Bleeding time test
Measures the length of time a wound bleeds
Purpose of Bleeding time
Detects platelet function disorders and VWD
Coagulation mechanism effect on Bleeding time
Not affected
Factors affecting Bleeding time
Platelet count/function, skin thickness/vascularity, blood vessel quality
Medications affecting Bleeding time
Aspirin (avoid 7 days), NSAIDs (24 hours before)
Duke method procedure
Finger punctured with sterile lancet, timer starts with first blood drop
Blotting during Duke method
Blot with filter paper every 30 secs, paper should not touch the wound
Normal bleeding time (Duke method)
2 to 4 minutes
Ivy method procedure
Sphygmomanometer inflated to 40 mmHg at upper forearm
Incision details in Ivy method
2 skin incisions, 2 mm deep and 2 mm long, avoiding veins
Blotting during Ivy method
Blot blood every 30 secs with filter paper (paper must not touch wound)
Normal bleeding time (Ivy method)
1 to 7 minutes
Modified Ivy method using a template with a standardized slit
Template Bleeding Time
Template Bleeding Time developed by
C.H. Mielke, Jr. and colleagues
Template Bleeding Time devices
Simplate and Surgicutt
Normal bleeding time (Template method)
2 to 9 minutes