Malignant Bowel Obstructio Flashcards
Malignant Bowel Obstruction - Definition
Bowel obstructive symptoms due to the presence of an intra-abdominal malignancy.
Often occurs in context of advanced disease.
May be secondary to non-malignant (post-surgical adhesions, radiotherapy bowel damage) or malignant causes (more likely as cancer becomes more advanced, or if primary CA is ovarian)
Most common cancers where malignant bowel obstruction is seen
- Gyne cancers (particularly ovarian - as many as 40% of patients with ovarian CA)
- GI cancers (esp colorectal)
Cancers metastasizing to the abdomen (esp lung, breast, malignant melanoma).
Pathophysiology of MBO
Mechanical (more common, where the lumen is occluded) or functional (less common)
- Extrinsic occlusion of the lumen (compression of the bowel due to progression of the tumour, mesenteric or omental masses, adhesions, etc.)
- Intraluminal occlusion of the lumen (primary or metastatic tumour)
- Intramural occlusion of the lumen (intestinal linitis plastica - proliferation of the cancer through the intestinal tissue resulting in thickening and rigidity)
Functional (dysmotility)
- Motility disorder without mechanical occlusion
- Carcinomatosis (infiltration of the mesentery, bowel muscle, or nerves)
- Paraneoplastic syndrome
- Celiac plexus involvement
- Cancer related neuropathy
- Decreased motility secondary to meds (e.g. opioids)
- Bowel motility problems secondary to other illnesses like DM
Contributory causes:
- inflammatory edema
- fecal impaction
- constipating meds
- dehydration
Common symptoms of MBO
- Nausea and vomiting (due to fluid accumulation proximal to obstruction, leading to bowel distention and secretion of water/sodium into the lumen)
- Colicky pain (bowel contracts to overcome obstruction)
- Abdominal pain (Inflammatory response to bowel distention and damage to epithelium, with production of prostaglandins, vasoactive intestinal peptides and nociceptive mediators)
- Late stage - systemic hypotension, sepsisdue to ongoing inflammatory response and splanchnic vasodilation, as well as passage of bacteria through the intestinal wall. Ultimately, may result in perforation.
Differential diagnosis of MBO
- Severe constipation
- Check for history consistent with preceding constipation, drug use associated with constipation, in activity, check for hypercalcemia, hypokalemia, hypothyroidism
- On exam, look for palpable fecal masses
- Rectal exam for hard feces, and if rectum is empty but distended, consider obstipation at a higher level
- AXR flat plate to assess for MBO - Opioid bowel syndrome
- Opioids alter GI motility
- Up to 4% of patients with cancer may develop nausea, vomiting, mild abdo discomfort, constipation, gaseous abdo distention, and weight loss.
Presentation of MBO
- More common in advanced stages and often slowly progressive with multiple episodes of partial obstruction
- Intestinal strangulation, ischemia, and perforation are uncommon
- Radiographic testing may not always confirm the diagnosis, or may changes may predate the onset of symptoms - maintain a high index of suspicion
- N/V (intermittent or continuous). May be undigested stomach contents or feculant depending on level of obstruction
- Continuous pain (bowel distention, tumour mass, hepatomegaly)
- Colicky pain (occurs only in mechanical obstruction)
- Abdominal distention (variable)
- Constipation (intermittent or complete, with absence of flatus)
- Diarrhea (may occur initially as a result of bacterial liquefaction of fecal material blocked in the sigmoid or rectum)
Common signs of MBO on exam
- abdominal distention (varies - if extensive peritoneal tumour spread, likely to be less)
- visible loops of distended bowel or peristalsis
- masses
- organomegaly
- ascites
- tenderness (including rebound tenderness)
- bowel sounds increased or decreased
- absent in late obstruction, peritonitis, and functional bowel obstruction
- succession splash when the stomach is filled with ++ fluid (e.g. in GOO)
Rectal exam
- palpable masses
- rectal shelf
- rock hard stool (significant constipation)
- ballooned empty rectum (colonic obstruction higher up)
Signs of dehydration
Syndrome of gastric outlet and proximal SBO
- Severe n/v, early in the course, large amounts of undigested food
- emesis may be bile stained if upper SBO
- Vomiting of saliva and gastric juices may be almost odourless
- Epigastric distention, no colicky pain
- BMs may occur with the fecal matter consisting of intestinal cellular debris and bacteria
Syndrome of distal small bowel MBO
- N/V moderate to severe
- Moderate generalised abdominal distention
- If mechanical, upper or central abdominal colic
- Constipation to varying degrees, occasionally diarrhea
Syndrome of large bowel MBO
- N/V late, smaller amounts, feculent emesis eventually
- Significant abdominal distention
- Central to lower abdominal colic
- Colicky pain not as severe as in higher obstructions
- Often preceding history of alternating diarrhea and constipation before complete obstruction occurs
Investigation of MBO
- Basic labs (CBC, lytes, cr) - other causes of symptoms
- Dilated loops of bowel, air fluid levels on an upright film proximal to the obstruction, decreased or absent intra luminal gas distal to the obstruction
- In functional obstruction, will show uniform gaseous distention through the GI tract
- Limited in showing the cause/location of obstruction, when there is tumour encasement of the bowel (as bowel cannot distend in this circumstance), and if there are multiple levels of obstruction. - XR with gastrograffin or barium contrast
- Shows the site and extent of the obstruction and the presence of multiple sites of obstruction
- NEVER use barium if a partial bowel obs is suspected, as the barium can worsen the obstruction
- May be more useful in more proximal obstruction - CT
- useful for identifying case of the obstruction, staging, and for assisting in the choice of invasive tx (e.g. surgery or stenting)
- superior results in assessment of abdominal symptoms
Indications for surgery in MBO
- Surgery is controversial in MBO, but may be required for patients with non-malignant obstruction related to previous surgery or radiation
- No prospective randomized trials
- Potential pitfalls include re-obstruction, inadequacy of symptom relief, and post-op morbidity and mortality
- Surgery would be a better option than stenting for palliation in patients who have a longer prognosis (>60 days), few comorbidities, and single site of obstruction near the gastric outlet.
- Complete resection (most useful with GI primary where negative margins are possible)
- Operative bypass
- Lysis of adhesions
- Diverting stoma (minimum of 100cm of small bowel before a stoma in order to maintain nutrition, risk of fluid balance problem)
Intraluminal stents for Upper MBO - indications and risks
- Surgery would be a better option for palliation in patients who have a longer prognosis (>60 days), few comorbidities, and single site of obstruction near the gastric outlet.
- Stenting better for those with short length of tumour, single site of obstruction near the pylorus or proximal 2/3 of the duodenum, with intermediate to high performance status and life expectancy > 30 days
- May be placed in upper and lower bowel with good relief of symptoms
- Cannot be done for long obstructions or beyond the length of the endoscope
- Lasers may be used to canalize through tumours to allow stent placement
- Aspiration during procedure (risk can be mitigated with GA and intubation)
- Perforation (7-14%)
- Migration
- Reobstruction (long term failure rate of 25-30%)
Medical management of MBO
- Bowel decompression
- Chemo (poorly studied)
- Rads (may be effective in some cases)
- Pain relief (opioids)
- Anti-emetics
- Anti-secretory agents (ocreotide, buscopan, glycopyrrolate)
- Corticosteroids
- IV hydration and bowel rest
Bowel decompression for MBO
- NG tube inserted to decompress gas and fluid in the bowel
- Generally a temporary measure for severe symptoms as a bridge to surgical or other medical tx
- May be unnecessary with adequate antisecretory therapy
- Provides incomplete relief of symptoms
- Uncomfortable
- Long term morbidity (erosion of the nares, nutritional deficiency, aspiration pna)