Origins Of French Revolution 1774-1787 (2) Flashcards
What were the layers of French Government?
Central Government
The Intendants
Local Government
What did Absolutism mean for Louis?
There were no legal limits to the King’s power over his subjects
What were the only things that limited Louis’ power?
He needed the consent of the noble elite
He had been taught to take advice on important decisions
When did Louis XVI take the throne?
Why was Louis’ marriage to Marie Antionette unpopular?
Austria was blamed for France’s defeat in the Seven Years War
Why was Louis unsuited to the role of being King?
Louis was weak willed, shy, introverted and indecisive
What was ‘Patronage’?
Provision of appointments to offices and the granting of privileges
What was an example of the way in which the King was absolute?
The lettre de cachets:
- ordered the imprisonment of those who went against his will
- could not be challenged
In what ways was the King’s absolutism somewhat restrained?
He needed support from the noble elites
Had to rule ‘by the law’ = could not rule despotically
How did Central Government work in France before 1798
- ‘King in Council’
- King made ultimate decision
- Having taken advice by ‘royal councils’
What were the three overlapping ‘royal councils’ that met in the presence of and advised the king?
Conseil d’Etat
Conseil des Depeches
Conseil Royal des Finances
What did the Conseil d’Etat do?
Dealt with major issues of state and foreign affairs
What were the problems with these councils, and the running of government?
Power fell into hands of small number of influential people
Louis met each minister individually, led to court factions working against each other
What were the Intendants?
People appointed by the King to maintain his rule and feedback information from areas of France
Name 3 specific duties of Intendants?
Ensuring taxes paid
Ensuring King’s edicts carried out
Presiding over local courts
What was the problem with government maintaining control across the wide expanse of France?
No single representative body to pass laws for whole country
So wide variation in laws and customs across France
How many regional parlements were there in France and what could they do?
13 regional parlements
Ratify royal legislation
What was a remonstrance?
Document sent by a parlement to the monarch protesting against a royal decree
What was the tithe?
Tax paid to the church of 10% of income
What were the priveliges of the Clergy?
Clergy did not have to pay the taille
Paid don gratuit instead of around 5% church income
Clergy could only be prosecuted in own Church courts and couldn’t be called up for military service
How much of the population did the Second Estate make up and how much land did they own
Less than 1% of the population
Between 1/4 and 1/3 of the land
What were the Noblesse de robe?
The Nobles created by the monarch selling legal and administrative titles with a hereditary title
In 1789 there were over 70,000 venal offices
How much of society did the third estate make up?
28 million
What were the privileges of the nobility?
Nobility exempt from the taille
Exempt from military conscription but many volunteered to fight by buying commissions
What was the taille?
The french land tax
What were the burdens of the peasantry?
Had to pay rent and taxes on grain to lords
Had to pay taille and tithe
Could be conscripted
Weaknesses of France under Ancien regime
Problems of government and taxation
Social inequality, creating deep resentment especially among the Third Estate.
What was meant by the King ruling ‘by the law’
Upholding Christian morality
Respecting rights and privileges of his subjects