Neck I Flashcards
three important neck structures
1) internal jugular vein
2) carotid artery
3) vagus
posterior aspect of SCM
surface anatomy
1) external occipital protuberance
2) spinous process of C7
3) hyoid bone
4) thyroid cartilage
5) cricoid cartilage
6) tracheal rings
7) jugular notch
8) supraclavicular fossa
palpable regions of the neck
1) submandibular region
2) parotid region
3) median paramedian region
4) lateral region
thyroglossal duct cyst
1) thyroid follicles can be seen in cyst wall
branchial cleft cyst
1) lack of fusion of the arches
2) causes a cyst
1) superficial fascia
- first layer when you reflect the skin
- ONLY platysma is embedded in here
2) deep fascia
- goes around different muscles and structures
deep fascia
1) investing layer
- SCM and trapezius
- forms the roof of the posterior triangle
2) carotid sheath
- internal jugular vein
- common carotid
- vagus
3) prevertebral fascia
- floor of the posterior triangle
4) pretracheal fascia
superficial neck muscles
1) platysma
2) trapezius
- attaches to external occipital protuberance, cervical vertebra etc.
3) SCM
- flex neck side to side
- attachment to mastoid process of temporal bone and manubrium / cavicle
posterior triangle of the neck
1) investing layer
- roof of the triangle
2) prevertebral layer
- floor of the triangle1
submandibular metastasis
1) neck dissection
2) primary site: gingiva
3) planned incision
4) skin flap elevation
5) wide operative exposure
external jugular vein
1) below platysma but over SCM
cutaneous nerves
1) numbing site
2) sensory
muscles of posterior triange
1) splenius capitis
2) scalenus
- posterior
- anterior
- medius
*arise from transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
4) levator scapulae
5) SCN
6) omohyoid
sensory nerves of the posterior triangle
1) great auricular C2-3
2) lesser occipital C2-3
3) transverse cervical C2-3
4) supraclavicular C3-4
*come from ventral rami; cell bodies reside in dorsal root ganglion
-no synapses there
- pseudounipolar
posterior triangle motor nerves
1) phrenic nerve C3,4,5
- GSE to diaphragm
- GSA to pleura of the lung
- runs superficial to the scalenus anterior
2) cranial nerve XI
- runs superficial to the levator scapula
1) two roots
- cranial and spinal
- leave through jugular foramen
2) spinal root comes back and innervates SCM and trapezius
trigger points
1) trapezius, SCN are sites for referred temporal pain
2) heterotopic referred pain
posterior interscalene triangle
1) subclavian artery
- between the scalenus anterior and medius
2) brachial plexus
posterior triangle major vessels
1) subclavian artery
2) subclavian vein
3) transverse cervical artery
4) suprascapular artery
5) external jugular vein
- runs over SCN
- don’t get it confused with internal jugular vein