Operations Limitations (Ch. 2 POH) Flashcards
Vne is what speed and what is Vne?
Never exceed speed is the speed limit that may not be exceeded at any time. The airframe is not designed for speeds over this.
Vne = 201 KIAs
Vno is what speed and what is Vno?
Maximum structural cruising speed is the speed that should not be exceeded except in smooth air, and then only with caution.
Vno = 164 KIAs
Vo is what speed and what is Vo?
Maximum operating maneuvering speed for the aircraft.
Vo = 133 for 3,150 lbs or 114 lbs for 2,300
Vg is what speed and what is Vg?
Best Glide Speed is the speed at which the greatest flight distance is attained per unit of altitude lost with power off.
Vg (3,150) = 100
Vg (2,600) = 92
Vfe is what speed and what is Vfe?
What are the two options for Vfe?
Maximum Flap Extended Speed is the highest speed permissible with wing flaps in a prescribed extended position. (50% or 100%)
Vfe (50%) = 150 KIAs
Vfe (100%) = 110 KIAs
Vpd is what speed and what is Vpd?
Maximum Demonstrated Parachute Deployment Speed is the maximum speed at which parachute deployment has been demonstrated.
Vpd = 133
What is Vs0 and what speed is Vs0?
Stalling Speed is the minimum steady flight speed at which the aircraft is controllable in the landing configuration (100%) at the most unfavorable weight and balance.
Vs0 = 62
What is the glide ratio for the SR20?
Height above the ground in feet : Ground Distance in nautical miles
What is Vs1 and what is the speed for Vs1?
Stalling Speed
Vs1 = 71
Vx is what and what is the speed for Vx?
Best angle of climb is the speed at which the airplane will obtain the highest altitude in a given horizontal distance. The best angle of climb speed normally increases slightly with altitude.
Vx = 81
Vy is what what and what speed is Vy?
Best rate of climb speed is the speed at which the airplane will obtain the maximum increase in altitude per unit of time. The best rate of climb speed decreases slightly with altitude.
Vy = 92 - 96
What is the maximum crosswind speed?
20 Kts
What is the speed for a go around?
81 Kts
What is Vref and what speed is Vref?
the reference landing speed, or the minimum speed an aircraft should maintain during the final approach to landing. It’s typically 1.3 times the stall speed in the landing configuration, also known as VS0.
Vref = 78
What is Vr and what speed is Vr?
the speed at which a pilot rotates an aircraft to a takeoff attitude.
Vr = 71
Note: lead the rotation by applying slight back pressure at 69 KIAs
What is a g?
One g is a quantity of acceleration equal to that of earth’s gravity.
Demonstrated Crosswind Velocity
(Definition blurb not numerical value)
The velocity of the crosswind component for which adequate control of the airplane during taxi, takeoff, and landing was demonstrated during certification testing.
Demonstrated crosswind is not considered to be limiting.
Service Ceiling
The definition not the number (17,500)
The maximum altitude at which the aircraft at maximum weight has the capability of climbing at a rate of 100 feet per minute.
Gallons per Hour is the amount of fuel in gallons consumed by the aircraft per hour.
Nautical Miles Per Gallon is the distance in nautical miles which can be expected per gallon of fuel consumed at a specific engine power setting and or flight configuration.