A person who makes BM3 is thought of as a supervisor rather than a worker. Which of the following is the most important aspect of this change?
A supervisor is responsible for the output, safety, and well-being of the personnel who work for him/her
The first thing a Boatswain’s Mate must do when analyzing a job is to determine
the objective of the job
The step-by-step process, which is done before the actual work begins, includes deciding which tasks must be done first,
Planning phase
Unlike a command that has two parts, what is the maximum number of parts an order may have?
What is the first thing you should do before commencing a seamanship evolution?
Review all technical manuals and pubs on the evolution
Which of the following actions should be taken when something goes wrong during an evolution?
A critique should be held immediately after the operation
During an evolution, who should be permitted to warn personnel of immediate danger?
Before sending personnel aloft, a Boatswain’s Mate must obtain permission from the
Officer of the Deck
When working over the side, a sailor’s safety line should NEVER be secured to which of the following objects?
Which of the following is a condition that must be met before burning, welding, and/or blowtorch operations are permitted from a stage or boatswain’s chair?
The bridles, gantlines and stagelines must be made of steel wire
What is generally wrong with most new Navy issue and commercial boatswain’s pipes?
The pee is too open
You are testing the alignment of the wind edge and the pee by pushing a broom straw through the reed. What, if anything, should you do if the wind edge splits the straw?
What hand position is used with the boatswain’s pipe to make a high, shrill, clear
Which of the following pipe calls is made by using the clinched hand position only?
“Call Mates”
A general call to battle stations is preceded by the boatswain’s call for
“All Hands”