Other Important Stuff Flashcards
What is Step 1 2 3 Plus?
Step 1 - one person incapacitated with no obvious reason: • Approach using standard protocols.
Step 2 - two people incapacitated with no obvious reason:
• Approach with caution using standard protocols.
Step 3 - three or more people in close proximity, incapacitated with no obvious reason:
• Use caution and follow step ‘plus’.
Plus - follow the CBRN first responder flowchart to consider what actions can be undertaken to save life, using the following principles:
- Evacuate – get people away from the scene of contamination.
- Communicate and advise – immediate medical advice and reassurance that help is on its way.
- Disrobe – remove clothing.
- Decontaminate – improvised decontamination – dry decontamination when a non- caustic agent is suspected and wet decontamination when a caustic agent is suspected.
What needs to be in place before committing a BA crew to a silo?
1 - Advice from TRA
2 - Level 2 Line Ops
3 - Crews Led by CM
4 - DIM Equipment used
Who are mobilised to all confirmed cylinder incidents?
What Four things must be confirmed before a cylinder hazard zone can be reduced?
1- Fire is out
2- Not Acetylene
3- All Cylinders accounted for
4- All involved cylinders are being cooled
What is the CAP test for Acetylene?
1- Cooled for 1 Hour
2- Monitor for 15min TIC
3- Momentary spray and observe conditions
4- Repeat minimum four times (2hours total)
5- If at any point cylinder fails resume 1hours cooling
What is the minimum rank for a FSG coordinator?
What are the 4 Catagories of Hazmat?
- Chemical
- Physical (Hot/Cold)
- Radioactive
- Biological
How is a Hazmat Cordon divided into Zones?
Hazard Zone - Inner Cordon - Hot - Warm Cold Zone Outer Cordon -Decon Zone (until Decon Commences)
What should be requested at large Hazmat incidents (10 or more GTS)?
IRU for Hughes Decon Shower
What is the minimum rank for a Fire Sector Commander?
CM (bridgehead)
What is the initial equipment at a High Rise Bridgehead?
2 x 45mm Hose (with Carry Straps) 2 x BA Sets BA Board TIC IEC Pack Long Line Breaking in Gear FIRE BAG - High Rise Bag
What should a message from a railway arch include?
Railway arches should describe the nature of occupancy where applicable.
ie - “From ………… at …………; single railway arch used as car workshops …………”
What is a BLEVE?
Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion
What additional Attendance will a Level 2 Hazmat at a sub surface railway attract?
RRT CBRN Additional PL (WM) at secondary locations
What is the Definition of Tactical Withdrawal?
Tactical withdrawal is the removal of personnel from a specific area of potential danger in a safe
and planned manner.
What is the Definition of Firefighter Emergency?
This term will apply whenever Fire Service personnel, or personnel working under the control of
the LFB, are unaccounted for and/or in need of rescue.
What is the Definition of Level One Water Rescue?
Level 1 water operations – Operations where firefighters work within 3m of an unprotected waters edge, or enter water that is both shallow enough not to compromise their PPE (i.e. over the top of their fire boots) and slow moving enough that there is no foreseeable risk that they will be swept off their feet.
What is the Definition of Level Two Water Rescue?
Level 2 water operations – Operations where firefighters may have to commit to water (still or moving) to affect a rescue. This includes all incidents involving people in the water and any other incidents beyond the limitations of level 1.
What is the Definition of Level 3 Water Ops?
Level 3 water operations – Operations which involve the deployment of the Flood Response Kits (FRK) where firefighters may be required to work under the guidance of FRU SRT near, on or in flood water. This equipment will normally be deployed for flooding over a wide area but it can also be used for more localised floods where significant numbers of firefighters need to be committed to the water.
When should a Worded Stop be used instead of a Coded Stop?
- When an informative or assistance message has been sent
- Where more than one hose reel was used to extinguish a fire
- When four or more appliances attended
- Where people require rescue or have sustained injury (not lifts)
- Where Level 2 Hazmat has been confirmed
What is a METHANE Message?
M - Major incident declared E - Exact location T - Type of Incident H - Hazards A - Access and Egress Routes N - Number of casualties E - Emergency services needed
When Can Fire Surrounded be sent?
- Fires involving 3 or more main jets
- 6 Pumps or above
“once all jets are in position and there is no possibility of fire spread”