oral cavity II Flashcards
oral cavity boundaries
1) superior
- hard and soft palate
2) inferior
- mylohyoid muscle
3) posterior
- oropharyngeal isthmus
4) anterior
- opening of the mouth
5) lateral
- buccal cavity
buccal cavity
1) medial
- maxilla
- mandible
2) lateral
- buccinator
- cheeks
pterygomandibular raphe
1) constrictor and buccinator join it together
1) mandibular notch
2) coronoid process
3) mylohyoid groove
4) mylohyoid line
5) superior and inferior mental spine
basal bone
1) major parts of osseous tissue of mandible and maxillae except the alveolar processes
2) larger than alveolar bone
3) height increases with age
4) structure of dental skeletal
5) basal bone begins to develop in the fetus
alveolar bone
1) alveolar bone is the bone that lines alveolus
2) thin plate of bone
3) alveolar bone can be resorbed with age
4) alveolar bone supports the tooth
mylohyoid origin
1) mylohyoid line on medial aspect of the mandible
mylohyoid insertion
1) posterior fibers are inserted into the body of the hyoid bone
2) anterior fibers are inserted into the fibrous raphe
mylohyoid innervation
1) mylohyoid nerve from inferior alveolar nerve
genioglossus innervation
2) attaches to superior mental spine
geniohyoid innervation
1) cervical spinal nerve 1
digastric muscle
1) posterior belly
2) anterior belly
salivary glands
1) parotid
2) submandibular
3) sublingual
acinar cell structure
1) serous acinar cell
- enzymes and low molecular weight
2) mucous acinar cell
- high molecular weight glycoprotein (mucins)
parotid glands
1) branches of VII
2) transverse facial artery
3) purely serous
4) opening into oral cavity into maxillary 2nd molar
- passes over buccinator
parotid gland innervation
1) lesser petrosal => otic ganglion => post ganglionic parasympathetics travel with auriculotemporal nerve
- inferior salivatory nucleus
2) CN IX carries taste from posterior 1/3 of tongue
submandibular glands
1) wraps around mylohyoid muscle
2) opening into the sublingual papilla
- on sides of lingual frenum
3) mostly serous (mixed)
sublingual glands
1) floor of the oral cavity
2) sublingual fold in floor of mouth
3) mostly mucous (mixed)
Blood supply to submandibular
1) facial artery
- submental branch
blood supply to sublingual
1) sublingual branch of lingual artery
2) submental branch of facial artery
parasympathetics to the glands
1) chorda tympani synapses in submandibular ganglion (GVE and SS)
2) then the postganglionic parasympathetics reach out the salivary glands
great petrosal nerve
1) sphenopalatine / pterygopalatine ganglion
2) travel to hard and soft palate, nasal cavity, lacrimal gland
3) preganglionic parasympathetics in superior salivatory nucleus
- for CN VII
- great petrosal and parotid gland
4) GVE and SS
nerve of pterygoid canal
1) great petrosal
- parasympathetic
2) deep petrosal
- sympathetic
lingual nerve and submandibular duct cross each other
1) floor of the mouth
2) very caution with this area
3) superior mental spine
1) body and root
2) all of papilla in anterior 2/3
muscles of the tongue
1) genioglossus
- protrusion
2) hyoglossus
- depression
3) styloglossus
- retraction
*CN XII for above
4) palatoglossus
- elevate
-CN X (XI via X)
intrinsic muscles of the tongue
1) superior longitudinal
2) inferior longitudinal
3) transverse
4) vertical
motor innervation of tongue
1) CN XII except palatoglossus
sensory innervation to tongue
1) lingual nerve (CN V3)
- anterior 2/3
2) CN IX
- posterior 1/3
3) small areas just anterior to epiglottis
- CN X
special sensory to tongue
1) anterior 2/3
- chorda tympani of CN VII
2) circumvallate
3) posterior 1/3
4) small area anterior to epiglottis
- CN X
squamous cell carcinoma
1) wait 2 weeks and if it doesn’t go away, BIOPSY
2) drain neoplastic cells in lymph nodes deep to SCM along carotid sheath
where to find CN IX
1) tonsillar bed
2) carries taste and general sensation to posterior 1/3
- circumvallate papilla
- oropharynx
where to find XII
1) submandibular triangle to innervate tongue muscles
- except palatoglossus
blood supply to the tongue
1) lingual artery
- deep lingual (tip of tongue)
- sublingual (floor of mouth)
- dorsal lingual (posterior 1/3 of tongue)
venous drainage of tongue
1) ranin vein
- union of submandibular and deep lingual vein
2)dorsal lingual vein
3) varicosities can be present in oral cavity
anatomical relationship of hypoglossal nerve and lingual artery
1) both are on either side of the hyoglossus
upper teeth and gums
1) maxillary nerve
- posterior superior alveolar (buccal gingiva and molars)
2) infraorbital nerve
- middle superior alveolar (premolars)
- anterior superior alveolar (anterior teeth)
- superior labial (branch of infraorbital)
3) pterygopalatine / sphenopalatine ganglion
- greater palatine
- nasopalatine
greater palatine
1) palatal gingiva from bicuspid to posterior
1) palatal gingiva from canine to canine
mandibular nerve
1) inferior alveolar
- all mandibular teeth
2) lingual
- lingual gingiva to floor of mouth and anterior 2/3 of tongue
- be careful not to approach lingual plate of bone with extraction
3) long buccal
- facial gingiva of lower molar
sphenomanidbular ligament
1) tendinous tissue
2) hides the nerves behind the lingula
path of needle insertion for INF alveolar nerve
1) height
- above occlusal plane of area of insertion
- touch coronoid notch with finger
- lateral to pterygomandibular raphe
- touch the lingula of bone and back up 1 mm
- aspirate
2) depth
- 5-6 mm above
1) motor root
- facial expression
2) nervus intermedius
- parasympathetic and taste
3) geniculate ganglion
- for taste fibers