Dyspnea Flashcards
Prevalence of dyspnea
Cancer (10-70%) Lung cancer (75 - 87%) COPD (90-95%) CHF (60-88%) Stroke (37%) ALS (50%) Dementia (70%)
Intensity tends to worsen towards EOL
May be breakthrough or constant
Impact of dyspnea
Multidimensional stress to both patients and caregivers, with significant impact on QoL.
May cause anxiety, panic, hopelessness, loss of function, and social isolation.
Survival may be shortened in patients displaying dyspnea, used in Palliative Prognostic Scale.
Investigations for dyspnea
Note that degree of dyspnea can only truly be measured by patient’s self report
Physical exam - look for red flags including stridor, tachypnea (RR > 30), tachycardia (HR >130), marked respiratory distress, altered LOC.
First line:
CBC (for Hb), O2 sats (note poor correlation between severity of hypoxia and dyspnea), CXR (if indicated).
Consider lung functions tests:
- Flow volume loop (upper airway obstruction)
- Maximum inspiratory presure or nasal sniff inspiratory pressure (inspiratory muscle weakness)
Consider echo and dopplers for investigation of pericardial/pleural effusions, CHF, DVT, or PE (note D-dimer has limited value in cancer).
May consider CT for PE, Major airway obstruction, SVC, and lymphangitic carcinomatosis
Causes of dyspnea by system
Airway obstruction, COPD, asthma, lung damage secondary to chemo/rads/surgery, PE, fibrosis, effusion, primary or metastatic tumour
CHF, CAD, arrhythmias, pericardial effusion
ALS, CVA, poliomyelitis, myasthenia gravis
SVC syndrome (emergency)
Anxiety, fatigue/deconditioning, weakness, pain, severe anemia, infection, carcinomatosis, hepatomegaly, phrenic nerve lesion, peritoneal effusion
Principles of managing dyspnea
- If not due to hypoxia, use other methods to provide fresh air
- Anticipatory planning to promote self-care for respiratory distress
- Relaxation, non-pharm treatment
- Opioids are the cornerstone of pharmacologic treatment
Non-pharm treatments for dyspnea
- Sit up right or forward leaning. When on side, position bad lung down
- Multidisciplinary approach
- In COPD, use exercise, walking aid, pulmonary rehab, and inspiratory muscle training (pursed lip breathing etc.)
- Airflow with room air if not hypoxic
- Fans (hand held or electric)
- Gait aid for forward leaning
- O2 if hypoxic, if non-hypoxic, may consider a limited trial of O2. In the community, there will be program criteria for home O2.
- Chest wall vibration in COPD and motor neuron patients
Weaker evidence:
- Elevate head of the bed by 15-45 degrees
- Provide supportive presence when distressed by the dyspnea
- Ask yes and no questions if talking worsens dyspnea
- relaxation techniques of guided imagery and therapeutic touch
- Anxiety management
Treatment for Mild Dyspnea (e.g 1-3/10 severity)
-Bronchodilators (Salbutamol, ipratropium) for COPD or asthma
- PRN oral or parenteral opioids if dyspnea is only episodic (don’t forget bowel management)
If no previous opioids:
- Morphine 2.5mg PO q4H
- Hydromorphone 0.5mg PO q4h PRN
If previously on opioids - increment of 25% baseline dosage has been used in one study
- Consider trialling corticosteroids for major airway obstruction, lymphangitic carcinomatosis, radiation or drug-induced pneumonitis, or for endotracheal and bronchial lesions
Pathophysiology of Dyspnea
- Air hunger/unsatisfied inspiration:
Mechanoreceptors and chemoreceptors in lungs/airways/chestwall transmit to sensory cortex and respiratory sensor in the medulla, then to sensory cortex (causing symptom). Signal is not matched by adequate ventilatory response by the motor cortex/respiratory muscles. - Work or effortful breathing:
Likely due to combination of respiratory muscle afferents and perceived cortical motor command. - Tightness:
Specific to bronchoconstriction, arises from pulmonary afferents through stimulation of airway receptors
Dyspnea is processed through cortico-limbic structures. Note multiple dimensions (similar to pain) - sensory dimension, immediate affective stage, and cognitive evaluative and emotional response that affects long term behaviour.
In summary, experience of dyspnea occurs when the sensory cortext perceives a mismatch between ventilatory demand and body’s ability to respond to that demand.
Measurement of Dyspnea
Three domains according to ATS:
- Sensory-perceptual experience (intensity, frequency, duration, and sensory quality)
- Affective distress
- Symptom impact or burden (effect on behaviour, functions, QoL, health status)
Over 50 different rating scales. May consider combining rating of dyspnea intensity with assessment of the impact of dyspnea on a patient’s QoL.
NRS, modified BORG Scale (0 - 10 with ‘0.5’ for ‘just noticeable’, and Cancer dyspnea scale appear most suitable.
Opioids for dyspnea - indications, dose
Clear evidence supporting use in advanced cancer and COPD without excessive respiratory depression.
CHF - evidence is conflicting and requires further study.
Motor neuron disease, ILD - anecdotal reports only
No clear starting dosage, but consider renal function, hepatic function, severity of pre-exsting Type II respiratory failure (e.g. chronic hypoxemia/hypercapnia), frailty, body size, and ability to monitor.
Morphine SR 10mg daily most studied
If already on opioids, use 25% of baseline dosage.
Use PRNs for episodic breathlessness.
Oxygen for dyspnea (indications)
- Survival benefit in COPD (PaO2 55mmg Hg or less, SpO2 88% or less)
- May be some symptomatic benefit in patients with hypoxemia.
If patients are non-hypoxemic, there is no evidence that oxygen is better than medical air at relieving breathlessness and it should not be used routinely.
Anxiolytics for dyspnea (indications, dose)
- Routine use not supported for dyspnea due to advanced cancer and COPD
- May be effective in decreasing dyspnea associated with anxiety
Inhaled furosemide for dyspnea (indications)
- Thought to enhance pulmonary receptor activity, suppress pulmonary irritant activity and vasodilation.
- Studied in asthma, COPD and advanced cancer.
- May be helpful in COPD/airway disease but no proven benefit in cancer.
Heliox for dyspnea (mechanism, indicatioN)
- Helium has a low density and is thought to reduce the work of breathing and improve alveolar ventilation
- May reduce dyspnea in people with lung cancer and COPD
Palliative sedation for refractory dyspnea
- may be used for severe, refractory symptoms that have not been otherwise relieved by aggressive, symptoms specific palliation
- No association with hastened death (mean duration of 1 - 3.5 days)
Palliative non-invasive ventilation (indications)
- Standard of care for motor neuron disease with respiratory insufficiency
- Labour intensive and requires a collaborative approach with advance care planning required, as well as the option to withdraw NIV (especially toward end of life)
In COPD or CHF, may reduce dyspnea and be used in management of an acute exacerbation while avoiding intubation.
Treatment of dyspnea due to lung cancer
- Chemotherapy, molecular targeted therapy for EGFR+ lung ca
- Morphine (either SR or PRN for episodic breathlessness)
- Potentially oxygen, if hypoxic
- Non-pharm therapies
Treatment of dyspnea secondary to pleural effusion
- Repeat thoracentesis (thoracoscopic more effective)
- Chemical pleurodesis (talc 90% efficacious)
- Indwelling pleural catheter (particularly for trapped lung)
Treatment of dyspnea due to SVC
- Palliative emergency
- SVC stent by Interventional Radiology - 95% have relief, more rapid relief than chemo and rads
- Chemo and Rads (60% have response with NSCLC)
- Trial of steroids (if receiving rads and have severe airway obstruction not amenable to stenting OR if due to a steroid-responsive cancer such as thymoma or lymphoma. Do not use if dx not established as it may interfere with dx of lympoma)
- Trial of diuretics to avoid overhydration and decrease blood volume
Treatment of dyspnea due to PE
- Dalteparin (note that LMWH has some anti-inflammatory properties that increase efficacy over warfarin, dose based on body weight - caution with CrCl < 30. If severe renal impairment, may discuss with Hematology about warfarin vs LMWH with anti-Xa levels vs empiric dose reduction)
May use a DOAC (edoxaban - preferred - with 5 days of LMWH first or rivaroxaban) IF:
- non-GI solid malignancy
- not at high risk of GI bleeding
- no relevant drug-drug interactions
DOACs have better or comparable efficacy, but come with 2-3x higher risk of significant bleeding (particularly UGIB) and there may be issues with oral absorption along with safety concerns with hepatic/renal impairment.
Monitor with weight, CBC, renal function q3 months
Optimal duration of therapy with either DOACs or LMWH unknown, but minimum of 3-6 months. Continue (R/A q3 months) if:
- on systemic chemotherapy
- metastatic disease
- progressive or relapsed disease
- other ongoing risk factors that increase the risk of recurrent thrombosis (e.g. central venous
Pericardial effusion
May occur due to malignant spread of non-pericardial tumours or mediastinal rads. Other causes include infection, idiopathic, renal failure with uremia, MI or cardiac surgery (more acute).
- Often asymptomatic unless in tamponade (then dyspnea, elevated JVP, edema, fatigue)
- Electrical alternans with sinus tach, low voltage QRS
- Hypotension with narrow pulse pressure
- Pulsus paradoxus
- Confirm with echo
- Pericardiocentesis
- Catheter drainage
- Pericardial window
- Pericardiotomy
Choice between pericardiocentesis and open surgical drainage based upon local preference and experience.
Indications for drainage:
- Hemodynamic compromise
- Need for sampling of effusion for diagnostic purposes if no clear etiology (non urgent)
Treatment of Dyspnea related to major airway obstruction (etiology, presentation, diagnosis, treatment)
- Radiotherapy
- Bronchial stent
- Endobronchial treatment with laser, cryotherapy
- Trial of steroid
Dyspnea related to lymphangitic carcinomatosis (etiology, presentation, diagnosis, treatment)
Treatment: trial of steroid
Dyspnea related to radiation pneumonitis (etiology, presentation, diagnosis, treatment)
Treatment: Trial of steroid
Dyspnea related to pneumonia
Treatment of CAP:
Treatment of CAP:
Outpatient Rx, health with no prior abx: Macrolide (+ amox for pneumococcal resistance) OR Doxy
Outpatient Rx, comorbidities or prior abx in past 3 months: Resp FQ (levoflox) OR beta-lactam + macrolide (amox, amox/clav, cefuroxime + azithro)
Inpatient (non-ICU): Resp FQ (levoflox) OR beta-lactam + macrolide (CTX + azithro)
Inpatient (ICU): Beta-lactam + azithro OR resp FQ (levoflox)
Inpatient (ICU with PCN allergy): Aztreonam + resp FQ (levoflox)
Treatment of Dyspnea due to ascites
- Paracentesis
Dyspnea due to hepatomegaly or hepatopulmonary syndrome
If simply hepatomegaly - sit patient up to lessen pressure on diaphragm.
Patients with Hepatopulmonary syndrome present with dyspnea, platypnea, resting hypoxemia, progressive cyanosis, and orthodeoxia.
Platypnea and orthodeoxia refer to dyspnea and desatting, respectively, that improve from the sitting to supine position, due to gravitational increase in blood flow and shunting through dilated vessels in the lung bases while in the seated position.
Treatment is generally supplemental O2 and liver transplant (depending on cause)
Treatment of COPD
COPD Staged Tx:
Mild COPD:
Low risk of AECOPD (one or less AECOPD in last year requiring meds but not hospital/ED)
High risk of AECOPD (one severe AECOPD in last year requiring hosp/ED, or two mod AECOPD in the last year requiring meds but no hosp/ED)
- LAMA/LABA or ICS/LABA (if blood eos >300)
If triple therapy ineffective:
- PDE4 inhibitors (roflumilast), unpleasant side effects but reduces exacerbation rate and improves lung function in those with bronchitis sx
- Mucolytics (NAC 600mg PO) reduce exacerbation rate (recommended over azithro now!)
- Daily azithro reduces exacerbation rate, but weaker evidence
Regular PO steroids not recommended, risks > benefits
PO theophylline not recommended, does not prevent AECOPD in patients on optimal long acting therapy.
Treatment of AECOPD
Antibiotics for AECOPD:
Systemic steroids x 5-7 days
Antibiotics x 5 -7 days
Simple = amox, doxy, or septra
Complicated (FEV1 <50, 4 exacerbations per year, IHD, Home O2, chronic steroid use, antibiotics in last three months:
- Same abx as above with oral steroids
- Amox/clav
- Levoflox or moxiflox
GOLD Guidelines 2018: Still need 2/3 for GOLD guidelines (purulence, dyspnea, volume) or mechanical ventilation for antibiotics in AECOPD.
Indications for BiPAP
-AECOPD with hypercapnic acidosis (PaCO2 >45mmHg or pH <7.30
Interventional Therapy in Stable COPD
- Lung volume reduction surgery (improves survival in severe emphysema patients, with upper lobe emphysema and low post-rehab exercise capacity)
- Bullectomy (may decrease dyspnea, improve lung function and exercise tolerance)
- Transplant
- Bronchoscopic interventions (for advanced emphysema, less invasive than lung volume reduction surgery. Can do endobronchial valves for air trapping, lung coils, or vapor ablation)
COPD - presentation, risk factors
One of the most common pulmonary diseases, categorized by cough, dyspnea, sputum production, and airflow obstruction.
Risk factors:
- Cigarette smoking (most important - 1ppd = 15% percent risk, 2 ppd = 25% risk)
- Second hand (passive) smoking
Abnormalities on chest xray with COPD
- Increase in antero posterior diameter of the chest
- flattening of the diaphragm secondary to hyperinflation
Diagnosis of COPD
- FEV1/FVC ≤70% predicted
Moderate if FEV1 ≤50%
Severe if FEV1 35-49%
Very Severe ≤34%
Reversibility noted if FEV1 increases >15% after bronchodilator
Management goals in COPD
- Improve symptoms (decreasing airflow obstruction and inflammation)
- Prevent secondary complications (e.g. infection)
- Maintain function
- Improve patient’s QOL
Beta2 agonists in COPD (MOA)
- Bronchodilation via stimulation of B2 receptors in the air ways
- SABAs used PRN (rapid onset, shorter half life)
Anticholinergics in COPD
- Bronchodilation by inhibiting cholinergic mediated increases in bronchomotor tone and vagally mediated bronchoconstriction induced by airway irritants
- Stronger bronchodilater effects than B2 agonists, longer half life, fewer side effects
Role of pneumococcal and influenza vaccine in COPD
- All adults age 65 years of age or older or those with chronic lung disease, CKD, CLD, or malignancy should get a pneumococcal vaccine.
- If underlying medical condition, patients should get a booster dose 5 years later
- All adults should get an annual flu vaccine
Patients with COPD at higher risk of pulmonary infections. Primary influenza can be fatal, but can also result in worsened lung status, functional status, and has associated risks of secondary bacterial pneumonia, MI, or stroke.
Pulmonary rehabilitation in COPD (goals, components, outcomes)
- Optimize quality of life
- Improve sense of control over symptoms
Components include:
- Inhaler use
- Breathing and relaxation techniques
- Energy conservation techniques
- Nutritional guidance
- Exercise programmes for aerobic training
- Pursed lip breathing, tripod positioning
- Decreased sensation of breathlessness
- Improvement in exercise endurance
- Improved QOL
Tripod positioning in dyspnea - pathophys
- Improves dyspnea as it improves ventilatory efficiency by improving length tension dynamic of the diaphragm
Pursed-lip breathing - pathophys
- Improves dyspnea by slowing respiratory rate, increasing intra-airway pressures (diminishing collapse of smaller airways)
Parameters for Home O2
COPD and severe hypoxemia, home O2 for at least 15h/day:
- PaO2 ≤55mmHg or SpO2 ≤88% at rest
- PaO2 <60mmHg or SpO2 ≤89% at rest IF polycythemia, cor pulmonale, or pulm HTN
Home O2 PRN for:
- PaO2 ≤55mmHg or SpO2 ≤88% during exertion
- PaO2 ≤55mmHg or SpO2 ≤88% during sleep
Improves symptoms AND survival
Consequences of malnutrition in COPD and interventions
- Respiratory muscle wasting and weakness may result from malnutrition in advanced COPD
- Re-feeding, recondition, and anabolic steroids may improve exercise tolerance
- Pulmonary rehab may improve respiratory muscle strength
- Not unreasonable to attempt anti-cachexia measures in this population
Prognosis of COPD
1 year survival of 30% in patients with FEV1 < 1L (worse than many cancers)
FEV1 is a strong predictor of survival
Clinical presentation of SVC syndrome
- Dyspnea, swelling of the face, neck, arms, orthopnea, cough
- Facial flushing, hoarseness (laryngeal edema), headaches, stridor, nasal congestion
- Later stages: cerebral edema and dizziness, syncope, confusion, coma
Most symptoms exacerbated by laying down or bending forward.
Less commonly: rhinorrhea, proptosis, mentation changes, elevated JVP
Pathophysiology of SVC syndrome
Obstruction of the venous drainage of the head, neck, upper torso, and extremities
- Formation of collatora venous pathways
- Edema (including laryngeal edema, and in severe cases cerebral edema)
Severity is dependent on speed of onset, degree of narrowing, and adequate of collaterals
How quickly do symptoms of SVC syndrome devel
In one third of patients, symptoms develop over a period of two weeks
Signs to assess in patients with SVC
- Swelling of the face (esp. periorbital edema), neck, or arms
- Dilatation and tortuosity of the veins of the upper body
- Plethora or cyanosis of the face
Cause of SVC syndrome
Primary intrathoracic malignancies cause more than 90% of cases
Most commonly:
- NSCLC (50%)
- Small cell lung ca (25%)
- Lymphoma and metastatic lesions (10%)
Most common metastatic cancer causing SVC syndrome
Breast CA
Of patients with bronchogenic CA, how many develop SVCs?
What are non-malignant causes of SVCs?
Thrombosis (often due to intravascular devices like pacemakers or catheters). Can differentiate with contrast-enhanced CT imaging (extrinsic compression vs thrombosis)
Investigation of suspected SVC
CXR - will often show abnormality, but may be normal
Contrast-enhanced CT - most useful (differentiates between extrinsic compression and thrombosis)
Venography - If an intervention such as stent placement or surgery is planned
Tissue diagnosis - to confirm malignancy and guide treatment
Biopsy options for malignancy causing SVC syndrome
- Peripheral biopsy site (e.g. enlarged supraclavicular node)
- Percutaneous needle biopsy (lung primary, especially if peripherally located)
- Bronchoscopy
- Mediastinoscopy
- Open lung biopsy
Diagnostic yield of bronchoscopy for malignancy
Diagnostic yield of transthoracic needle aspiration biopsy for malignancy
Diagnostic yield of mediastinoscopy for malignancy
over 90%
Management of SVC syndrome - overview
Simultaneous treatment of cancer and relief of obstructive symptoms
Management of SVC syndrome - treatment of obstruction
- Short term, elevate patient’s head and torso to decrease hydrostatic pressure and edema
- O2 if hypoxemic
- Fan for SOB if not hypoxemic
- Dex 8mg PO or subcut qAM and qNoon (decreasing swelling around the tumour and enhaving venous return). Note not to give prior to dx as lymphoma can be very responsive to dex and it may make pathologic diagnosis difficult
Diuretics in SVC syndrome
- Decrease venous return, reduce preload, and can potentially cause hypotension and shock
- May increase risk of thrombosis of SVC
Management of SVC syndrome - treatment of malignant disease
Chemo, rads, or both.
- No significant difference between the three in the RATE of relief from obstruction
- majority of tumours that cause SVC syndrome are rads sensitive
- Response usually seen in a few days, but may be delayed for 2-3 weeks
- May provide complete relief of symptoms in around 80% of patients with SCLC or non-Hodgkin lymphoma
- Preferred TX for small cell ca
- Only about 40% of patients with NSCLC respond
Endobronchial obstruction - Presentation
- Progressive SOB
- Cough (common)
- Hemoptysis (common - may be massive)
- Hoarseness
- Orthopnea
- Chest discomfort
- Dysphagia if concurrent esophageal compression
Endobronchial obstruction - Pathophysiology
May be due to intrinsic (primary airway tumour - rare, e.g. endoluminal carcinoid) or extrinsic compression (often bronchogenic or NSCLC)
Endobronchial obstruction - Findings
- stridor
- wheezing (generally not responsive to bronchodilators)
- localized crackles
Endobronchial obstruction - diagnosis
- CXR (not very sensitive. May show deviation of the trachea towards the side of collapse/obstruction due to tethering by the tumour and lymphadenopathy in the area.)
- CT chest (most helpful to determine if there is an abnormality)
- Bronchoscopy (for definitive diagnosis)
Endobronchial obstruction - treatment
- External beam rads
- Laster therapy
- Electrocautery
- Cryotherapy
- Endobronchial irradiation
- Tracheobronchial stents
Pleural effusion - Clinical Presentation
- Dyspnea
- Deviation of the trachea away from the effusion (fluid pushing the mediastinium outward)
- Dullness to percusion
- Tactile and vocal fremitus decreased
Investigation of pleural effusion
- CXR to confirm dx
- Thoracentesis for diagnostic and therapeutic reasons
What to order on thoracentesis
- Cell count
- Protein and pH
- cytology
- C and S
Also need serum protein, serum LDH
Light’s Criteria
Transudate vs Exudate:
Light’s Criteria (need one of three to define the fluid as an exudate)
- Pleural fluid protein/serum protein ratio > 0.5
- Pleural fluid LDH/serum LDH ratio > 0.6
- Pleural fluid LDH > 2/3 ULN serum LDH
Drainage of pleural effusion
- To help relieve SOB and for diagnosis
- Do not remove more than 1.5 L at a time (may cause pulmonary edema)
- Stop if dyspnea increases during the procedure
- If significant improvement after, consider chest tube and subsequent pleurodesis
Insertion of chest tube and pleurodesis
- Pre-mediate with parenteral opioid, if necessary a benzo
- Once drainage is < 100ml/24 hrs, go to pleurodesis (injection of a sclerosing agent, like talc, to create inflammation and sticking together of pleural surfaces)
- Give local anesthetic intrapleurally prior to sclerosisng agent and adequate analgesia after
- May also consider a tunnelled pleural catheter for patients who decline pleurodesis or fail it
Lymphangitic carcinomatosis
- Diffuse infiltration and obstruction of pulmonary parenchymal lymphatic channels by tumour
Diagnosis of lymphangitic carcinomatosis
- Non-specific interstitial pattern on CXR, but symptoms on precede radiographic abnormalities
- High res CT is diagnostic modality of choice
Treatment of lymphangitic carcinomatosis
- Optimize underlying malignant process
- Steroids and diuretics (no RCTs to back up)
Treatment of dyspnea when unable to treat underlying condition
- Oral or parenteral opioids to reduce the sensation of dyspnea (Cochrane)
- No evidence to support use of nebulised opioids
- No evidence to suggest opioids effect blood gas or O2 or impact oxygenation/carbon dioxide levels
Mechanism of action of opioids to decrease dyspnea
- Change in the perception of breathlessness
- Decreased consumption of O2
- Fall in ventilatory drive
- reduced response to stimuli such as hypoxia and hypercapnea
Factors influence whether opioid therapy causes hypoventilation
Clinically significant hypoventilation dependent on:
- Previous exposure (tolerance)
- Rate of dose increase
- Possibly route of administration (give orally unless rapid control needed)
Guidelines for supplemental O2 in dyspnea due to endstage malignancy
Hypoxic patients:
- Supp O2 recommend for hypoxic patients experiencing dyspnea, but not if not hypoxic
- If only mildly hypoxic, airflow via nasal cannula may be as effective
Non-hypoxic patients:
- Offer fan or humidifed air
- If fan or humidified air are ineffective, consider a trial of humidified oxygen. If beneficial over several days, continue use
Why does a fan improve dyspnea?
- Alleviates dyspnea by stimulation trigeminal nerve receptors
Meds other than opioids for dyspnea?
- Phenothiazines (oral promethazine, not parenteral) have been assessed in small studies only
- May consider trial of methotrimeprazine (oral or subcut) if dyspnea persists, or palliative sedation
Noisy respirations at end of life
- Occurs due to loss of ability to swallow and independently clear secretions
- Results in secretions pooling in the oropharynx and bronchi, with air moving over them and turbulence producing noisy ventilation
- May be distressing for family members
- Reassure that he is not choking on secretions
- Reposition patient on side to allow postural drainage
- May consider gentle suctioning (but not deep or frequent as it may be uncomfortable or distressing)
- Anticholinergics (glycopurrolate or hyoscine hydrobromide/scopolamine) can lessen the noise
- Note that Scopolamine crosses the blood brain barrier and is associated with a higher risk of neuro toxicity
- Evidence does not necessarily suggest this is distressing to the patient, but may be difficult for family members
Role of theophyllines in COPD
- LABAs and LAMAs are more effective as bronchodilators
- Theophylline should not be used in COPD - insufficient evidence that it provides any additional benefit to LAMA/LABA mono or dual therapy in improving dyspnea, functional status, or health status (CTS guidelines 2019)
- Side effects: Nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, palps and tremors
- Requires bloodwork to monitor levels
PDE4 inhibitors in COPD
- Used in patients at high risk of AECOPD who fail triple therapy if they have a chronic bronchitis phenotype
- Side effects: Nausea, diarrhea, HA, weight loss
- Use with caution in cachectic patients
Treatment of mild COPD
Mild COPD:
Treatment of Mod/Severe COPD at low risk of AECOPD
Low risk of AECOPD (one or less AECOPD in last year requiring meds but not hospital/ED)
Treatment of Mod/Severe COPD at high risk of AECOPD
High risk of AECOPD (one severe AECOPD in last year requiring hosp/ED, or two mod AECOPD in the last year requiring meds but no hosp/ED)
- LAMA/LABA or ICS/LABA (if blood eos >300)
If triple therapy ineffective:
- PDE4 inhibitors (roflumilast), unpleasant side effects but reduces exacerbation rate and improves lung function in those with bronchitis sx
- Mucolytics (NAC 600mg PO) reduce exacerbation rate (recommended over azithro now!)
- Daily azithro reduces exacerbation rate, but weaker evidence
Regular PO steroids not recommended, risks > benefits
PO theophylline not recommended, does not prevent AECOPD in patients on optimal long acting therapy.
Definition of high versus low risk of AECOPD
Low risk of AECOPD (one or less AECOPD in last year requiring meds but not hospital/ED)
High risk of AECOPD (one severe AECOPD in last year requiring hosp/ED, or two mod AECOPD in the last year requiring meds but no hosp/ED)
Treatment if triple therapy in effective in mod/severe COPD with high risk of AECOPD:
If triple therapy ineffective:
- PDE4 inhibitors (roflumilast), unpleasant side effects but reduces exacerbation rate and improves lung function in those with bronchitis sx
- Mucolytics (NAC 600mg PO) reduce exacerbation rate (recommended over azithro now!)
- Daily azithro reduces exacerbation rate, but weaker evidence
Regular PO steroids not recommended, risks > benefits
PO theophylline not recommended, does not prevent AECOPD in patients on optimal long acting therapy.
O2 therapy during AECOPD
- Risk of death with uncontrolled oxygen, risks associated with excess O2
- Safest to use a venturi max to target SpO2 of 88-89%
Inappropriately high FiO2 (especially a risk with nasal prongs in CO2 retainers) can further increase PaCO2
In general, AECOPD hypoxemia is easily corrected with low FIO2 (e.g. 28%). If it does not, consider other causes (PE, ARDS, pulm edema, severe pna)
Longterm O2 therapy in AECOPD
- Reduces morbidity and mortality
- May impact mobility and quality of life
COPD and severe hypoxemia, home O2 for at least 15h/day:
- PaO2 ≤55mmHg or SpO2 ≤88% at rest
- PaO2 <60mmHg or SpO2 ≤89% at rest IF polycythemia, cor pulmonale, or pulm HTN
Home O2 PRN if patients have persistent dyspnea for:
- PaO2 ≤55mmHg or SpO2 ≤88% during exertion
- PaO2 ≤55mmHg or SpO2 ≤88% during sleep
AECOPD definition, impact
AECOPD is a sustained worsening of respiratory symptoms beyond normal day to day variations
- Associated with accelerated decline in lung function, impaired quality of life, increased mortality
- As COPD worsens, exacerbations become more frequent and severe
Presentation of AECOPD
- Worsening SOB
- Increased cough (with or without increased sputum production)
- Increased sputum purulence
- Wheeze, chest tightness, fatigue, decreased appetite
Managing AECOPDs
- Ensure patients have a written COPD action plan
In general:
- SABA or SAMA to treat wheeze and dyspnea, continue other inhalers
- Prednisone 25-50mg PO daily x 10 days if mod/severe COPD
- FEV1 >50%: PO Doxy
- FEV1 <50%; >3 AECOPD/year, IHD, home O2, abx in the last 3 months: Levofloxacin (PO or IV)
Dyspnea in COPD
- ‘Total dyspnea’ - physical, emotional, social, spiritual, existential suffering
- May be a significant source of disability and impact quality of life
- May put patients at risk for social isolation
Pathophysiology of dyspnea
- Dyspnea and fear often coxist in advanced COPD
- Anxiolytics often unhelpful, but treating coexisting anxiety may be prevent anxiety symptoms from worsening dyspnea
Dyspnea crisis definition
“Sustained and severe resting breathing discomfort in patients with advanced, often life-limiting illness and overwhelmes the patient and caregivers’ ability to achieve symptom relief”
Approach to dyspnea in advanced COPD overall
- Initiate and optimise pharmacologic therapies (SABAs, LABA/LAMAs, ICS, PO meds, O2 if hypoxemic)
- Initiate and optimise non-pharm therapies (exercise, pursed-lip breathing, walking aid, chest wall vibration, neuromuscular electrical stimulation)
- Initiate and optimize opioid tx (short and long acting, start low and go slow)
CTS recommendations for dyspnea:
- Do not routinely use anxioulytics or antidepressants in the management of dyspnea in patients with advanced COPD
- Recommend oral (not nebulized) opioids be used for the treatment of refractory dyspnea in the individual patient with advanced COPD
- neuromuscular electrical stimulation (over 4-6 weeks) and chest wall vibration are helpful in reducing dyspnea in patients with COPD
- Use of walking aids may improve dyspnea
- Pursed lip breathing can be an effective strategy for relief of dyspnea and patients with advanced COPD should be instructed in its use
Suggested protocol for introduction of opioids in advanced COPD (CTS)
- Initiate with immediate release oral morphine syrup, titrate weekly
- Start at 0.5mg PO BID x 2 days, then 0.5mg PO q4h while awake for remainder of week one
- Increase morphine to 1mg PO q4H in week two
- Increase by 25%/week until lowest effective dose appropriately managing the dyspnea is achieved
Once stable dosage achieved (e.g. over two weeks), convert to SR
If significant side effects, consider rotation to HM
Ensure patients are prescribed a bowel protocol
Note comparatively lower doses are needed than for pain
Role of pulmonary rehab in COPD
- May improve dyspnea and enhance exercise tolerance, functional capacity, and QoL
- May reduce healthcare utilization
- May interrupt the ‘spiral of disability’
Ensure early referral. Typically 6 - 12 weeks of exercise training, self-management education, nutritional counselling, and psychosocial support.
Integrated care systems in COPD
Eg INSPIRED program - home based education and support including disease self-management education, advance care planning, healthcare navigation, allied health, and AECOPD action plans
Reduces hospitalizations and length of hospital stay for those admitted.
Advance care planning topics in COPD
- Discuss CPR, NIVPP (e.g. BiPAP), intubation, mechanical ventilation, life-sustaining medications, IVF, nutrition, meaning of comfort measures
- Emphasise the teams commitment to ongoing care and non-abandoment of the patient and family
Signs of worsening COPD that should prompt advance care planning
- FEV1 <30%
- O2 dependency
- one or more hospitalisations for AECOPD in the last year
- Weight loss/cachexia
- Decreasing functional status
- Increasing dependence
- Age >70
- Lack of additional therapeutic options
Enabling activity for dyspneic patients (OT)
- Prioritize
- Consider which activities are important and conserve energy for them - Plan
- Organize activities to make them as efficient as possible, and consider time of day and spacing through the week - Pace
- Balance periods of activity with rest - Position
- Find a position that is comfortable during dyspnea and practise this - Permission
- Patient needs to give oneself permission to NOT do activities that result in breathlessness
Personal plan for coping with dyspnea
- Breathing control
- What to do when breathless (oxygen, rest, puffers, relaxation)
- Positions to use when breathless (upright and leaning forward, laying on side, etc.)
- Exercise (what level of gentle exercise will help
- Breath control during ambulation
- Management of ADLs
- Equipment (wheelchair for energy conservation, four wheel walker for dyspnea, etc.)