Organismal Biology - Protists #2 Flashcards
What does the ‘S’ in SAR mean?,
What does the ‘A’ in SAR mean?
What does the ‘R’ in SAR mean?
Match the phylum to its SAR subclade. Bacillariophyte, Apicomplexa. and Foraminifera.
Bacillariophyte - Strameopila
Apicomplexa - Alveolata
Foraminifera - Rhizaria
Which of the following phyla has NO photosynthetic members? Phaeophyta, Apicomplexa, Bacillariophyta, and DInoflagellata.
Match the following dinoflagellate genus to its description. Karenia (Gymnodinium), Noctilia, Symbiodinium.
Red tide, brevitoxins, Bioluminesenct beaches, polysynthetic helpers of coral.
In the order they are in.
Anopheles mosquitos inject ___ into human hosts, and injest ___ from the human to complete the life cycle.
Sporozoites, gametocytes.
Complex outer membrane of ciliates and apicomplexans is called a ___.
Unikonta means
one flagellum
Which of these clades are monophyletic with respect to protists lineages? (Only protists and no other eukaryotic kingdoms). Excavata, unikonta, archaeplastida, and SAR.
All of the above.
What does cytosome mean?
Cell mouth
What does cytoproct mean?
Cell anus
What does Cilia mean?
Used for movement
What does pellicle mean?
Complex system of membranes.
What does contractile vacuole mean?
Prevents osmotic stress.
What phyla shares the most recent common ancestor with animals?
What are the nine phyla of SAR?
Bacillariophyta, Oomycota, Phaeophyta, Dinoflagellata, Apicomplexa, Ciliophora, Foraminifera, Cercozoa, and Radiolaria.
Describe stramenopila.
Heterokonta (having 2 different types of flagella). They are called “tinsel” and whiplash”.
What are tinsel and whiplash?
The two flagella of stramenopila. The short one is tinsel and the long one is whiplash.
What are the two phyla of stramenopila?
Bacillariophyta and Phaeophyta.
What are diatoms?
They are unicellular algae. They live in fresh or salt water.
What is diatom cell wall made of?
Silicon dioxide.
What is the frustule?
2 glass valves
What are the two shapes of frustules?
Penate (bilateral) and Centric (radial).
What kind of meiosis do diatoms do?
Gametic meiosis. (Spends most of its life as a DIPLOID)
What is diatomaceous earth?
An example of a product sourced by this phylum. Mined from areas where they lived in the past.
What are some uses of Diatomaceous Earth?
Water filtration, abrasive, can be used in cleaning agents, and in dynamite.
What do diatoms create?
Patroleum and 1/4 of the oxygen gas in our atmosphere.
Describe the asexual reproduction of diatoms.
Each daughter cell gets smaller with each round, only taking one of the original frustules (mitosis). The other one is smaller in size as they have to make it themselves. Like “Russian Nesting Dolls”. They then go through meiosis, where gametes are fused by fertilization to produce a new zygote with full sized frustules.
Brown algae. They are marine and multicellular.
What colors can phaeophyta be?
Dark brown, green, or olive.
What is kelp?
A phaeophyta.
What type of meiosis do Phaeophyta use?
Sporic meiosis. Haploid and diploid stages.
What are the structures of phaeophyta organs?
Holdfast, stipe, blade, thallus, and meristem.
They share derived characteristics from Aveoli (vesicles embedded in/adjacent to the plasma membrane). More complex with pellicles.
What phyla are in Alveolata?
Dinoflagellata, Apicomplexa, and Ciliophora
They are in aquatic and fresh water. Some are parasytic, some are photosynthetic, and some are free living. They have a range of photosynthetic pigments (red, brown, or golden). They have 2 flagells (one around center, and one extending longitudinally).
What is thiki?
Plates embedded in the pellicle. LIke a little suit of armor.
What does Dino mean?
Whirling or spinning.
What are the parts that help the dinoflagellata move?
Cingulum and sulcus.
What does cingulum do?
Around the equator and makes it rotate.
What does sulcus do?
Pushes it forward.
What are the genera of Dinoflagellata?
Gymnodinium, Ceratium, Noctiluca, and Symbiodinium
It is a “naked whirler” that lacks thecal plates. Devistating in large numbers, produce Karenia.
Found in fresh water, have thecal plates, and have horn like projections.
They lack thecal plates. The name means night light. Produce in bioluminesence.
Symbiotic with coral, may live inside coral shells in shallow seas. They are protected from ocean hazard, and in turn photosynthesize and feed the coral.
It is a complex life cycle with multiple spore stages that allow burrowing into hosts.
How many layers of membrane do apicomplexa have?
Three in their pellicles.
What is Toxoplasma gondii?
A rarely toxic parasite that can be problematic in utero and passed on.
What is Malaria?
Malaria is a parasite that is transmitted by female mosquitos.
What do the female mosquitos inject into the host?
Sporozoites, which travel and burrow into the liver.
What do sporozoites develop into?
Marizoites, which divide into pieces that go into the blood stream.
What do marizoites divide into?
Schizons, which burrow into the red blood cells and become feeding cells.
What are feeding cells known as?
Trophozoites that may burst, or further develop.
What do trophozoites develop into?
Gametocytes, which female mosquitos eat for them to develop into micro- or macrogametocyte.s
What forms after fertilizatoin? (Malaria)
They are cilia bearing. They are aquatic and found in soil, mostly heterotrophic. They are the most complex single celled organisms that possess organelles resembling microscopic digestive tracts.
What is the cell mouth?
What is the cell throat?
What is the cellular anus?
What are ciri?
Clusters of cilia.
What is myoneme?
Acts like a tether in borticella, allowing it to anchor to substrate, and contract when in danger.
What are the genera of Ciliophora?
Paramecium and Didinium
Roots, like plants. Different form of locomotion from flagellates and ciliates. They use pseudopodia.
What is pseudopodia?
Powered by actin filaments and not microtubules.
What are the phyla for Rhizaria?
Foraminifera, Radiolaria, and Cercozoa.
Forams. Possessing pores or tiny holes. They are found on ocean currents as plankton.
What shape are the pseudopodia on foraminifera?
Net liked and extend from pores, called reticulopodia.
What is the protection of Foraminifera made of?
Calcium carbonate (chalk). Calcorious tests leave behind fossils.
Heliozones and Radiolarians (sun animals). They are aquatic plankton, mostly marine with some fresh water. Their tests are silicious (silica).
What shape are the pseudopodia for Radiolarians?
Needle like. Axipodia.
They could have silicious tests, protienaceous tests, or none at all. Might have reticulopodia or axopodia.
Can cercozoa photosynthesize?
Yes, some can.
Are cercozoa on a clade for anotomical features or molecular evidence?
Molecular evidence.