OR Equipment Flashcards
Anesthesia machine
– delivers oxygen and anesthetic
gases to the patient.
. Includes devices to
monitor BP, ECG, O2
levels, vaporizer,
ventilator, re-breathing
apparatus, alarm system
to signal apnea or
disconnection of
breathing circuit
Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG)
– views and records electrical activity of the heart
Hemodynamic monitor
– monitors patient’s vital functions
Pulse oximeter
– sensor probe clipped to a finger or toe to measure oxygen saturation of the patient; Normal Pulse ox = 94-99%
Pulmonary artery catheter (Swan-Ganz)
– inserted from the patient’s neck through the heart where it measures the pulmonary artery pressure, venous pressure, LA pressure (wedge pressure) and cardiac output
Central venous catheter
– inserted from the neck (superior vena cava) to measure central venous pressure
System for Anesthetic & Respiratory Analysis (SARA)
– checks the anesthesia gases being delivered in all operating rooms; displays and records data in a central station.
– measurement of carbon dioxide levels in
patient’s respiratory
gases (exhaled breath)
Temperature monitoring devices
– monitor patient’s temperature during anesthesia using temperature probe
– used to weigh sponges containing blood to estimate amount of blood lost by the patient
– auscultation of chest sounds and cardiac sounds
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
– monitors patient’s brain wave activity
Blood warming devices
– warms blood
Double-cuffed pneumatic tourniquet
– used as a tourniquet during a Bier block
Bier Block:
Indications: Surgery on the wrist, hand and fingers.
Local anesthetic: 15 mL of 2% lidocaine
Use of double-cuffed pneumatic tourniquet
Fluid pumps
– hasten fluid & blood administration
Infusion control devices
– used with syringes to administer fluid or drugs