Organismal Biology - Protists #1 Flashcards
Protists are a ___ Kingdom.,
What is the phylum for Toxoplasma gondii?
What is the phylum for Trichomonas vaginalis?
What is the phylum for Symbiodinium sp.?
What is the phylum for Physarum polycephalum?
What is the phylum for Giardia lamblia?
Green algae, volvox, chlamydomonas, ulva (which photosyntheitc protist phylum matches this?)
Silicious frustule of 2 valves, centric and pennate.
Found in deeper marine habitats, source of agar and carrgeenan
Large, multicellular algae, many kelps
Only some members are photosynthetic by secondary endosymbiosis
Match the protist’s phylum to its clade: Diplomonadida
Match the protist’s phylum to its clade: Bacillariophyta
Match the protist’s phylum to its clade: Choanoflagellata
Match the protist’s phylum to its clade: Rhodophyta
In ___, the organism is haploid dominant with no mitosis in the diploid stage.
Zygotic meiosis
Which clade of eukaryotes has NO photosynthetic members?
The parasite that causes amoebic dysentery is in which phylum?
When an Anopheles mosquito bites, she injects ___ that cause Malaria, and consimes ___ that continue the life cycle.
Sporozoites, gametocytes.
What are characteristics of true multicellularity?
Nuclei, other membrane bound organelles, sexual life cycle, cytoskeleton, and linear chromosomes.
Describe animans meiosis.
Haploids produced by meiosis. Form a diploid zygote that divides in mitosis. Produces multicellular diploid cell organisms.
Describe fungi meiosis.
Meiosis with NO mitosis. Results in haploid cells dividing by mitosis.
Describe plants and some algae meiosis.
Mitosis in both haploid and diploid.
What are the three types of meiosis?
Zygotic, spored, and gameitc.
Are zygotic, spored, and gametic haploid or diploid dominant?
Zygotic - Diploid.
Spored - Both
Gametic - Haploid
What does isogamy mean?
Identical, but with chemical differences.
What does anisogamy mean?
similar, but different sizes.
What does oogamous mean?
Female gamete losing mobility.
What does isomorphic mean?
gametophyte and sporophyte identical in appearance.
What does heteromorphic mean?
Different in shape.
Describe the kingdom protista.
It is the “trash can” or “dumping ground”. Derived relative to prokaryotic lineage, but is ancestral to animals, plants, and fungi. Not monophyletic.
What does polytomy mean?
Many cuts
What are the protist clades?
Excavata, SAR, Archaeplastida, and Unikonta.
What are the clades of excavada?
Diplomonadida, parabasala, kineto plastida, and eudlenophyta.
Describe Diplomonadida
They are double nucleus, heterotrophic, free living parasites. They have 2, 4, or 8 flagella. They have no mitochondria and many live in insects or vertebrates
What is Giardia lamblia and which protist clade is it a part of?
It is an intestinal virus and it is in diplomonadida.
Describe Parabasala
Parabasal body. They are heterotrophic and they can live in the absence of oxygen. 4 to 1000’s of flagella.
What is a parabasl body?
Large, modified golgi apparatus.
What is Trichomonas vaginalis and which protist clade is it a part of?
It is a human urogenital tract. causes STI mostly in women. It is part of parabasala.
What is Trichonympha and which protist clade is it a part of?
It is in termite guts and it is a part of parabasala.
Describe Kinetoplastida
It is a large mitochondrion with a large mass of DNA. Most of them are parasitic.
What is Trypanosoma brucei and which protist clade is it a part of?
It is carried by a fly, called “African sleeping sickness”. It is a part of kinetoplastida. They need to invade the immune system of a host.
What is T. cruzi and which protist clade is it a part of?
It causes chagas disease “kissing bugs”. It causes digestive and cardiac problems. It is part of kinetoplastidas.
Describe Euglenozoa
Colorless heterotrophs and green photoautotrophs. They do longitudinal binary fission.
What is Euglena and which protist clade is it a part of?
It has 2 flagella in the flagellar reservoir. It is part of Euglenozoa.