Oral Region, Nose, Paranasal Sinuses, and Ear Flashcards
What is included in the oral region?
- oral cavity
- teeth
- gingivae (gums)
- tongue
- palate
- region of the palatine tonsils
What does the mouth consist of?
- oral vestibule
- oral cavity proper
- What is the space between the teeth and lips/cheeks?
- What is the space internal to the teeth and gums?
- oral vestibule
- oral cavity proper
- What does the palate form?
- What consists of the anterior (concave) two thirds of the palate?
- What consists of the posterior third of the palate?
- the floor of the nasal cavity, the roof of the oral cavity
- hard palate
- soft palate
- What is the hard palate filled with?
- What is the hard palate formed by?
- What is the hard palate covered by?
- filled w/ tongue when it is at rest
- formed by: palatine processes of maxillae, horizontal plates of palatine bones
- covered by thick mucosa that overlies numerous mucus-secreting palatal glands
- What is the soft palate composed of?
- What do the muscles of the soft palate do?
- mucosa, mucosa-secreting palatal glands, 5 muscles contributing to its movements
- the muscles close of the nasopharynx when during swallowing
- What palate is filled with the tongue at rest?
- Which palate is important when we eat/swallow food?
- hard palate
- soft palate
- What are the 2 different bones that form the hard palate?
- What helps with airflow in the palate?
- What can be a big problem with sleep apnea due to it becoming enlarged and making it difficult to breathe while sleeping?
- palatine process of the maxilla (paired); palatine bone (paired)
- choana
- uvula
What allows for the connection between the ear and the oral cavity?
eustachian tube
What are the muscles of the soft palate and what are they innervated by?
- tensor veli palatini: CN V3 (n. to medial pterygoid via otic ganglion)
- levator veli palatini: CN X (pharyngeal branch)
- palatoglossus: CN X (pharyngeal branch)
- palatopharyngeus: CN X (pharyngeal branch)
- musculus uvulae: CN X (pharyngeal branch)
What opens the auditory/eustachian tube when swallowing?
tensor veli palatini
What is the function of the tensor veli palatini?
- tenses soft palate
- opens mouth of pharyngotympanic(eustachian) tube during swallowing and yawning
What is the function of the levator veli palatini?
elevates soft palate during swallowing and yawning
What is the function of the palatoglossus muscle?
- elevates posterior part of tongue
- draws soft palate onto tongue
What is the function of the palatopharyngeus muscle?
- tenses soft palate
- pulls walls of pharynx superiorly, anteriorly, and medially during swallowing
What is the function of the musculus uvulae?
- shortens uvula
- pulls uvula superiorly
- What are masses of lymphoid tissue?
- Where are these located?
- Each (…) lies in a (…) bounded by the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches of the tongue
- palatine tonsils (“the tonsils”)
- one on each side of the oropharynx
- tonsil; tonsillar sinus
What is the tonsillar sinus bounded by?
palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches and the tongue
- What supplies blood to the palate?
- What is the sensory innervation of the hard palate?
- What is the sensory innervation of the soft palate?
- greater palatine arteries (br. of descending palatine arteries)
- nasopalatine and greater palatine nn (CN V2)
- lesser palatine nerves (CN V2)
- What is a strong, muscular organ (one of the strongest muscles in the body)?
- What does this muscle consist of?
- What are ^ innervated by?
- tongue
- intrinsic skeletal mm arranged in 4 different planes
- hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
The tongue consists of intrinsic skeletal muscles arranged in 4 different planes, what are they?
- superior longitudinal muscle fibers
- inferior longitudinal muscle fibers
- transverse muscle fibers
- vertical muscle fibers
- What is the function of the intrinsic tongue muscles?
- What are they innervated by?
- change the shape of the tongue?
- hypoglossal n (CN XII)
What are the different extrinsic tongue muscles and what are they innervated by?
- genioglossus: CN XII
- hyoglossus: CN XII
- styloglossus: CN XII
- palatoglossus: CN X + pharyngeal plexus
- What is the function of the extrinsic tongue muscles?
- All extrinsic tongue muscles are innervated by (…) except for (…) which is innervated by (…)
- change the position of the tongue
- CN XII, except for palatoglossal m which is innervated by CN X