581 Water Rescue Flashcards
What is Level 1 Water Ops?
Operations where firefighters work within 3m of an unprotected waters edge, or enter water that is both shallow enough not to compromise their PPE (i.e. over the top of their fire boots) and slow moving enough that there is no foreseeable risk that they will be swept off their feet.
What is Level 2 water Ops?
Operations where firefighters may have to commit to water (still or moving) to affect a rescue. This includes all incidents involving people in the water and any other incidents beyond the limitations of level 1. Usually FRU or SRT
What is Level 3 Water Ops?
Operations which involve the deployment of the Flood Response Kits (FRK) where firefighters may be required to work under the guidance of FRU SRT near, on or in flood water. This equipment will normally be deployed for flooding over a wide area but it can also be used for more localised floods where significant numbers of firefighters need to be committed to the water.
Who Are SRT
Swift Water Rescue Technicians
What is a TAR ?
Tactical Adviser Rescue
When will a TAR be deployed?
L1 Water ops - Informed
L2 Water ops - mobilised
TAR does not need to be present for operations to commence
Who can be committed to perform Rescues on mud, ice or partially frozen water?
ICs must not commit untrained personnel on or into mud, ice or partially frozen water unless the situation is so critical that to await the arrival of further resources is likely to result in loss of human life
What Safety Precautions should be implemented at a L! Water Ops Incident?
- 3M minimum restricted zone from waters edge
- PFDs are worn
- Chin Straps unfastened if helmets are worn
- Safety officer with throw line deployed
- Spotters
What is the Hierarchy of Water Rescue?
L1 - Talk Reach Throw L2 - Wade Row Go/Tow
If in an Life threatening situation non FRU SRT firefighters have to enter the water, what must be considered?
- Competent and capable individual
- Fully Briefed
- SO with Throw line in place
- Correctly rigged and attached to safety line
- Consider use of inflated hose
- Priority message detailing actions
What does FRU SRT PPE consist of?
- Drysuit.
- PFD.
- Water rescue helmet.
- Gloves.
- Thermal under clothing as required.
What are the 3 types of ROW rescue?
(i) A tethered and empty boat or rescue path.
(ii) A tethered and crewed boat/path.
(iii) An untethered and crewed boat.
What are the 2 types of GO/TOW rescue?
(i) Tethered
(ii) Non – tethered.
What is ERB?
Emergency Rescue Boat Operations
Minimum crewing of an ERB?
Maximum capacity of an ERB?
7 People (650kg)