Elizabeth LoA's Flashcards
Elizabeth maintained strong authority over her council
- 1571 - Council pushed for execution of MQS - she refused
- 1563 - Council pressed to name successor and marry - she forbade discussion of succession and marriage
- 1601 - Executed Essex
Elizabeth maintained strong authority over parliament
- 1576 and 1597 - MP Peter Wentworth sent to tower for raising issue of succession
- 11/13 sessions asked for subsidy - all granted
- 1571 - Strickland removed from commons for proposing prayer book reform
- Refused royal assent to 60 bills
Factional rivalry limited Elizabeth’s authority
- 1567 - Cecil and Leicester disagreed about marriage to Archduke Charles - Elizabeth abandoned it
- 1578 - Leicester and Cecil disagree over intervention in Netherlands - Delays Elizabeth by 7 years
Elizabeth’s authority declined in the latter part of her reign
- 1599 - Essex sent to Ireland to confront Tyrone - made a truce
- 1601 - Essex rebellion aiming to destroy Cecil faction and name James VI as successor
Elizabeth prioritised preventing Spanish influence in Netherlands over avoiding war
- 1577 - Sent mercenaries to support rebels against Don John
- 1585 - Treaty of Nonsuch - 7000 soldiers to support Dutch rebels
- 1587 - Drake attacked Spanish vessels at Cadiz
Catholic plots and rebellions created significant challenge to Elizabeth
- 1586 - Babington plot - Aimed to replace Liz with MQS - led to execution in 1587
- 1569 - Northern Rebellion - Aimed to free MQS from tower to force Liz to name successor
Privy Council controlled Elizabeth’s decision making
- 1559 - Intervention in Scotland to support Lords of Congregation - Cecil threatened to resign
- 1576 - Sent loan of £100,000 to Dutch Estates-General - Leicester pushing for intervention - First direct intervention
- 1562 - Elizabeth wants to meet MQS - Council disagree and she refrains
Protestant threat was easily dealt with during Elizabeth’s reign
- 1571 - Strickland proposed bill to reform Book of Common Prayer - PC removed him from commons
- 1566 - 37 London clergymen deprived of posts for rejecting Advertisements
- 1583 - Whitgift supsended 300 local clergy for refusing Three articles
Elizabeth strengthened England’s power over the regions
- Welsh language disappered as a medium of government
- 1569 - Act of Attainder used to confiscate rebel lands and abolished title of ‘The O’Neill’
Elizabeth’s lack of control over regions
- 1580 - 6500 men needed to suppress rebellion led by Fitzgerald, in Munster
- 1599 - Tyrone defeated English army of 4000 - Essex sent with 16,000 to Ireland but made truce
- 1569 - Some Northern rebellion leaders escaped across border to Scotland
Spanish action in the Netherlands were to blame for the deterioration in Anglo-Spanish relations
- 1577 - Elizabeth demands Phillip to recall Don John of Austria from reconquest of Netherlands - He refused
- 1579 - Spanish make peace with Union of Arras - Allows Parma to begin reconquest of Northern Netherlands
- 1576 - Spanish troops murdering rampage in Antwerp
The poor benefitted during Elizabeth’s reign
- 1576 - Act for the relief of the poor - Impotent poor provided with hospitality
- 1598 - Act for the relief of the poor - ‘Poor rate’ paid for apprenticeships, building of hopsitals, and employment
The poor benefitted little during Elizabeth’s reign
- Cost of living rose by 40% - Average wages rose by 20%
- 24% national income belonged to 1.2% of families
The economy benefitted from Elizabeth’s reign
- 1563 - Act for Maintenance of the Navy - Raised price limit on exported grain - Expanded food supply at home
- Trade embargos in 1563 and 1586 - Forced merchants to seek new markets - Emden and Hamburg
- Hanseatic League lost privileges to transport English exports - 1560’s: trade routes extended to Baltic and West Coast of Africa
While rebellions were dealt with, they demonstrated weaknesses in Elizabeth’s authority
- 1569 - Northern Rebellion - Aimed to free MQS to force Liz to name successor - 700 rebels and Norfolk executed - Leicester involved to attack Cecil
- 1601 - Essex’s rebellion - Aimed to destroy Cecil faction and name James VI as successor - Essex executed 1601
Policies introduced to address poverty were largely uneffective under Elizabeth
- 14% national income belonged to 1.2% of families
- 1563 - Statute of Artificers - 7 year apprenticeships made compulsory - Wages rose by 20% - Cost of living rose by 40%
Elizabeth faced a serious puritan threat from within parliament
- 1571 - William Strickland proposed bill to reform Book of Common Prayer - PC banned him from Commons
- 1586-87 - MP’s Cope and Wentworth attempted Presbyterian reform - Reintroducing Turner’s ‘Bill and Book’ to abolish Church Courts - both were imprisoned
Elizabeth faced a serious puritan threat from within the Church
- 1566 - Vestment controversy - Archbishop Parker issued Advertisements on clerical dress - 37 London clergymen refused and deprived of posts
- 1571 - Some clergy refused to subscribe to 39 articles and prayer book - Deprived of posts
- 2000 Bishops refused Oath of Supremacy due to ‘Supreme Governor’ - 1/4 of total
Elizabeth’s foreign policy successes owed much to good fortune
- 1588 - Spanish Armada - Change in wind direction - Prevented Spanish meeting with Parma’s army
- Death of Armada leader - Marquis of Santa Cruz - Replaced by inexperienced Sidonia
Elizabeth’s foreign expeditions were largely unsuccessful
- 1589 - Portugal - Reassert Portugues independance - Overambitious plan and lack of resources
- 1595 - Failed plundering of West Indies - Never reached target of Panama - Drake and Hawkins both died
- 1596 - Capture of Cadiz - Shortlived - was looted and vacated - Strategic significance not realised
Elizabeth was unsuccessful in handling England’s resources regarding foreign policy
- 1585-98 - War in Netherlands - £2 million - £750,000 alone in aid
- 1588 - Armada - £161,000
- 1599-1603 - Ireland - £1 million
English actions were to blame for the deterioration in Anglo-Spanish relations
- 1568 - 400,000 florins stolen from Spanish vessel on South coast of England
- 1572 - Sea Beggars expelled - Landed in Dutch port Brielle - Sparked full-scale rebellion against Spanish
- 1587 - Drake attacked Spanish vessells at Cadiz
Elizabeth’s foreign policy regarding France was a failure
- 1562 - Treaty of Hampton Court - Promised 6000 men and £30,000 loan to Huguenots - Huguenots defeated - Catholics and protestants united against England
- 1564 - Treaty of Troyes - France paid £120,000 for Calais - Unfavourable due to betrayal by Huguenots - Blow to Elizabeth’s prestige
Elizabeth religious reforms
- 1559 - Act of Supremacy - ‘Supreme governor’ - concession to St Paul’s Catholic mysogynistic attitudes
- 1559 - Royal Injunctions - Suppressed Catholic practices (Pilgrimages) - Parish church’s required to have English Bible
- 1563 - 39 Articles - Article 17 Predestination - calvinist doctrine
Elizabeth foreign policy success
- 1594 - All Spanish forces expelled from Northern Netherlands - Northern Netherlands became independant state
- 1576 - Pacification of Ghent - Expulsion of all foreign troops from Netherlands - 17 Dutch provinces against Spanish
Elizabeth cultural developments
- Book production - 1040 books published in 1550’s
- 1593 - 1/2 of commons were univeristy graduates
- Liz funded playwrites