Operant/Instrumental Conditioning (Skinner) Flashcards
Operant conditioning
Refers to kind of learning in which the consequences that follow some behavior increase or decrease the likelihood of that behaviors occurrence in the future.
An instrumental response ( a rat pressing a lever).
Something that increases the likelihood of the behavior.
Positive reinforcement
If desired behavior occurs, add something pleasant.
Negative reinforcement
If desired behavior occurs, take away something unpleasant.
Something that decreases the likelihood of the behavior.
Learned helplessness
Occurs when a subject believes that unpleasant or painful stimuli are inevitable and gives up trying to change the circumstances.
Reinforcing successive steps to reach a desired behavior.
Reinforcing a series of behaviors to get a reward.
Occurs if behavioral response is no longer reinforced.
Schedule of reinforcement
Pattern of reinforcing behavioral responses. There are two main types.
Continuous reinforcement
Reinforcement after every correct response.
Partial reinforcement
Reinforcement after some correct responses. Four main types.
In conditioning, a schedule in which a reinforcer occurs only after a fixed number of responses from the subject.
Reinforcement is given an average amount of time after correct response (Low rates of response).