BUMEDINST 6470.22A (CHANGE-1) Navy Radiological Systems Performance Eval Program Flashcards
Who ensure that new systems are evaluated within 30 days
36 months
Who notifes commands who are recieivng new equipment or repairs within 10 working days of new contract
Navy Enviornmental Health Center
What ageny must x-ray equipment used in Federal facilities meet guidelines for?
Federal Drug Administration
Purpose of BUMEDINST 6470.22A
to provide guidance on the radiological safety management of all imaging systems in Navy medicine.
Navy Radiological Systems Performance Evaluation Program
NAVMED 6470/14 (9-2002)
Radiological Equipment Survey Request Form
Qualified surveyors notify CO of each evaluated system within what time frame
30 working days
Notification to commands of awarded radiological equipment contract will that place in how many days
10 working days
All installation of radiological equipment must be evaluated in how many days
30 days
Ensure all radiological equipment(mobile or fixed) ASHORE be evaluated how often
Ensure all radiological equipment(mobile or fixed) OTHER THAN SHORE be evaluated how often
24 months
Maintain all systems evaluations reports for how long
3 years
Notification to commands of awarded radiological equipment contract will that place in how many days
10 working days
DENTAL” (mobile and fixed) radiological equipment will be evaluated how often
36 months
Newly installed systems shall be evaluated when?
Prior to initial clinical use.
How long are the structural radiation shielding designs kept?
For the lifetime of the facility.
Medical x–ray units (fixed or mobile) ashore and on hospital ships are evaluated?
All fixed x–ray units afloat are evaluated?
Bi–annually. (24 months)
The NRC has established total whole body doses for radiation workers. It sets the annual total effective dose limited at how many mrem for the entire body?
How many factors is the density of the X-ray image control by?
What type of technology can doctors view the inside of organs
Chest X-rays are the most common X-rays taken.
X-ray badges are kept 6 feet from X-ray machine