Module 57 Flashcards
Prejudice provides…
An outlet for anger by providing someone to blame. After 9/11 many people lashed out against innocent Arab Americans.
Simply called, “prejudgment” a prejudice is an unjustifiable NEGATIVE attitude toward a group and its members. Often of different cultural, ethnic, or gender groups.
Emotions (hostility, fear, envy)
Predisposition to act (to discriminate)
Shared biologically transmitted traits deemed “socially significant”
Social roots of prejudice
Social inequalities, social divisions, and emotional scapegoating.
Social inequality
When people have money, power, and prestige, and others do not, prejudice develops. Social inequalities increase prejudice.
Just-world phenomenon
The tendency of people to believe the world is just and people get what they deserve and deserve what they get.
Can be any physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt or destroy whether done reactively out of hostility or proactively as a calculated means to an end.
Biology of aggression
Three levels of biological influences on aggressive behavior are:
Genetic influences
Neural influences
Biochemical influences
Genetic influences
Animals have been bred for aggressiveness - for sport and at times for research. Twin studies show aggression may be genetic. In men, aggression is possibly linked to Y chromosome.
Neural influences
Some centers in the brain, especially in the limbic system and the frontal love are intimately involved with aggression.
Biochemical influences
Animals with finished amounts of testosterone become docile, and if injected with testosterone aggression increases.
Perceived incompatibility of actions, goals, or ideas.
Social trap
A situation in which the conflicting parties, by each rationally perusing their self-interest, become caught in mutually destructive behavior (lose-lose)
The practice of judging others in terms of ones own cultural standards.
Frustration aggression principle
Theory that says aggression is the result of blocking or frustrating, a persons efforts to attain a goal.