Other breast problems Flashcards
What are fibroadenomas?
Hyperplasia of a single terminal duct unit
Treatment of fibroadenoma
If proven on US and FNA cytology, do not need excision
How are breast cysts investigated?
Aspirate after US confirmation
Symptoms of duct papilloma (2)
Discharge +/- blood
Treatment of duct papilloma
Excision (microdochectomy or total duct excision)
Classification of breast pain (2)
Cyclical (relationship to menstrual cycle)
Which areas of the breast tend to be affected by cyclical mastalgia?
Outer half of each breast although it may be unilateral
How is cyclical mastalgia described by patients? (3)
Heightened awareness, fullness, heaviness
Indications for imaging in mastalgia (2)
Breast lump present
Possible extramammary causes of mastalgia (4)
Chest wall
Gall stones
Lung disease
1st line treatment of mastalgia (4)
Reassurance; bra fitting; simple analgesia; topical NSAIDs may help
Second line options for mastalgia (4)
Gamolenic acid
Mechanism of a) danazol b) bromocriptine
a) anti-gonadotrophin b) dopamine agonist
which test should be carried out in the case of a milky bilateral nipple discharge (when not breastfeeding)
PRL levels ?pituitary adenoma
Symptomatic relief of gynaecomastia (2)
Danazol or tamoxifen