Organizational Behaviour - Chapter 12 Flashcards
is about influencing, motivating, and enabling others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organization of which they are members
What are the two key components of leadership?
- Leaders motivate others through persuasion and others influence tactics.
- Leaders are enablers, they allocate resources, alter work relationships, minimize external disruptions, and establish other work environment changes
is based on the idea that leadership is a role, not a position. It doesn’t belong to just one individual in the work unit. Employees lead each others as the occasion arises.
Shared leadership
views leaders as change agnets. They create, communicate, and model a shared vision for the team or organization.
Transformational leadership
What are the four elements of transformational leadership?
- Build commitment to the vision
- Develop/communicate a strategic vision
- Encourage experimentation
- Model the vision
daily activites that support and guide the performance adn well-being of individual employees and the work unit toward curren objectives and practices
Managerial leadership
Leaders are task-oriented when they…
- Assign work and clarify responsibilities
- Set goals and deadlines
- Evaluate and provide feedback on work quality
- Establish well-defined best work procedures
- Plan future work activities
Leaders are people oriented when they…
- Show interest in others as people
- Listen to employees
- Make the workplace more pleasant
- Show appreciation to employees for for their performance contribution
- Are considerate of employees needs
Is an extension or variation of the people-oriented leadership because it defines leadership as serving others.
Servant leadership
is the dominant model that applies this contingency approach to managerial leadership. It recognizes that leadership is an important influence in the expectancy theory of motivation and its underlying formula of rational decision making
Path-goal leadership theory
What are the four leadership styles that make up path-goal leadership theory?
- Directive
- Supportive
- Participative
- Achievement-Oriented
This leadership style includes behaviours that provide a psychological structure for subordinates. Within this styhle are the activities of clarifying performance goals, this means to reach those goals, adn the standards against which performance will be judged.
Directive leadership
This style provides psychological support for subordoinates. This leader is friendly and approachable, makes the work more pleasant, treats employees with respect, and shows concerns for the status, nee, and well-being of employees
Supportive leadership
The leader consults with his or her staff, asks for their suggestions, and carefully reflects on employee views before making a decision.
Partcipative leadership
Leader sets challenging goals, expects employees to perform at their highest level, continuously seeks improvement in employee performance, and shows a high degree of confidence that employees will assume responsibiliy and accomplish challenging goals.
Achievement-Oriented leadership
What are teh two sets of situational variables that moderate the relationship between a leader’s style and effectiveness?
1) Employee characteristics
2) Characteristics of teh employee’s work environment
What are four contingencies of the path-goal theory ?
- Skills and experience
- Locus of control
- Task structure
- Team dynamics
Effective leaders vary their style with the ability and motivation (or committment) of followers.
Situational leadership theory
Which model states that a Leader’s effectiveness depends on whether the person’s natural leadership style is appropiately matched to the situation
Fielder’s contingency model
refers to how much employees trust and respect the leader and are willing to follow their guidance
Leader-member relations
refers to the clarity or ambiguity of operating procedures
task structure
the extent to which the leader possesses legitimate, reward, and coercive power over subordinates
Position Power
identifies conditions that either limit the leader’s ability to influence subordinates or make a particular leadership style unneccesary
Leadership substitute
explains that followers’ perceptions also play a role in a leader’s effectiveness
Implicit leadership theory
What are some attributes of effective leaders?
personality self-concept leadership motivation drive integrity knowledge of the business cognitive and practical intelligence emotional intelligence
refers to how well leaders are aware of, feel comfortable with, and act consistently with their values, personality and self-concept
Authentic leadership