Other Important Stuff Flashcards
What is Step 1 2 3 Plus?
Step 1 - one person incapacitated with no obvious reason: • Approach using standard protocols.
Step 2 - two people incapacitated with no obvious reason:
• Approach with caution using standard protocols.
Step 3 - three or more people in close proximity, incapacitated with no obvious reason:
• Use caution and follow step ‘plus’.
Plus - follow the CBRN first responder flowchart to consider what actions can be undertaken to save life, using the following principles:
- Evacuate – get people away from the scene of contamination.
- Communicate and advise – immediate medical advice and reassurance that help is on its way.
- Disrobe – remove clothing.
- Decontaminate – improvised decontamination – dry decontamination when a non- caustic agent is suspected and wet decontamination when a caustic agent is suspected.
What needs to be in place before committing a BA crew to a silo?
1 - Advice from TRA
2 - Level 2 Line Ops
3 - Crews Led by CM
4 - DIM Equipment used
Who are mobilised to all confirmed cylinder incidents?
What Four things must be confirmed before a cylinder hazard zone can be reduced?
1- Fire is out
2- Not Acetylene
3- All Cylinders accounted for
4- All involved cylinders are being cooled
What is the CAP test for Acetylene?
1- Cooled for 1 Hour
2- Monitor for 15min TIC
3- Momentary spray and observe conditions
4- Repeat minimum four times (2hours total)
5- If at any point cylinder fails resume 1hours cooling
What is the minimum rank for a FSG coordinator?
What are the 4 Catagories of Hazmat?
- Chemical
- Physical (Hot/Cold)
- Radioactive
- Biological
How is a Hazmat Cordon divided into Zones?
Hazard Zone - Inner Cordon - Hot - Warm Cold Zone Outer Cordon -Decon Zone (until Decon Commences)
What should be requested at large Hazmat incidents (10 or more GTS)?
IRU for Hughes Decon Shower
What is the minimum rank for a Fire Sector Commander?
CM (bridgehead)
What is the initial equipment at a High Rise Bridgehead?
2 x 45mm Hose (with Carry Straps) 2 x BA Sets BA Board TIC IEC Pack Long Line Breaking in Gear FIRE BAG - High Rise Bag
What should a message from a railway arch include?
Railway arches should describe the nature of occupancy where applicable.
ie - “From ………… at …………; single railway arch used as car workshops …………”
What is a BLEVE?
Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion
What additional Attendance will a Level 2 Hazmat at a sub surface railway attract?
RRT CBRN Additional PL (WM) at secondary locations
What is the Definition of Tactical Withdrawal?
Tactical withdrawal is the removal of personnel from a specific area of potential danger in a safe
and planned manner.