canada has the most sport management programs ?
what are four unique aspects of sport management ?
- marketing
- industry career path
- social institutions
- social enterprise financial structures
what is the difference between ephemeral and permanent social media ?
ephemeral is temporary and permanent is long lasting
what are the two theoretical approaches to management?
human relations management and process management
what are the three steps of underlying processes to management ?
- planning
- controlling
- evaluating
what are the three full range of leadership models ?
- transactional
- transformational leadership
- non-transactional
whats the most important range of leadership ?
what are the three types of power ?
- reward
- expert
- information
what does the book consider to be sport inclusivity in the workplace ?
- education
- systematic integration
- process of change
- top management
name three overarching themes important for sports management ?
- tech
- ethics
- globalization
what are the three levels of sport management ?
- public
- commercial
- non-profit
what did the WNBA do for Breonna Taylor ?
leverage their social level to effect change
what is Canadian royal legion ?
helping local Veterans, supporting seniors, providing youth sports programs, raising funds, volunteering to help those in need, or simply offering a place to gather for fun and celebration
who offerers community sports ?
- community
- school
- private organization
what are some general benefits for community sport ?
- quality of life / family life
- sense of community
- health benefits
adult community sport is offered in discrete time periods …
difference between league and tournament
difference between validity and reliability ?
Reliability = something is consistent time and time again
validity = that the test is a precise way of measuring what it is supposed to measure.
what is ethnography ?
a qualitative method for collecting data often used in the social and behavioral sciences
know about sport as a social agent and unifier :
- also a divider
- sexism
- racism
who is Colin kaparnick ?
American civil rights activist
define civil rights connection to Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali received the Liberty Medal for his long-time role as an advocate for humanitarian causes, civil rights and religious freedo
what did John Carlos do at the Olympics ?
During their medal ceremony in the Olympic Stadium in Mexico City in1968, two African-American athletes, Tommie Smith and John Carlos, each raised a black-gloved fist during the playing of the US national anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner”.
what is the difference between mince berg and froyol ?
froyol = processes
mince berg = traits and roles of people