Opioid Therapy Flashcards
Opioid: Definition
- Natural occurring, sem-synthetic, and synthetic drugs that produce their effects by combining with opioid receptors and are antagonised by nalaxone
Opioid receptor: Mu (endogenous ligand and site)
Endogenous Ligand
- Beta-endorphin
- leu and met encephelin
- Endomorphins
- Both A and C delta febres
- Peripheral inflammation
- Pre and post synaptic neurons in the spinal cord
- Periaqueductal grey
- Nucleus raphe magnus
- Thalamus
- Cortex
- Clinically most important, main receptor responsible for inhibition of nociceptive pathways and exploited by all exogenous opioids
- Many unwanted side effects also related to this receptor
Opioid receptor: Kappa (endogenous ligand and site)
Endogenous Ligand
- Dynorphins
- Spinal cord
- Supraspinal
- Hypothalamus
- Involved in pain, particularly in response to inflammation
- Activation causes a number of unpleasant side effects (including nausea, vomiting, and dysphoria)
Opioid receptor: Delta (endogenous ligand and site)
Endogenous Ligand
- Encephalins
- Beta endorphin
- Olgactory centres
- Motor integration areas in cortex
- Limited distribution in nociception areas
- Appears to modulate activity of mu agonists (e.g. administration of delta agonists increases potency of mu agonists)
Opioid receptor: Nociceptin orphanin (endogenous ligand and site)
Nociceptin orphanin
Endogenous Ligand
- Nociceptin
- Spinal cord
- Modulates a range of biologic functions, including stress response, movement, CV, and renal mechanisms.
Opioid receptors - names
- Mu (MOP)
- Kappa (KOP)
- Delta (DOP)
- Nociceptin orphanin (NOP)
Effect of mu receptor activation
Inhibitor effect via:
- Inhibition of adenylyl cyclase
- Increased opening of potassium channels, leading to hyperpolarization of postsynaptic neurons and reduced transmission
- Inhibition of calcium channels, leading to decreased presynaptic neurotransmitter release
Pharmacogenomics and opioids
- Most familiar with impact of genetic variation in CYP2D6, where codeine is of variable analgesic effect
- Pharmacogenetic factors thought to play an important role in variability of response to opioid analgesics and side effects
- Number of polymorphisms in the mu receptor, identification of which may provide a basis for drug selection in the future
Acid/base status of opioids
- All opioids are weak bases
- Relative proportion of free and ionized fractures dependent on plasma pH and pka of the opioid
Dose response curves of opioids
- Generally steep for opioids
- If dose is near minimum effective analgesia concentration, very small fluctuations in plasma or effect-site concentrations can lead to large changes in level of analgesia
Effect of prolonged infusion of opioids
- Significant sequestration in fat stores and other body tissues can occur for highly lipid soluble opioids (e.g. fentanyl)
- Elimination half life may become prolonged as drug moves out of tissues
Factors impacting pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of opioids
- Metabolism and volume of distribution often reduced in the elderly
- Increased free drug concentrations in the plasma
- Reduced opioid clearance due to reduced hepatic blood flow
- Increased CNS sensitivity in elderly
Hepatic disease
- Unpredictable effects, although may be little clinical difference unless there is coexisting encephalopathy
Renal failure
- May significant effect patients on opioids with reanlly excreted active metabolites (morphine, codeine, diamorphine)
- Larger volume of distribution, prolonged elimination halflife
Hypothermia, hypotension, hypovolemia
- variable absorption and altered distribution and metabolism
Efficacy (definition)
Maximal response induced by administration of the active agent
Typically ‘S’ shaped
- In practice, determined by the degree of analgesia produced following dose escalation, with the range of escalation limited by the development of adverse effects
Potency (definition)
- Reflects the dose-response relationship, which is influenced by pharmacokinetic factors and affinity to drug receptors
E.g. if Drug A produces the same response as B but at a lower dose, it is more potent
Agonist (definition)
Drug that has affinity for and binds to cell receptors to induce changes in the cell that stimulate physiologic activity
E.g. Morphine, HM, fentanyl, methadone
Antagonist (definition)
Drugs with no intrinsic pharmacological action, but interfere with the action of an agonist.
Competitive antagonists - bind to the same receptor and compete for receptor sites
Non-competitive antagonists - block the effects of the agonist in some other way (e.g. changing receptor site affinity, etc.)
Opioid antagonists
Naloxone (short acting)
Naltrexone (long acting)
Block mu, delta, kappa receptors equally
Generally used to reverse respiratory depression associated with an opioid overdose. Also reverse analgesia.
Naltrexone combined with an opioid can help to prevent or manage opioid induced constipation
Methylnaltrexone (relistor) - antagonist used to relieve side effects of opioids, especially constipation, but cannot cross the blood brain barrier and thus has minimal effect on analgesia
Opioid mixed agonist-antagonist
- Produce agonist effects at one receptor and antagonist effects at another
E.g. Pentazocine, nutorphanol, nalbuphine - effects at kappa receptors, weak mu angatonist actions
- Produces kappa-mediated psychotomimetic effects and analgesia, with psychotomimetic effects being dose limiting
- If administered with a pure agonist, the antagonist effect at the mu receptor can generate an acute withdrawal syndrome
Lower abuse potential than agonist opioid analgesics
Limited role in chronic cancer pain
Opioid partial agonist
- Low intrinsic activity (efficacy), such that dose response curve exhibits a ceiling effect at less than the maximum effect produced by a full agonist
E.g. buprenorphine
- Increasing the dose of such a drug above its ceiling does not result in any further increase in response
- If administered with a full agonist, may displace the agonist and even generate a withdrawal syndrome
- May be reasonable for relatively opioid-naive patients where pain can be managed with lower doses
- Naloxone ineffective at reversing opioid effects based on limited evidence
- May be useful in renal dysfunction (excreted by GI tract)
Mixed mechanism drugs - Tramadol
- Centrally acting analgesics with agonist action at the mu recepter, but also block serotonin and norepi reuptake
- No evidence that tramadol is superior to pure mu agonists for cancer pain and likely less effective than stronger opioids
- Risk of serotonin syndrome, especially if combined with SSRIs or SNRIs
Dose response relationship of opioids
- No ceiling to the analgesic effects of full agonist opioids
- As the dose increases, analgesic effects increase as a log linear function
- In practice, adverse reactions (confusion, sedation, respiratory depression, etc.) limit the useful dose of an opioid agonist
Equinalgesia/relative potency
Studies have provided guidelines for dose selection of an opioid when the drug or route of administration is changed, but many variables may influence the appropriate dose for an individual patient
WHO analgesic ladder
- Initially developed as a structured approach to medication selection for cancer pain
- Provides adequate relief to 70-90% of patients
Step 1: Mild cancer pain:
- Non-opioid analgesics, combined with adjuvant drugs if a specific indication exists
- EG patient with mild arm pain due to radiation induced brachial plexopathy may benefit from regular acetaminophen with a TCA
Step 2: Moderate pain (or inadequate relief with step one)
- ‘Weak’ opioid
- E.g. Tylenol combined with codeine
- Escalated until the maximum dose of the non-opioid analgesic is attained
Step 3: Severe pain (or inadequate relief with step 2)
- ‘Strong’ opioids
- No inherent superiority of one opioid over another, treatment should be individualised
- May be combined with non-opioid analgesics or adjunct
Reasons for omitting second step on the opioid ladder
- Improved understanding of problems associated with metabolism of codeine
- Wider range of Step 3 opioids and comfort using these at lower doses
- Thoughts that using a low dose of a Step 3 opioid is more effective than using Step 2
Opioids for mild to moderate pain
- Codeine* (CBM)
- Dihydrocodeine
- Dextropropoxyphene
- Oxycodone
- Tramadol* (CBM)
- Tapentadol
- Loss potent than morphine
- Exerts activity by binding at mu receptor with weaker affinity than morphine
- Wide variation in oral bioavailability between individuals, depending on CYP2D6 activity (10% do not have adequate activity for its transformation and experience little to no analgesia)
- Codeine-6-glucuronide (main metabolite)
- Norcodeine
- Morphine
- Morphine 3- and 6- glucuronides (M6G has analgesic effects, while M3G does not and is felt to contribute to neurotoxic adverse effects)
- Semisynthetic analogue of codeine
- Equinalgesic to codeine when given PO, but double when given parenterally
- Poorer bioavailability (hepatic pre-systemic metabolism)
Reports of severe toxicity in patients with advanced renal failure
- Semi-synthetic congener of morphine
- Metabolised to oxymorphone (may accumulate in renal failure)
- Acts on the mu-receptor
- Often combined with acetaminophen or ASA
- Relative potency compared to morphine: 1.5:1 (more potent than morphine)
- Centrally acting analgesic with opioid agonist properties and may also activate monoaminergic spinal inhibition of pain
- Also inhibitors noradrenaline and serotonin re-uptake
- Modest affinity with mu receptors, weak affinity to kappa and delta receptors
- Reversed by naloxone
- Similar side effect profile to morphine
- Mu opioid receptor agonist
- Noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor with minimal serotonin reuptake inhibition
- Limited studies in cancer pain
- Limited protein binding, no active metabolites, no significant enzyme induction or inhibition = low potential for drug interactions
- Contraindicated in those using MAOIs
- Could cause serotonin syndrome when used with TCAs, SNRI, SSRIs, or MAOIs
- Mu- agonist drug
- Available as liquid, IR, or CR
- Upper small bowel (more alkaline medium, morphine is a weak base)
Half life
- 2-3 hrs
Duration of analgesia
- 4-6 hours
- Liver (pre-systemic)
- Kidney (excretion of active metabolites takes longer with deteriorating function and may contribute to toxicity)
- Predominantly in liver
- Morphine-3-glucuronide (M3G) - no analgesic effects, believed to contribute to neurotoxic effects
- Morphine-6-glucuronide (M6G) - binds to opioid receptors, half as potent as morphine and has analgesic properties
- Not contraindicated in renal failure, but use with caution
Morphine conversions
PO to parenteral ratio of 1:3 or 1:2, depending on single dose vs chronic dosing
Sustained release morphine
- Rather than peak plasma within the first hour, SR has a peak of 3-6 hours an concentrations can be sustained over 12 to 24 hours
- Not appropriate for acute pain or breakthrough pain
- AKA heroin
- When taken orally, metabolised to morphine and is an inefficient of delivering morphine
- Poorly absorbed SL (no point in giving this way)
Some advantages given parenterally:
- Twice as potent as morphine
- Quicker onset of action when given IV
- Greater sedation and less vomiting (due to differences in receptor binding)
- Synthetic opioid with activity at opioid receptors and as an NMDA receptor antagonist
- Oral to parenteral potency ratio of 1:2
By single doses, only marginally more potent than morphine, but much more potent with repeated administration. Higher risk of toxicity.
- Long half life (12-150 hrs) with considerable variability
Useful in cases of:
- Inability to tolerate other opioids
- Patients in renal failure or on dialysis
- Need for opioid rotation due to high doses of other opioids with adverse effects