Module 44 Flashcards
Psychodynamic Perspective
In his clinical practice, Freud encountered patients suffering from nervous disorders whose complaints could not be explained in terms of purely physical causes.
Personality is the result of our efforts to resolve the conflict breeze our aggressive, pleasure seeking impulses and the internalized social restraints against them.
The individuals characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting.
Exploring the unconscious
A reservoir (unconscious mind) of Mosul unacceptable thoughts, wishes, feelings, and memories. Freud asked patients to say whatever came to their mind (free association) to tap the unconscious.
Dream analysis
Another method to analyze the unconscious mind through interpreting the manifest and latent content of dreams.
Latent content
What dreams symbolically means.
Manifest content
What actually was seen in the dream.
The process of free association let to painful, embarrassing unconscious memories. Once these memories were retrieved and released, the patient felt better.
Contains reservoir of unconscious psychic energy.
Strives to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive drives.
Operates on the pleasure principle (demands immediate gratification).
Largely conscious “executive” part of personality.
Mediates among the demands of the Id and superego, and reality.
Ex: baby is hungry and Id responds by crying. Ego has taught baby that it’s need will be met shortly so there’s no need to cry.
The part of the personality that presents internalized ideals. CONSCIENCE.
Provides standards for judgement (the conscience) and for future aspirations.
Represents persons moral code.
Personality structure
Personality develops as a result of our efforts to resolve conflict between our biological, pleasure seeking impulses (Id) and social restraints (superego).
Psychosexual stages
Freud believed that personality formed during life’s first few years divided into psychosexual stages. During the stages, the ids pleasure seeking energies focused on pleasure sensitive body areas called erogenous zones.
Oral stage
Pleasure centers on the mouth, sucking, biting, chewing.
Anal stage
Pleasure focuses on bowel and bladder elimination; coping with demands for control.
Phallic stage
Pleasure zone is the genitals; coping with incestuous sexual feelings.