MCWP 4.11.1 (12-2012) Health Service Support Operations; Appendix A; Chapter 3, 4 Flashcards
Chapter1 Fundamentals
Chapter2 Inteligence
Chapter3 Operations
Chapter 4 Logistics
Chapter9 NBC Defense
Chapter10 CombatCasualtyReporting
FSSG (MLG) supports GCE and ACE.
The MLG has a MED BN with 3 surgical companies with 8 shock trauma platoons
Temporary casualty holding—facilities and services to hold sick,wounded,and injured personel for a limited time,usualy not to exced 72hours. The medical battalion,for ceser- vice support group,is the only HS unit staffed and equiped to provide temporary casualty holding.
Casualty treatment—triage and treatment (self-aid ,buddy aid, and initial resuscitative care
The battalion has 260 holding beds
9 ORs
Med Bn has a H&S Co and 3 surg co.
H&S has 8 STPs with 10 holding beds each total of 80 beds
Surg Co has 60 beds and 3 ORs.
The total
T/E and AMALs/ADALs are designed to support a MEF in an
estimated worst case scenario for a 60 day period of combat.
Who manages the MAP?
Who’s mission is to provide integrated automation of the theater
medical environment.
Theater Medical Information Program
DD 1380 is the U.S. Field Medical Card
The carbon copy of the field medical card is kept by the HM who made it.
PIC (portable information carrier) is used to store electronic medical data.
Blister agents can take up to 14 days to show signs.
Personnel, ground vehicles, and aircraft are the main way to evac patients.
Decon of biological weapons can be done with soap and water.