Organizational Behaviour - Chapter 10 Flashcards
is the capacity of a person, team, organization to influence others
the less powerful party has some degree of power. Managers have power over subordinates. Employees have this by possessing skills and knowledge to keep production humming and customers happy
Countervailing power
What are the 5 sources of power
Legitimate Reward Coercive Expert Referant
What are the four contingencies of power
is an agreement among organizational members that people in certain roles can request a set of behaviours from others
Legitimate power
a feeling of obligation to help someone who has helped you
Norm of reciprocity
derived from the person’s ability to cocntrol the allocation of rewards valued by others and to remove negative sanctions
Reward power
the ability to apply punishment
Coercive power
An individual’s or work unit’s capacity to influence others by possessing knowledge or skills valued by others
Expert power
what are three ways companies cope with uncertainty
When an individual is identified with, liked or respected
Referent power
a form of interpersonal attraction whereby followers ascribe almost magical powers to the individual
refers to the availability of alternaties
refers to the power holder’s importance based on the degree and nature of interdependence with others
employees gain power when their talents remain in the forefront of the minds of their buss, co-workers and others
The freedom to exercise judgement - to make decisions without referring to a specific rule or receiving permission from someone else
social structures of individuals or social units that are connected to each other through one or more forms of interdependence
Social networks
the goodwill and resulting resources shared among members in a social network
Social capital
the gap between two clusters of people in a network
Structural hole
refers to any behaviour that attempts to alter someone’s attitudes or behaviour
What are some types of influence tactics
Silent Authority Assertiveness Information control Coalition information Upward appeal Persuasion Impression management Exchange
influencing behaviour through legitimate power without explicityly referring to that power base
Silent authority
Actively applying legitimate and coercive power by applying pressure or threats
Explicitly manipulating someone else’s access to information for the purpose of changing their attitudes and/or behaviour
Information control