Overview Anatomy of the Thorax Flashcards
Thoracic planes and lines
What lies between the internal and innermost intercostal muscles
Neurovascular bundles; most important ones are the superior which sit in the groove of the upper rib
They run in the orientation of Vein Artery Nerve (VAN)
Parietal Pleura and Visceral Pleura
They make up the pleura (sac) that encoloses each lung
Visceral Pleura covers the lungs and the parietal lines pulmonary cavities
Role of fluid in parietal cavity
Decreasing friction during ventilation (potential space, not a real one)
Discuss what must be avoided by a needle piercing the pleural cavity
Avoid the neurovascular bundle by inserting the needle close to the upper border of the lower rib
Openings of the thorax
Superior and Inferior Thoracic Aperture (they are quite narrow)
Thoracic outlet syndrome
Blockages of any of the structures in the superior thoracic aperture (e.g. brachial plexus nerves and artieries) such as from a tumour
True ribs
1-7; they articulate directly with the sternum
False ribs
8-10 as they do not articulate with the sternum; instead only with the rib above
11th-12th ribs
They do not articulate at all; they exist posteriorly but not anteriorly
Why do vertebral bodies increase in size as they go down the body
The load increases
Two main functions of pec major muscles
Adduction and Medial rotation
What attaches at the scalene tubercle and what is its role
Anterior scalene; a neck muscle that attaches to the first rib which is an accessory muscle of ventilation
Which pectoralis muscles are accessory muscles of ventilation
Pectoralis minor and major
Contrast the innervation of pectoralis minor and major
Both are innervated by Medial pectoral nerves but only pec major is innervated by lateral pectoral nerves
(Remember medial for medium - between major and minor so innervates both)
Main functions of pectoralis minor
Depressor of scapula (hence shoulders) and protractor of scapula
Where does the pectoralis major attach
Clavicular head attaches to the medial part of the clavical
Sternocostal head attaches to the sternum and costal cartilages (look at name)
Both heads attach to the intertubercular groove on the humerus
Where does the pectoralis minor attach
Attaches to the coracoid process of the scapula (fingerlike projections) and comes across and attaches to ribs 3-5 near their cartilages
Axillary tail
Extension of the tissue of the breast that extends into the Axilla
Retromammary space
Loose areolar tissue that separates the breast from the pectoralis major muscle
Which is closer to the front of the chest - Pec minor or major?
Pectoralis major is anterior to the pectoralis minor (major is closer to skin)
Central part of the thoracic cavity that lies between the pleural cavities (contains many structures, including heart)
Compare the superior and inferior mediastinum (sagittal view of thorax)
The superior mediastinum runs from T1-T4; its boundaries are the manubrium, vertebrae, sternal angle and superior thoracic aperture
Inferior mediasternum runs from T5-L1; its boundaries are the body of the sternum, sternal angle, diaphragm and vertebrae
Contents of superior mediastinum
Thymus, great veins (e.g. superior vena cava), phrenic nerves, aortic arch and branches, pulmonary arteries and veins, trachea, thoracic duct, oesophagus
Discuss the three sections of the inferior mediastinum and their contents
There are posterior, anterior and middle mediastinums
Anterior - Internal thoracic blood vessels, thymus and sternopericardial ligaments
Middle - Heart and pericardium, phrenic nerves and pericardiophrenic blood vessels
Posterior - Descending aorta, azygos veins, oespohagus, thoracic duct, sympathetic trunks