OPNAVINST 5100.19E NAvy Safety And Occupational Health (SOH) Program Manual For Forces Afloat; Chapter A2, B2, B4, B5, B6 Flashcards
B2- Does this instruction apply to submarines?
B2- What are the three types of temperature readings that are recorded?
Dry-bulb (DB), Wet-bulb (WB), Globe Treatment (GT)
B2- What two instruments for temperature readings do the Navy use?
Wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGT) meter, Automated Heat Stress System (AHHS)
B2- Heat acclimatization usually requires how long to occur?
3 weeks
B2- For ships without an AHHS installed, how many WDBT’s should be available onboard?
B2- Who conducts heat stress surveys in engineering spaces on a submarine?
Medical Department Representative (MDR)
B2- When are afloat personnel required to complete heat stress training?
Upon reporting aboard
B2- What is used to determine the amount of time it is safe to work in a given space?
WBGT index
B2- When should ships record DB temperature readings?
When the ship is underway or when heat stress conditions exist at port
B2- DB temperature should be taken how often if the temperature exceeds 85 degrees Fahrenheit?
Every hour
B2- How often must the MDR submit heat stress survey sheets to the CO?
B2- How long should the MDR retain heat stress survey sheets?
1 year
B2- How many hours of sleep is recommmended?
6 hours of continuous sleep per 24 hours
B2- What is Chapter B2 of OPNAVINST 5100.19E?
Heat Stress
B4- What is the number one occupational health hazard for the fleet?
Hearing loss
B4- Who is responsible for ensuring to conducting noise measurement and exposure analysis (survey) of areas and equipment?
Safety Officer
B4- Who is responsible for maintaining and ensure proper calibration of sound level measuring equipment and certify audiometric testing booths installed aboard the ships?
B4- If a person is required to have an annual exam how long should they be removed from areas where the noise level is above 84DB prior to the exam?
14 Hours
B4-What is the ideal method for controlling the effect of noise at commands?
Engineering Controls
B4- What noise decibel requires single PPE?
B4- How long are noise measurements kept by the measuring activity?
B4- Who is a Significant Threshold Shift reported to in the command?
Safety Officer/Dept Head
Navy policy is to maintain safe and healthy working conditions
for personnel and enhance operational readiness and mission
accomplishments by establishing an aggressive safety and
occupational health (SOH) program that will reduce occupational
injuries, illnesses or deaths, and material loss or damage.
is responsible for
implementation and management of the SOH program and, in
coordination with the Commandant of the Marine Corps, for
matters of mutual concern.
A2- Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces (CFFC)
Conduct and maintain an aggressive and comprehensive
SOH program.
Assign SOH responsibilities to qualified personnel as
a primary duty billet.
regional and shore host activity commanders regarding support
services for traffic, recreational and off-duty, home, hazardous
materials/waste, and other aspects of SOH provided to local
afloat units.
A2- Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command
(COMNAVSEASYSCOM), and Commander, Naval Air Systems Command
(COMNAVAIRSYSCOM), ensure that:
SOH aspects are considered in the design and
engineering of all ships and aircraft, weapons or weapon systems,
equipment, materials, supplies, and facilities which are acquired,
constructed, or provided through COMNAVSEASYSCOM/COMNAVAIRSYSCOM.
provides support in all aspects of occupational health, including
occupational medicine, industrial hygiene, and environmental
A2- Navy environmental and preventive
medicine units and naval medical treatment facilities provide
assistance to afloat commands in the occupational health aspects
of the SOH program.