Mary I (specific facts) Flashcards
Marriage of Mary & Philip
- 1554
- Phillip had no royal power in England
- Increased xenophobia
Election of Pope Paul IV
- 1555
- Fiercely anti-Spanish
- Wanted to fight Hapsburgs for control of Naples
- Allied with France
- Mary brought into conflict against Pope
French landing in Scarborough
- 1557
- Led to England declaring war on France
England declare war on France
English defeat in France
- 1558
- 2000 English defeated by 27,000 French troops
- Calais lost
Evidence of existence of catholicism
- In 1553
- Alters rebuilt in Melton Mowbray
- Mass held in Bishopsgate
First statute of repeal
- 1553
- Undid Edwardian reformation
- Revived mass and belief in transubstantiation
- 80 MP’s rejected
Cramner arrested
Cardinal Pole
- 1554
- Became Archbishop of Canterbury and Papal Legate
Heresy Laws
- 1554
- Defined many as heretics
- Promised monastic lands would not be restored to Church ownership
- To root out heretics
Second Act of Repeal
- 1554
- Undid all anti-papal legislation since 1529
- Therefore undid Henrician reformation
Third Act of Repeal
- 1555
- Mary gives up title of Supreme Head of Church of England
- Revokes royal supremacy
Cramner burned
Cardinal Pole recalled to Rome
- 1557
- Mary refused to let him go
Wyatt’s rebellion motives
- Xenophobia to Philip
- Decline of cloth industry in Kent
Wyatt’s rebellion
- 1554
- Sir Thomas Wyatt raised 2500 armed men
- Reached Ludgate, 1/2 a km from Queen
- Intended to replace Mary with Elizabeth
- 90 rebels and Wyatt executed
Insignificance of Wyatt’s rebellion
- Little support from common people - political conspiracy among elites
Harvests during Mary’s reign
- 1556 harvest worst of sixteenth century
- 6 harvests in 1550s deemed bad
Disease during Mary’s reign
Disease epidemic killed 5-25% of population
JPs under Mary I
Appointed as overseers of the poor in Yorkshire
MPs (Mary)
- Appointed 50 during her reign
- Inefficient and faction ridden government
Example of Mary’s bad relation with parliament
- 1554 - Bill including Phillip in a new law on treason was rejected
- 1555 - Bill to allow the seizure of property of Protestant exiles was rejected
Loss of Calais
- 1558
- Territorially - Last English territory on French mainland
- Militarily - Irrelevant and expensive to maintain
How many Protestants did Mary burn
- 289 burnt for heresy
- 60 in London
- Including religious figures: Cramner, Ridley and Hooper who acted as martrys
How much debt did Mary leave
What happened to wages during Mary’s reign
Declined due to rising prices and poor harvest