Neuro Flashcards
Definition: Brain death
- Whole brain death involving both brainstem and higher cortical function
Definition: Locked in state
- Disorder of motor output, where consciousness and cognition are preserved
Definition: Coma
- No wakefulness or response to stimuli
- Eyes-closed state of unresponsiveness
- Dysfunction of the brainstem and higher cortical areas bihemispherically
- Patients may remain in this state after a severe brain injury for about two weeks, and then may proceed to brain death, full recovery, or a state in between
Definition: Persistent Vegetative State
- Recovery of brainstem activity, but not consciousness
- Brainstem functions are preserved, but higher cortical functions are not
- Eyes open state of unresponsiveness
- May open eyes to external stimuli, exhibit reflexive (unintentional) movements, and regain autonomic functions including respiratory/cardiac activity and sleep/wake cycles
Definition: Minimally conscious state
- Patients with evidence of consciousness (evidence of intention, attention, memory, awareness of self/others/environment)
- May track objects in visual field, say a word or phrase, grasp a ball
- Prognostic uncertainty for recovery (may remain in minimally conscious state or recovery)
Diagnostic assessment of patients with a disorder of consciousness
- Careful and skilled neurologic exam
- Use of the Coma Recovery Scale-Revised
- neuro-imaging (such as fMRI and PET) may be useful
Pain relief in patients with disorders of consciousness
- Very few studies to guide an approach to pain management in patients with impaired consciousness
- Look for a localised response to pain
- Frowns/shouts independent of specific stimuli may not signify pain
- No standardised guidelines or approach . . . be attentive to the diagnosis and potential for distress
Be sure to distinguish between minimally conscious state (can perceive pain) and vegetative state (cannot perceive pain)
Assume a patient in a minimally conscious state can understand what is being said at the bedside
Palliative Care: Acute devastating brain injury (Examples, expected course, neuro care, and a palliative care roles)
- Intraventricular hemorrhage
Expected course:
- Imminently dying, depressed LOC
Neurological care:
- Diagnosis, breaking news, prognosis, disease-specific management, formal goals of care
Palliative Care:
- Symptom management
- Location of dying
- Family support
- Bereavement care
Acute/relapsing brain injury with recovery (Examples, expected course, neuro care, and a palliative care roles)
- Ischemic stroke
- Multiple sclerosis
Expected course:
- Acute functional deterioration with potential for at least partial recovery, recurrence, and future progression
Neuro care:
- Diagnosis, breaking news, prognosis, specific management, continuity of care, goals of care
Palliative care:
- Symptom management
- Advance care planning
- Location of care
- Location of death
- Family support
- Bereavement care
Neurodegenerative disorders (Examples, expected course, neuro care, and a palliative care roles)
- Parkinson’s
Neurologic palliative care: Areas of common concern
- Airway
- Secretions and aspiration
- Symptom management, recognise limitations of feeding tube to minimize risk - Breathing
- Respiratory failure (esp. ALS) or pna
- Provide symptom management with or without mechanical ventilation (e.g. home bipap) - Comfort
- Reduce pain and discomforts, especially those related to immobility - Cognition
- Identify limited capacity for decision making - Communication
- May be due to motor (dysarthria) or language (dysphasia)
- Develop communication strategies for symptom assessment and expression of personal goals - Decision making
- Anticipate changes in status and document overall goals of care
- If foregoing/withdrawing care, plan for symptom management - Expectations
- Recognise the limitations of medical interventions and consequences of care decisions on expressed goals - Feeding
- Feeding tubes may be appropriate in some circumstances
Responding to fears that patient with neurologic event will starve to death
- Empathic listening and communication
- Ensure clear understanding of diagnosis
- Explore what SDMs know of loved one’s wishes and prognosis
- Offer opinion of what death is from (e.g. stroke/aspiration pneumonia, not starvation)
- Acknowledge uncertainty and possible outcomes of various feeding options
- Discuss risks of nutritional support (aspiration, discomfort, etc.)
Options for feeding after a stroke
- PO intake
- May ‘swallow at risk’ with potential for aspiration
- Most appropriate when goals are for comfort, rather than prolonging of life
- Oral intake guided by patient desire
- Use positioning and adjusted consistency of food to minimise risk - NG feeds
- Would be initiated within 7 days for patients unable to meet nutritional requirements orally
- Likely best approach for when goals are to prolong life
- Does not prevent aspiration, but may prolong life
- May be used as a time limited trial, but stopping feeding may be more emotionally difficult than never having started it - PEG tubes
- Not recommended early after stroke (increased risk of death or poor outcome)
- Appropriate if NG feeds are maintaining weight/nutritional status and ongoing feeding is meeting patient’s goals
- Prior to insertion, discuss circumstances in which PEG feeding might be discontinued - No feeds
- May be acceptable when goal of care is for comfort or swallowing at risk results in significant distress
- May consider IVF in selected cases
- Pay attention to mouth care to reduce pain from cracked lips
Essential components of advance care planning
- Personal values and wishes with regard to care at end of life
- Disclosing to patient/family their prognosis (if desired)
- Discussing various treatment options (risks, benefits, expected outcomes)
- Deciding on future care or goals of care if patient is not able to engage in discussion at some future time
- Documenting discussions/decisions in a way that is accessible to HCPs in various settings of care
Essential components of advance care planning
- Personal values and wishes with regard to care at end of life
- Disclosing to patient/family their prognosis (if desired)
- Discussing various treatment options (risks, benefits, expected outcomes)
- Deciding on future care or goals of care if patient is not able to engage in discussion at some future time
- Documenting discussions/decisions in a way that is accessible to HCPs in various settings of care
ALS: Diagnosis
- Neurodegenerative disease with progressive loss of voluntary motor function
- Most commonly occurs in adults age 55-75 years
- Mixed upper and lower motor neuron deficits
- UMN (hyperreflexia and spasticity – due to degeneration of lateral corticospinal tracts in spinal column) and LMN (weakness, atrophy, fasciculations – muscle denervation)
- Early on, dysphagia and respiratory muscle weakness, later, psych/emotional/cognitive issues
- Regional onset (bulbar - spasticity, weakness of speech and swallowing; limb - weakness of arms/legs; diaphragm - respiratory onset)
- Progressive symptoms with UMN and LMN dysfunction, spreading to other segments of the body over time
- Absence of neuropathic or radiculopathic pain, sensory loss, sphincter dysfunction, ptosis, or extraocular never/muscle dysfunction
- Supranuclear gaze paresis, tremor, cerebellar ataxia, autonomic dysfunction, and extrapyramidal symptoms suggestion an ALS-plus syndrome
- Prognosis is 2-5 years
Treatment – Disease modifying:
- Riluzole (pill form - survival benefit, delay to trach, and may slow progression – more beneficial early on, does not treat symptoms)
- Edaravone (IV infusion - may be used as adjunct to riluzole, improves QOL and delays progression, no clear data on survival)
Treatment – Symptomatic
- NPPV (improves quality of life, may prolong survival though not conclusively demonstrated)
- Chest physio may be helpful
Common decision points in ALS
- Nutritional support
- Malnutrition occurs due to dysphagia/hypermetabolism and is a poor prognostic factor
- Discuss feeding tube placement early - Respiratory support
- NIV can improve QOL
- May not prolong life in bulbar onset ALS
- Will not support breathing indefinitely, and even a trach with long term ventilation will not change the course of ALS
- Discussion of NIV should include clear discussion of outcomes, that it cannot be continued indefinitely, and how withdrawal from NIV is done to prevent suffering - Medication
- Riluzole (survival benefit, may slow progression - more beneficial early on), but does not relieve symptoms)
- Edaravone
Treatment for ALS
Treatment – Disease modifying:
- Riluzole (pill form - survival benefit, delay to trach, and may slow progression – more beneficial early on, does not treat symptoms)
- Edaravone (IV infusion - may be used as adjunct to riluzole, improves QOL and delays progression, no clear data on survival)
Treatment – Symptomatic
- NPPV (improves quality of life, may prolong survival though not conclusively demonstrated)
- Chest physio may be helpful
Management of joint pain in ALS (Mechanism, Management)
- Immobility, spasticity
- Physical therapy (active and passive ROM)
- NSAIDs, steroid injections, analgesics
Management of muscle spasms/cramps in ALS (Mechanism, Management)
- Immobility, spasticity
- Anti spasticity agents (baclofen)
- Botox for focal spasticity
- Muscle relaxants
- Benzos
- Gabapentin
- Levetiracetam for muscle cramps
Management of aching/non-specific muscle discomfort in ALS (Mechanism, Management)
- Immobility
- Dependent edema
- Nocturnal hypoventilation
- Massage
- Limb elevation
- Positioning
- Compression stockings
- TCAs (amitriptyline)
Management of neuropathic pain in ALS (Mechanism, Management)
- Nerve compression syndromes
- Spinal stenosis
- Radiculopathy
- Positioning
- Splints as appropriate
- Local anesthetic or steroid injections
- Gabapentin/pregabalin
- TCAs
- Analgesics
Management of headache in ALS (Mechanism, Management)
- Nocturnal hypoventilation
- Positioning
- Tension
- Migraine
- Massage
- Trigger identification and avoidance
- Analgesics
Secretions in ALS (Mechanism, Management)
- Impaired swallowing
- Nasal congestion/post nasal drip
- Respiratory failure
- Oral hygiene
- Cleansing agents
- Anticholinergics (Atropine drops, scopolamine, glyco, amitriptyline)
- Antihistamines
- Bronchodilators
Skin irritation in ALS (Mechanism, Management)
- Immobility (pressure points)
- Drooling (perioral)
- Positioning
- Barrier ointments/creams
Symptoms of respiratory impairment in ALS
- Breathlessness
- SOBOE or talking
- Dry mouth
- Supine breathlessness
- Temperature intolerance
- Restlessness
- Muscle pain/aching
- Fatigue
- Daytime sleepiness
- Anxiety
- Morning HA
- Frequent nocturnal awakening/insomnia
- Poor concentration and memory
- Hallucinations
Management of drooling in ALS
- Anticholingeric meds
- Amitriptyline
- Subcut glycopyrrloate
- Atropine drops
- Subcut scopolamine (crosses BBB) - Radiation of salivary glands
- Botox to salivary glands
When to consider NIV in ALS
- NIV is typically initiated for nocturnal hypoventilation, but patients will eventually need it through the daytime
- Ultimately, patients will tolerate less and less time without and require it full time, and then require invasive ventilation
- Long term vent with a trach may require a change in living situation
- One study showed improve survival if NIV started at FVC > 65%
Management of breathlessness in ALS
- As disease progresses, patients will become increasingly dependent (ie. requiring it for more hours per day) - Opioids for breathlessness, +/- benzos for anxiety with breathlessnesss
- Secretion management
- Chest physio (manual cough, lung volume recruitment)
- Portable suction device
- Mask nebulizer with mucomyst (NAC) to mobilize secretions
Management of insomnia/fatigue in ALS
Insomnia: - Consider underlying causes and treat them (Muscle cramps, pain, resp distress, depression) Meds: - Amitriptyline - Mirtaziapine - Hypnotics
- Modafinal
- Methylphenidate
Pseudobulbar affect manifestations and treatment
- Due to corticobulbar degeneration - inappropriate laughter or crying incongruent to mood
- Educate family/caregivers/patient that patient is unable to control outbursts and do not reflect actual mood
- Dextromethorphan/quinidine combination
- Antidepressants (less evidence) - citalopram and amitriptyline
Parkinson’s Disease - presentation
- Tremor (typically unilateral, resting tremor)
- Rigidity (later, progressive dysphagia)
- Bradykinesia (dyskinesias and dystonias may be painful)
- Postural instability
- Response to levodopa/carbidopa
- Orthostatic hypotension and dysautonomia (typically occurs late)
- Psych symptoms - panic attacks, depression, anxiety
- Dementia is late finding
10-20 years after diagnosis
Multiple Systems Atrophy - Presentation
- Early dysautonomia (orthostatic hypotension, sexual impotence, bladder dysfunction)
- Cerebellar dysfunction
- Extreme forwward neck flexion
- Prominent dysrathria
- 20% respond to levodopa
Progressive Supranuclear palsy (presentation)
- Supranuclear vertical opthalmoplegia
- Early falls, speech, and swallowing disturbances
- Cognitive or behavioural changes
- Rare response to levodopa, though classic parkinsonian symptoms may respond
Corticobasal degeneration (presentation)
- Apraxia
- Cortical sensory changes
- Pronounced asymmetric rigidity
- Limb dystonia
- Negligible response to levodopa