OPNAVINST 6000.1C Navy Guidelines Concerning Pregnancy And Parenthood Flashcards
What instruction outlines pregnancy of Navy women
Whose repsonsibility is it to ensure that pregnant service women are not harassed
Who is reponsibility is it to ensure Navy women receive counseling once pregnancy has been confirmed?
The CO
Shall request for discharge due to pregnacy normally be approved
Reque for separation due to pregnancy shall be submitted prior to what week of pregnancy?
20th day of the month
Can comments regarding a pregnancy be submitted in an evaluation?
Weight standards shall not be considered for the following months after birth.
6 months
Navy women shall notify their CO ASAP but not later than two weeks after diagnosis
NAVENIRHLTHCEN maintains a list of potential reproductive hazards based on professional reviews
Pregnant service women are excluded from standing longer than 15 mins and lifting greater than 25 pounds.
Normally pregnant women shall be placed on light duty at 36th week of pregnancy.
After pregnancy conleave women can be light duty for an additional two weeks
Abortions are paid for by the Navy in case of Rape or Incest
Are navy women authorized to perform surrogate services?
What type of leave shall be used to have an abortion performed
Women can wear pregnancy uniform 6 months prior to delivery
Pregnant women may not remain aboard ship past the 20th week of pregnancy
The CO authorizes BAH at the 20th week of pregnancy
Waiver for pregnant flyers are submitted to the CNO (N-88)
CO will ensure servicewomen receive counseling once
pregnancy has been confirmed.
Counseling will include
discussions on military entitlements to obstetrical (OB) care
while on active duty per references
Single parents and dual military servicemembers are required to sign NAVPERS 1740/6, Department of the Navy Family Care Plan Certificate and NAVPERS 1740/7,
Shall advise servicewomen that requests for separation due to pregnancy will not normally be approved. In those cases where extenuating circumstances exist
Pregnant servicewomen requesting separation will be counseled on the limited medical benefits available after separation as per
reference (d), articles 1740-030 and 1910-112
Shall ensure that pregnant servicewomen are not
adversely evaluated or receive adverse fitness reports/
evaluations as a consequence of pregnancy.
Weight standards exceeded during pregnancy through 6 months
postpartum are not cause for adverse fitness reports/
HCP Will provide written notification (appendix A) to the servicewoman’s CO, upon confirmation of a pregnacy.
The HCP should refer to occupational health professionals when there is a concern about exposure to chemical or toxic agents, environmental hazards,
Shall notify their CO or officer in charge (OIC) of
a pregnancy as soon as possible, but no later than two weeks
after diagnosis.
The pregnant servicewoman may be occupationally
exposed to ionizing radiation, but this exposure shall be as low
as reasonably achievable.
If noncombatant evacuation is ordered in any area, all
pregnant servicewomen who have reached the 20 t h week of pregnancy will be evacuated as noncombatants.
The CO shall authorize up to 21 days permissive TEMADD for any servicemember adopting a child, dependent on the unit’s mission, specific operational circumstances, and the
service member’g billet.
Pregnant servicewomen intending to place their infant for adoption are not eligible for OCONUS assignment until delivery and adoption requirements are completed.
In the event a dual military couple adopts a child in a qualifying child adoption, only one of the members shall be granted adoption leave
After placement of the infant/child, one parent shall be exempt from duty away from the home station, i.e.,TEMADD and/or deployment for 4 months per reference
Convalescent leave will normally be for 42 days after
discharge from the MTF following any uncomplicated delivery or
cesarean section.
The attending physician may recommend extension of convalescent leave beyond the standard 42 days
based on medical complications.
Servicewomen will be responsible for participating in the Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) and Body Composition
Assessment (BCA) requirements six months after delivery. If
clinically indicated due to medical complications, sections of
the PFA may be waived by the HCP.
If live virus vaccine is administered, servicewomen are
to be counseled to avoid becoming pregnant for three months.
The number of breaks needed to express breast milk
is greatest when the infant is youngest, then gradually
decreases (i.e., 15-30 minutes every 3-4 hours).
Commands must ensure breastfeeding servicewomen are
afforded access to cool storage for expressed breast milk.
Access to refrigeration is ideal, but not required for
servicewomen who work up to 12 hours in any particular day.