376 Cylinder Procedure Flashcards
What are the 3 ways gases are stored in cylinders?
1-LPG liquified gas
2-Compressed gas
3-Dissolved in a solvent (Acetylene)
What are the 4 main methods of cylinder construction?
1-Welded construction (2 welded steel halves)
2-Drawn steel (single steel skin)
What is the BCGA?
British Compressed Gas Association
Who are mobilised to all confirmed cylinder incidents?
At what temperature do Steel and Aluminium cylinders generally fail?
Aluminium -200-250c
Steel - 300c
What technique can aid gas dispersal around a failed cylinder?
Application of a fine spray.
How should unidentifiable cylinders be treated?
As acetylene.
What initial cordon/hazard zone should be established when a cylinder has been directly involved in a fire?
Initial zone of 200m with reduction of substantial cover is available.
When a cylinder fails how far can it be propelled?
Initial fireball of 25m cylinder body propelled up to 200m
When should a failed composite cylinder be cooled?
After all gas has been burnt off.
What four things must be confirmed before the cylinder hazard zone can be reduced/removed?
1-Fire is extinguished
2-Cylinders are definitely NOT acetylene
3-All cylinders accounted for
4-All involves cylinders are receiving direct cooling
What level of PPE must crews wear when working within 25m of a cylinder?
Full firefighter PPE, BA including flash hood and gloves
What are the 3 main signs that a cylinder has not been involved in A fire?
- Paperlabelsandplasticringsareintact.
- Thepaintworkhasnotbeenblackenedorblistered.
- Thesupplyhosepipesareundamaged
What number is the acetylene handover form?
Form 6104
What is CAP?
Cylinder assessment process
Difference between acetylene/unidentifiable and normal cylinders involved in fire?
Normal-cooled to ambient temperature, monitored wit TIC
Acetylene-cooled for 1hour, monitored with CAPtake temp with tic
Observe for 15 minutes with water off,
Momentary spray to observe conditions?
Resume cap process. If cylinder fails at any point, resume 1 hours cooling
Which aide memoir carries cylinder procedure information and where can it be found.
Aide memoir 6 in the BA board