Overview Flashcards
Usefulness of microbes
- decompose organic waste
- primary producers (photosynthesis)
- prod. industrial chemicals
- prod. fermented foods
- prod. products used in manufacturing
Disease causing microbes
- 5% of all microbes
- 3 classifications: invasiveness, toxigenicity, super antigen
Super antigens
Allows body to overreact w/ WBCs, inflammation, etc
- Hypothesis that life arose from pre-existing life
- Pasteur, Spallanzani, & Redi
Spontaneous generation
- Living organisms arose from non-living matter
- Needham
Louis Pasteur experiment 1861
- disproved spontaneous generation theory
- bend prevented microbes from entering flask
- microorganisms not present after long time pds
Why are Hans & Zacharias Janssen important?
- 1590
- prod. 1st compound microscope by mounting 2 lenses
Why is Anton Van Leeuwenhoek important?
- 1676
- 1st person to observe & publish microbes
- microbes from teeth scraping, rainwater, & peppercorn infusions
Why are carl zeiss & ernst abbe important?
- 1883
- dev. immersion lenses & apochromatic lenses that reduce chromatic aberration
What did Ernst ruska do in 1933?
Constructed 1st electron microscope
How do microbes help humans?
- recycle vital elements
- sewage treatment
- bioremediation
- pest control
Microbes & disease
- resistance can be: physical, chemical, biological, and mechanical
- natural & acquired resistance
- infectious disease
Other than disproving a theory, what did Louis Pasteur contribute to science?
- changes in hospital practices to minimize microbe spreading
- discovered weakened forms of microbes could be used ti immunize against stronger forms of the microbes
What did Robert Koch contribute to Science?
- ID spore stage of anthrax (1st time causative agent of disease ID)
- disc. Mycobacterium tuberculosis & tuberculin skin test
- created “ koch’s postulates”
What is the gist of Koch’s postulates?
- conditions that must be satisfied before accepting that a particular bacteria causes a specific disease
What did Edward Jenner contribute to science?
- discovered vaccination
- vaccinated a young, healthy boy w/ cowpox & 2 mos later he was protected
What did Alexander Fleming do?
- discovered 1st antibiotic
- observed that penicillium fungus prod. penicillin
- prokaryotic
- mycoplasma & thiomargarita
- normal/ pathogenic bacteria
- archaea bacteria
- methanogen
- halophiles
- thermophiles
2 forms of fungi are
Yeast & mold
Fungi get nutrition via
Absorption of organic matter
3 uses of fungi
Medical, ag, and ecological
Trichopyton spores have
- helminthology: study of worms, flat, round, & tape
- protozoology: amoeba and plasmodium
- started by Jenner in 1796
- innate/acquired immunity
-WBCs and vx
- lancefield streptococcus grouping
- started by Iwanowski & Stanley
-viruses not seen via light microscope
- viruses are non- living
Viral EIDs
- Avian & swine influenza
- Severe acute resp. syndrome
- west nile encephalitis
- ebola & marburg hemorrhagic fever
Prion EIDs
- bovine spongiform encephalopathy & mad cow disease
- creutzfeldt-jakob disease
Bacterial EIDs
- E. coli O157: H7
- group A streptococci, flesh eating bacteria
- tuberculosis