN gene mutation
What is required for diagnosis of Kartageners syndrome?
Primarily immotile cilia combined with situs inverses
Primary TB - what is the lung and hilarious lymph nodes known as?
Ghon Complex
When does secondary TB occur?
If a host becomes immunocompromised - an initial infection can reactivate - lungs are common site
What histology will be seen in a granuloma in a TB patient?
epithelial histiocytes, caseous necrosis in the centre
What type of stain is used for TB?
Zeihl-Neelsen staining
What type of hypersensitivity reaction is TB?
T4 - stimulates specific T cell response of cell mediated immunity
What does amyloid look like under the microscope?
apple befringence with polarised light
What is Plummer Vinson syndrome?
oesophageal web associated with iron deficient anaemia
How do you investigate dysphagia?
upper GI endoscopy, fluoroscopic swallow, ambulatory ph
Which symptoms makeup antiphospholipid syndrome?
-foetal loss, venous/ arterial thrombus/ thrombocytopenia - APTT prolonged
blood tests for antiphospholipid syndrome?
lupus anticoagulant, anti-cardiolipin, anti beta 2
What is the most common causative organism for iliopsoas abscess
staph aureus
Which cell failures causes pernicious anaemia
lack of production of IF by the parietal cells
Where do you find dermoid cysts
at sites of embryonic developmental fusion
What disease causes medial displacement of ureters?
retroperitoneal fibrosis
What is the genetic pathway of achondroplasia?
Autosomal dominant
What is a curling ulcer?
peptic stress ulceration
Which organism causes secondary infection in burns victims?
staph aureus
Which cell is needed for healing of a burn?
keratinocytes (needed from skin grafts in full thickness burns)
Which Ig is involved in T1 hypersensitivity reaction
Give an example of T1 hypersensitivity reaction
asthma/ hay fever
Give an example of a t2 hypersensitivity reaction
haemolytic anaemia/ autoimmune causes
What type of hypersensitivity reaction is aspergillosis ?
Which is the delayed type of hypersensitivity reaction?
Give an example of t4 hypersensitivity reaction
Graft vs host disease, contact dermatitis , granulomas
How soon is an acute blood transfusion reaction seen?
24 hours
How long after is a delayed transfusion reaction seen?
5-10 days afterwards
What causes a transfusion associated lung injury?
neutrophilic mediated allergic pulmonary oedema
What do you see in DIC?
prolonged pt, prolonged apt, prolonged bleeding time, low platelet count, fibrin degradation products raised
Which factors effect APTT
Which factors effect PT
2,7,9,10 - vit K dependent (think warfarin)
How is platelet function measured ?
Bleeding time
How is platelet function measured ?
Bleeding time
What will a liver cell adenoma look like on USS ?
mixed echogenicity and heterogenous texture
What is a hydatid cyst caused by ?
echinococcus infection - middle easter/ Mediterranean countries
neurofibromatosis t1 what are the signs?
schwannoma, axillary freckling, lisch nodules, optic glioma, meningiomas, glioma and >6 cafe au last spots
What is characteristic of neurofibromatosis T2?
bilateral acoustic neuromas and a FH of neurofibromatosis
What are the signs of tuberous sclerosis?
depigmented ash leaf spots, rough skin on lumbar spine, adenoma sebaceoum, care au lait spots
what is characteristic of dercums disease?
multiple lipomas
What causes graft vs host disease?
lymphocytic proliferation
What are the features of von hipple Lindau syndrome?
Cerebellar haemangiomas, retinal haemangionas, renal cysts, pheochromocytoma
What is coagulative necrosis?
Most common type of necrosis, early stage - little change, later stages loss of intracellular detail
What is colliquative necrosis?
in tissues with no supporting stroma seen in CNS
What is Caseous necrosis?
No definable structure seen - amorphous eosinophilic tissue seen histologically
What do dermoid cysts contain?
Multiple cell types, often hair is seen
What disease are asteroid bodies found in histologically?
Which amino acid is present in all types of collagen?