NMCPHC-TM 6220.12, Medical Surveillance And Reporting Flashcards
Chapter 4 of 6220.12
Medical Event Case finding
Chapter 5 of 6220.12
Reporting Requirements
Chapter 6 6220.12
RME Classification
Chapter 7 of 6220.12
RME Specific guidance
Chapter 8 of 6220.12
Reporting Deadlines
Chapter 9 of 6220.12
Reporting Methods
Chapter 10 of 6220.12
Security Classification
Chapter 11 of 6220.12
RME Consulation
Appendix A
Reportable as Suspected or Probable Cases
Appendix B
Medical Events Requiring an Urgent Report
Appendix C
Medical Event Report Minimum Elements
Appendix D
Navy Environmental and Preventive Medicine Units Contact Info
Reportable Medical Events (RME)
evnets that may pose an inherent, significant threat to public health and military operation.
which instruction does NMCPHC-TM-PM 6220.12 correspond to?
BUMEDINST 6220.12C Medical Surveillance and Medical Event Reporting
What authorities determine which diseases warrant reporting and notification
CDC and Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologist
Where Can the duties and responsibilities of Navy medical personnel relating to surveillance and event reporting be found?
MANMED chapter 2 and 22
Who is responsible for reporting medical events that are considered reportable cases
The healthcare provider who diagnosed or identified the case
When does a diagnosis, case, or medical- become reportable?
Once it has been classified as “suspected”, probable, or confirmed
Where can a list of cases that are either suspect or probable that require reporting be found?
Appendix A of the NMCPHC-TM-PM 6220
What are the two types of reporting deadline?
Urgent or routine
What is the criteria for urgent reporting?
Events listed in Appendix B require urgent, and must be submit no later than 24 hours after the diagnosis is made.
When are routine reports for all non-urgent events due?
No later than 30 days after their identification
What is that US Navy’s official system to capture, store and communicate information related to RME?
The Disease Reporting System Internet (DRSi)
If internet connectivity is unavailable, what methods can be used to report urgent events?
Phone, priority naval message or properly encrypted email 24 hour report deadline
where can basic information to include a MER, for alternative submissions methods be found?
Appendix C
When a report is submitted for suspected or probable what must be done after reporting?
efforts must be made to confirm/rule out the diagnosis. the reporter should update the DRSi once this has been done
what are considered Urgent reports
Amebiasis, anthrax, botulism, cholera, dengue fever, e.coli, encephalitis, malaria, measles, meningococcal
pertussis , plague, rabies, smallpox, TB, tularemia, typhoid yellow fever
are examples or urgent reports
Medical Surveillance and Notifiable Event Reporting