Henry VIII LoA's Flashcards
Cromwell initiated policies which served his own agenda
- 1536 - Ten Articles - Opposed Henry’s conservative relgious views
- 1536 - Streamlined council from 70 to 20 councillors
Wolsey initiated policies which served his own agenda
- 1516 - Star chamber - 1685 cases - 10x Henry VII - Challenged corruption of nobility
- Court of Chancery - 7526 cases - Improved access to justice for poor
- Eltham ordinances - 1526 - Streamlined chamber from 12 to 6 - removed groom of stool
Henry VIII retained ultimate decision-making power over his ministers
- 1525 - Amicable grant - reversed act - pardoned 10,000 rebels
- 1529 - Wolsey charged with praemunire
- 1540 - Cromwell executed for treason
- 1539 - Six Articles - contrasting Cromwell’s ten articles
Parliament underwent significant transformation during Henry VIII’s reign
- 1529-36 - Reformation Parliament met nearly every year - Only 4 parliaments held before this
- Increased range of matters discussed - break from Rome
- 1536 - Law in Wales Act - Shires represented in House of Commons
Changes to local government were responsive to events rather than proactive
- 1537 - Council of North reformed after PoG (1536)
- 1537 - Cromwell persuaded Irish Parliament to acknowledge Henry as Supreme Head of Church - as a result of break from Rome
The structure and governance of the church was transformed during Henry VIII’s reign
- 1534 - Act of Supremacy - confirmed Henry as Supreme Head of Church
- 1535 - Cromwell made vice-gerent in Spirituals - More authority than bishops and archbishops
The structure and governance of the church changed little during Henry VIII’s reign
Structure of hierachy retained - Archbishops, Bishops, and Priests
The desire for military glory shaped Henry’s foreign policy decisions
- 1521 - Treaty of Bruges - Anglo-Spanish alliance used to reduce French power in Italy - To extend military goals in France
- 1513 - Flodden - Half of Scottish nobility and James IV killed - Aggressive foreign policy
- 1513 - Battle of Spurs - Captured Tournai + Therouanne - Exaggeration + propaganda shows desperation for glory
Henry achieved very little tangible benefit from his actions against France
- 1513 - Battle of Spurs - Forced to sell Tournai for less than cost of repair after initial siege
- 1513 - Renegotiated French pension lost (Etaples)
- 1522/23 - Invasions gained little - Asked Parliament to grant extraordinary revenue for costs
Henry VIII achieved his aim of military glory in Scotland
- 1513 - Flodden - James IV and half of Scottish nobility killed
- 1542 - Solway Moss - 15,000 Scots heavily defeated by 3,000 English
Henry VIII failed to achieve his aim of military glory in Scotland
- 1545 - Ancrum Moor - Francis I and Scots defeated England
Henry VIII was successful in achieving peace with major European powers
- 1521 - Treaty of Bruges - marriage alliance between Charles V and Mary
- 1527 - Treaty of Amiens - anti-imperial alliance with France
- 1510 - Marriage to Catherine of Aragon - strong Spanish relations
The doctrine of the Church in 1547 was little different to what it had been in the 1520’s
- 1539 - Six Articles - confirmed transubastantiation and mass
- 1543 - The Kings Book - Revised Bishop’s book - defended six articles
The doctrine of the Church in 1547 was different to what it had been in the 1520’s
- 1536 - Ten Articles - Rejected transubstantiation - 7 sacrements rejected
- 1537 - Mathew Bible published - distinctly protestant Bishops Book
The practice of the Church in 1547 was little different to what it had been in the 1520’s
- 1543 - Act for Advancement of True Religion - restricted English Bible access to upper-class men
- 1539 - Six Articles - banned taking communion of both kinds
The practice of the Church in 1547 was different to what it had been in the 1520’s
- 1538 - Royal injunctions - English Bible in all parishes - Attacked forms of worship (pilgramage)
- 1545 - Chantries Act - Destroyed practice of ‘purging sins’
The wider population suffered under Henry VIII
- 1526 - Wolsey initiated first debasement of coinage - Added to inflationary pressure
- 1527-29 - Bad harvests - Increased food prices - Doubled across entire reign
- 1/2 Coventry and 1/3 of Yarmouth recorded as having no personal wealth
Common people challenged Henry VIII’s authority
- 1525 - Amicable grant - Additional tax to fund war in France - 10,000 resisted payment - Tax abandoned
- 1536 - Pilgramage of Grace - Loss of charitable and educational funds from Monastaries - 30,000 rebels - Clergy gentry and commoners - Risings in Northumberland and Durham
Henry VIII persued a defensive foreign policy between 1509-1529
- 1510 - Renewal of Etaples - Sought continuation of peace with France
- 1518 - Treaty of London - Non-aggression pact with France Spain and HRE
- 1527 - Treaty of Amiens - Anti-imperial alliance with France
Government underwent significant transformation during Henry VIII’s reign
- 1526 - Eltham ordinances - Privy chamber cut from 12 to 6 - Groom of stool removed - Improved chaotic administration of government
- 1516 - Star Chamber - 1685 cases - challenged curroption of nobility
- Court of Chancery - 7526 cases - improved access to justice for poor
- 1536 - Cromwell streamlined council from 70 to 20 - Increased efficiency and confidentiality
Economy during Henry VIII’s reign
- Export of cloth rose by 125% between 1510-1550 - increased income for exporters
- 90% of people lived off land - reliance on subsistence farming and primary sector
- Grain prices doubled between 1510-1530
- 1526 - Policy of debasement added to inflationary pressure
Reformist groups played a key role in forcing change in the Church under Henry VIII
- 1529 - Simon Fish - ‘Supplication of beggars’ - Anticlericalist book challenging corruption of Church
- St Paul’s school adopted humanist principles